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Random Thought Of The Day

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#376 M J W J


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Posted 02 December 2013 - 12:27 AM


Why does advent chocolate taste better than normal chocolate??

Too right I'm on day 13 already


Were advent calendars really too difficult for kids to find the numbers in order?


Opened mine today and number 1 was the top most left one. Number 2 is just to the right, number three just to the right of that and so on. 

#377 Spud_133


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Posted 02 December 2013 - 07:49 AM

That's pretty poor really, I like looking for it. Easter egg chocolate is another one which is good!

#378 M J W J


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Posted 03 December 2013 - 03:09 PM

When people go to the bank, why can't they have their paperwork ready before they get in the cue for the cashier.


Had to wait around for two old dears as they rummaged through their shopping trolley thing to find their paperwork. All they wanted was to withdraw money. Saying that. My next question. Why can't old people use cash points?


Something that did make me laugh. There was a woman at the front of the que asking for £100 worth of 10ps. The cashier asked if she was sure as that it was a lot of coins. The woman said yes so the cashier proceeded to find £100. Once the cashier handed them across to the woman the woman complained that the bag they were in was really heavy. You don't say.


The woman in front of me was served by the other cashier so once the woman with the 10p's left I was served. When the cashier asked if there was anything else, I couldn't help myself and asked "have you got any 10p's?". The cashier was not impressed.


The best part was that the first thing the woman in the que behind me said to the same cashier without any hesitation was "have you got any 10p's?" Only the british public could be that sarcastic.

#379 Grimshaw17


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Posted 03 December 2013 - 06:48 PM

Why do I always get some numpty sat in the outside lane before I have to cross over to get home!

#380 M J W J


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Posted 03 December 2013 - 09:00 PM

Why do I always get some numpty sat in the outside lane before I have to cross over to get home!


Edited. I got my lanes confused. My driving instructor used to hate me for mixing up my lefts and rights


Why can't people check to their sides when they change lanes or come off roundabouts? Had some a****** almost smash into the side of my vectra today. Not what I wanted after only owning it 3 days.

Edited by M J W J, 03 December 2013 - 10:08 PM.

#381 Spud_133


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Posted 03 December 2013 - 10:22 PM

Why can't some people read the road?

Why are some people in that much of a rush they have to blast past whilst I'm coming in and out of sites?

Why do people not realise that an 8 wheeler tipper can't turn on a 6 pence?

Why do people sit so close that I can't see them in my mirrors?

Why do some lorry drivers not have the patience, or think about what they're doing and think it's ok to go over the curb, I know sometimes you can't help it, but pulling out of a junction, with nothing coming the other way is inexcusable really!

That's enough ranting for tonight I think!

#382 ShaunaFTW


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Posted 03 December 2013 - 10:40 PM

Will I ever have enough car cleaning products? 

#383 Grimshaw17


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Posted 04 December 2013 - 12:09 AM


Why do I always get some numpty sat in the outside lane before I have to cross over to get home!


Edited. I got my lanes confused. My driving instructor used to hate me for mixing up my lefts and rights


Why can't people check to their sides when they change lanes or come off roundabouts? Had some a****** almost smash into the side of my vectra today. Not what I wanted after only owning it 3 days.


It happens to me everyday on the way home, nobody seems to indicate correctly on roundabouts either! 

#384 SecretSugar



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Posted 04 December 2013 - 12:26 AM



Why do I always get some numpty sat in the outside lane before I have to cross over to get home!


Edited. I got my lanes confused. My driving instructor used to hate me for mixing up my lefts and rights


Why can't people check to their sides when they change lanes or come off roundabouts? Had some a****** almost smash into the side of my vectra today. Not what I wanted after only owning it 3 days.


It happens to me everyday on the way home, nobody seems to indicate correctly on roundabouts either! 


Same here. Another thing what gets to me is when they don't get in lane properly. Often there has been times where someone is on the outside labe to go straight ahead and instead of following the roundabout lane round the outside they cut straight across causing me to nearly swerve onto the roundabout. Vice versa also when I'm on outside lane wanting to go straight ahead and someone in right hand lane takes roundabout wide.

#385 M J W J


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Posted 04 December 2013 - 09:35 AM

I used to think it was people who just bullied me out the way as I drove a mini but have since learnt that there are a lot of people who just can't drive. My mondeo, vectra, astra and escort have all be much bigger and visible than a mini yet people still cut me up at times.


Why do cars sit along side artics that are indicating left, waiting to pull onto a roundabout? Where do you think the back end of the trailer is going to go? I never sit along side lorrys for obvious reasons yet I get idiots pull up behind me and honk as I won't move forward. There is a reason I'm not.

#386 Spud_133


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Posted 04 December 2013 - 10:38 AM

I would say you drive in a defensive manner if you get a lot of people pull out on you, I tend to drive aggressively, and make people's mind up for them, tends to help and stop people taking advantage

#387 Grimshaw17


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Posted 04 December 2013 - 11:12 AM

Why do some lorry drivers not have the patience, or think about what they're doing and think it's ok to go over the curb, I know sometimes you can't help it, but pulling out of a junction, with nothing coming the other way is inexcusable really!

This! I Have to stop on the A38 in order to turn down a country lane towards my mums house, the oncoming traffic is on a bend so you have to be really careful and to the left is a embankment. As I stop on the line there is a gap big enough for a Mondeo to get through, however the other day out of nowhere a lorry flew past going up onto the bank and around me, he carried on with his trailer skipping along behind him! Safe to say I pooped a little.

#388 silver_toes


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Posted 04 December 2013 - 11:42 AM

Why do people (older ladies) take so long to get their money out of their bag once the bus arrives at the bus stop.

They could've used the 5 minutes they've just been waiting for the bus to get the correct change out of their purses and be ready to board the bus.


Why do older people go to the post office at lunchtime. If you're retired you can go any time of the day. A thing I've often mused on when thinking of this is, as an old person you would have less time to live before you die. Knowing you have less time, why would you want to spend a greater percentage of it standing in a queue pointlessly ?

#389 M J W J


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Posted 04 December 2013 - 12:03 PM

I would say you drive in a defensive manner if you get a lot of people pull out on you, I tend to drive aggressively, and make people's mind up for them, tends to help and stop people taking advantage


Its not so much people pulling out in front of me that is the problem but people who tend to side swipe me by not looking directly to their side. I do about 20,000 miles a year so its probably just due to the time that I spend on the road is why I come across idiots like this.


When it comes to roundabouts and everyone has stopped to give the other person right of way, I tend to pull forward and make everyone's mind up.

#390 xrocketengineer


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Posted 04 December 2013 - 06:45 PM

I used to think it was people who just bullied me out the way as I drove a mini but have since learnt that there are a lot of people who just can't drive. My mondeo, vectra, astra and escort have all be much bigger and visible than a mini yet people still cut me up at times.


Why do cars sit along side artics that are indicating left, waiting to pull onto a roundabout? Where do you think the back end of the trailer is going to go? I never sit along side lorrys for obvious reasons yet I get idiots pull up behind me and honk as I won't move forward. There is a reason I'm not.

To prove your point......


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