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#406 Grimshaw17


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Posted 05 December 2013 - 10:54 PM

I know just waiting for the right moment, probably will be going for a few drinks tomorrow night, so shall do it then  :D  

#407 SecretSugar



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Posted 05 December 2013 - 10:55 PM

You have got a trip to see the hobbit to lose? Meh...if all else fails, watch it on netflix or order the dvd...


Ask her after the hobbit then :D

#408 Grimshaw17


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Posted 05 December 2013 - 10:58 PM

Ah booked tickets to go see it with said person, so I guess we could say all is going well XD


Back on topic:


Why do we depend so much on social networking?


#409 SecretSugar



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Posted 05 December 2013 - 11:00 PM

Why do we depend so much on social networking?


I hate social networking so I don't really depend on it...lol 



Ah booked tickets to go see it with said person, so I guess we could say all is going well XD



Let me know how it goes! :) 

#410 M J W J


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Posted 05 December 2013 - 11:13 PM

A woman my dad worked with (his company's receptionist) got engaged to some guy. About 2 weeks before the wedding he called it all off but as they couldn't get a refund on the honeymoon they both still went on it. Other than sitting next to each other on the plane and seeing each other first and last thing at night in the hotel room they didn't interact for a whole two weeks. After that they never saw each other.


My point is that you can still go see the hobbit by yourself if all goes wrong.


Why is it you can never find quite the right bolt you are after? I need an M6 that is about 40mm long for something at the minute. Everything bolt I can find in my garage (and its lot trust me, I have M30 stuff lying around) is either too large in diameter, not long enough or is an imperial thread.

#411 Spud_133


    mmm potato and cheese....

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Posted 05 December 2013 - 11:17 PM

Ok it's extremely sad that Nelson Mandela has passed away, but is there any need to have updates every half an hour on r1? What possible updates can there be? Other than the world leaders marking there respects, but that can be done on any bulletin.

Should really go to sleep I suppose

#412 Spud_133


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Posted 05 December 2013 - 11:22 PM

Following on from the above, last Christmas I brought the ex two tickets for nitro circus live, obviously one each, and I'd forgotten about it until I got reminded about a month before, and I had people, including her mum and step dad tell me to take someone else, but I couldn't do that to her, it was her present, and just because we weren't together doesn't mean we couldn't enjoy the night. Take a brave pill , or Dutch courage and ask her :P

#413 M J W J


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Posted 05 December 2013 - 11:24 PM

Ok it's extremely sad that Nelson Mandela has passed away, but is there any need to have updates every half an hour on r1? What possible updates can there be? Other than the world leaders marking there respects, but that can be done on any bulletin.

Should really go to sleep I suppose


He comes back to life? Unlikely but would make one hell of a news story.


My condolences to his family.

#414 jmmini


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Posted 06 December 2013 - 03:39 AM


Does she actually like me  >_<

probably ask her :)
I lack the confidence  :shy:

Run at her doing a windmill and if no police get involved then she likes you XD

Disclaimer- I shall not bail you if it fails

#415 M J W J


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Posted 06 December 2013 - 11:40 AM

How disappointed am I now that I found out that no-one actually makes a pokebra, they are just white ones that someone has coloured in with a couple of sharpies?

#416 SecretSugar



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Posted 06 December 2013 - 01:29 PM

This thing? http://www.ebay.co.u...ml?_nkw=pokebra

#417 SecretSugar



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Posted 06 December 2013 - 01:34 PM

Why do people (mostly family) nag you to get ready and hurry up because they are ready to go out...then once ready, its then that they decide they need to do their hair, go to the loo, find a coat...etc. Couldn't they do this whilst i was getting ready?!

#418 M J W J


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Posted 06 December 2013 - 01:41 PM


Yeah but that one is just one someone has coloured in (like they all are). I was hoping that they were massed produced so the chances of some girl taking her top off in front of me and shouting "I choose you!" just for the comedy value, would be slightly better.

#419 M J W J


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Posted 06 December 2013 - 01:48 PM

Why do people (mostly family) nag you to get ready and hurry up because they are ready to go out...then once ready, its then that they decide they need to do their hair, go to the loo, find a coat...etc. Couldn't they do this whilst i was getting ready?!


My dad does that. He also won't take someone's word that a door is locked so he always spends time going round our house checking every one is locked when we have already checked them causing us to be late. 

#420 M J W J


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Posted 06 December 2013 - 06:11 PM

One from out intern.


Is there a parallel universe where giant bananas eat humans and leave the skins on the floor for other giant bananas to fall over on?


I think I have just found the answer to our interns question.



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