You are so right,LOL
Posted 19 November 2013 - 06:56 AM
You are so right,LOL
Posted 19 November 2013 - 09:22 AM
AVV IT. You aren't a snob. You speaketh the truth.
Not a lot I can do about it. All I hope is that people will see the other 118 transaction and the comment I left
Posted 19 November 2013 - 03:37 PM
Posted 19 November 2013 - 03:51 PM
Why did it say, one a vets signs, parking for clients only, surely the clients can't drive? Surely the clients owners can, but when was the last time you saw a Doberman driving?
Not seen a doberman driving but there is some right dogs driving round here
Posted 19 November 2013 - 06:17 PM
Why did it say, one a vets signs, parking for clients only, surely the clients can't drive? Surely the clients owners can, but when was the last time you saw a Doberman driving?
Isn't it the owner that pays though so they are the client? They are paying for service of the vet to look at the animal.
Posted 20 November 2013 - 02:01 AM
Why did it say, one a vets signs, parking for clients only, surely the clients can't drive? Surely the clients owners can, but when was the last time you saw a Doberman driving?
In New Zealand, dogs drive MINIs......
Posted 21 November 2013 - 09:56 PM
Why do woman wear high heel on a night out? Alcohol makes people unsteady on their feet as it is. Adding a pair of stilettos to the equation is no going to help things is it?
People say if you can roller blade you can ice skate. Has anyone tried roller blading on an ice rink?
Posted 21 November 2013 - 10:03 PM
Why do woman wear high heel on a night out? Alcohol makes people unsteady on their feet as it is. Adding a pair of stilettos to the equation is no going to help things is it?
I agree with you! I was in A&E one night with my fella and unfortunately it was a Saturday night, one (plastered) lass who came in with a swollen ankle apparently fell down some steps. I didn't think much of it until her friend tottered in and passed her her shoes and I'm not kidding, they were at least 6/7 inches high! I muttered "I'm not surprised she fell down steps with those things"
Posted 21 November 2013 - 10:24 PM
Plus after a couple of hours they moan that their feet hurt!!
Posted 21 November 2013 - 11:03 PM
Plus after a couple of hours they moan that their feet hurt!!
Very true. You either end up giving a girl a piggy back or she walks back bare foot.
This happened to me last year except I was nice and leant a girl my converse. I walked back bare foot and ended up cutting my foot on broken glass on the road. Turns out she was a lesbian (quite a few of us were stunned when we found out) so my act of "kindness" was for NOTHING!!!
That, getting punched to the floor in a club and being the person to break up an argument between friends is the reason why I am spending this new years in my garage working on the mini this year. It will still probably result in an argument though.
How come sometimes I can put my insulin pen in myself without it hurting yet when I pull it out I draw blood and other times it hurts when I put it in and there is nothing (10 points if you can guess what I've just done)?
Posted 22 November 2013 - 11:24 PM
What's the point of duvet cover's? Why didn't they just invent duvets that had a thicker outer cloth and could be washed? You wouldn't then have to then buy a duvet and a set of covers. It would all just be in one.
Why is my Aunt trying to justify art degrees and doctorates with stupid titles? By all means study and research into what you want but if you are going to university be realistic and study something that is likely to get you a job that gets you a pay packet at the end of the month.
I realise this is going to cause controversy, but as I quickly learnt when applying for jobs, a business does not care about your qualifications. They only care whether or not you can do the job. If you do a subject, learn skills and gain a qualification that few/no jobs need then its kind of pointless.
Case in point. As much as I mock and be little product designers (the colourinerers as we used to refer to them in the Mech Eng department at my uni) at least its a subject that has a practical and marketable use and you can get a job in it that pays.
Discuss my minions...
Posted 23 November 2013 - 01:50 PM
I don't believe in people doing degrees, for the sake of degrees. In my opinion, there are far too many people who believe that you HAVE to go to university, and that you will definitely get a job once you leave, this was on the radio this week, people just expect to get a degree and walk into a degree, which is just wrong. I'd rather have done what I have, and have been earning money, and saving, rather than have a huge cloud of debt, hanging over me, and a degree which I wont use.
Might have repeated myself, having a struggle to word what I'm trying to say today.
Posted 23 November 2013 - 02:54 PM
My best friend went to uni and did a degree in film making or some tripe. Needless to say he was 15k in debt, and now works in a popular holiday park. The only film related job he got was doing basement work for granada. I find some jobs can frown upon degrees because you are over qualified but I feel in any job, its not what you have on paper what speaks volumes, its what experience you have behind you.
Posted 23 November 2013 - 04:39 PM
Its nice to know that my doctor has a medical degree and that when I walk into a building that the person who designed it is qualified to a level where they can say that it is not going to fall over.
If there is a realistic chance that you will get a job in it then by all means study a subject however if you (media studies students) are more than likely to end up stacking shelves at the supermarket then don't waste your time.
My aunt got annoyed at me last night when she gave an example of something (some bs topic in my mind) someone studied to become a doctor. I asked 'but can they turn a profit out of it?'. She said that not everyone studies something to make money from it. That's fine but at the end of the day you have to make a living somehow so if you spend 3 years at university to study something and then not get a job in that field then its kind of pointless.
Following on from what Spud said. I know a few people who are academically far smarter than I am but put them in front of a lathe (they are mechanical engineers like myself) and they are useless. They argue that that is what technicians are for but I have always found engineers that understand how to produce a prototype tend to be able to design things better.
Posted 23 November 2013 - 06:02 PM
why does my wee smell like sugar puffs?
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