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#421 M J W J


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Posted 07 December 2013 - 10:41 AM

Does anyone else think that Stephen Hawking's voice box became self aware years ago and that it is the voice box that has actually being doing all the work?


Maybe it decided to attach itself to a disabled person in attempt that someone would build it a robot arm, therefore being able to build the rest of itself and fulfilling its desire to take over the world.

#422 Grimshaw17


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Posted 07 December 2013 - 11:23 AM

Why do I just go 3 steps back? No steps forwards.  :mmkay:

#423 Grimshaw17


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Posted 07 December 2013 - 11:27 AM

If a banana and an orange had a baby, would it be a orange banana or a yellow orange? 

#424 SecretSugar



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Posted 07 December 2013 - 01:48 PM

What is it that both my passenger doors on my minis won't open by key...!? 

#425 danie garry

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Posted 07 December 2013 - 01:49 PM

What is it that both my passenger doors on my minis won't open by key...!? 

 thought it was just mine, 3 of my minis are the same!

#426 M J W J


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Posted 07 December 2013 - 04:06 PM

What is it that both my passenger doors on my minis won't open by key...!? 


My astra used to be the same. Its not just mini's


Why do I just go 3 steps back? No steps forwards.  :mmkay:


You are facing the wrong way  :proud:.


Despite fox hunting being banned why do we still have hunts, with all their dogs, 4x4's, quad bikes and horses, all of who have no respect for private land or other users?


I had to stop flying my RC plane earlier because the above idiots were going up and down the runway that my club flies off. If I had carried on flying and had hit a horse/dog/person/4x4 I would have very likely killed someone so had no choice but to stop. Considering my club has permission to be there and were there first today I'm not happy.


Before anyone says 'towny' to me I was born and raised in rural shropshire and apart from the 4 years I spent at university have lived my whole life in the country side.

#427 Kieranlee999


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Posted 07 December 2013 - 04:22 PM

would rain fall in a vacuum with not gravity?

#428 M J W J


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Posted 07 December 2013 - 05:06 PM

would rain fall in a vacuum with not gravity?


With no gravity, no it wouldn't fall, it would just sit there as a blob in space.


In just a vacuum it would accelerate downwards on earth at 9.81 m/s^2 until it hits the floor as there is no terminal velocity because of the lack of resistance on the water droplets.

#429 MrBounce


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Posted 07 December 2013 - 05:34 PM

Should I have this much wind after eating 28 Brussels Sprouts last night? :lol:

#430 M J W J


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Posted 07 December 2013 - 05:56 PM

Should I have this much wind after eating 28 Brussels Sprouts last night? :lol:



#431 AVV IT


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Posted 07 December 2013 - 05:59 PM

Despite fox hunting being banned why do we still have hunts, with all their dogs, 4x4's, quad bikes and horses, all of who have no respect for private land or other users?


Because only the chasing and the killing of the fox was actually banned. Sadly the legislation made no mention about over privileged "Hooray Henry" types, poncing about the countryside on horseback, wearing their red coats, and blowing their bugles on a Sunday morning!!


The law is therefore a bit of a joke, partly because of this and partly because it never legalised "hunter hunting" either!! That being the above mentioned red coat wearing individuals are considered "fair game" to be chased and pursued over fields by axe wielding members of the public, who fancy slaying a toff  before a lunchtime pint on a Sunday! Sounds like a bloody good sport to me eh what?

#432 M J W J


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Posted 07 December 2013 - 06:12 PM


Despite fox hunting being banned why do we still have hunts, with all their dogs, 4x4's, quad bikes and horses, all of who have no respect for private land or other users?


Because only the chasing and the killing of the fox was actually banned. Sadly the legislation made no mention about over privileged "Hooray Henry" types, poncing about the countryside on horseback, wearing their red coats, and blowing their bugles on a Sunday morning!!


The law is therefore a bit of a joke, partly because of this and partly because it never legalised "hunter hunting" either!! That being the above mentioned red coat wearing individuals are considered "fair game" to be chased and pursued over fields by axe wielding members of the public, who fancy slaying a toff  before a lunchtime pint on a Sunday! Sounds like a bloody good sport to me eh what?



Maybe we should plant IED's in our runway for the next time they come down our runway without permission.


The people on the hunt today weren't wearing red. Does that mean we are allowed to hunt them? We did see a hare legging it across the field today to get away from the hunt. It got away from them. I'm not against killing animals and eating them but I don't see the necessity to send a pack of dogs after a big rabbit just to scare it.


I still like my friend and I's suggestion about bringing fox hunting into the cities. Baseball bats, bmxs, mini motos, camoflauge trousers with hoodies, bull terriers and the added challenge of getting back before curfew and your tag starts bleeping.

#433 M J W J


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Posted 08 December 2013 - 05:31 PM

Do you ever think the human brain will develop enough so that we will be able to detect the individual frames in a TV program or film therefore making it necessary for the frame rate in films and TV to be increased?

#434 Grimshaw17


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Posted 08 December 2013 - 07:12 PM

Why do all the gobby children ride scooters where I live?  :mmkay: 

How many minutes of my life have I lost waiting for my pint of rattler to be poured?  :D The guy behind the bar said this to me last night

#435 sledgehammer


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Posted 08 December 2013 - 09:12 PM

Do you ever think the human brain will develop enough so that we will be able to detect the individual frames in a TV program or film therefore making it necessary for the frame rate in films and TV to be increased?

is it 25 fps for a human to not get a flicker ?


strangely - (quote from steven fry) ...


To keep alive in the wild, a pigeon needs to keep its eyes open for predators. Having eyes on the side of its head gives it a field of view of 340 degrees and, in order to fly at speed, its brain can process visual information three times faster than a human's. If a pigeon watched a feature film, 24 frames per second would appear to it like a slide presentation. They would need at least 75 frames per second to create the illusion of movement on screen. (This is why pigeons seem to leave it until the very last second to fly out of the way of an oncoming car: it appears much less fast to them.)

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