Also known as a scouse socket set. I call it percussive maintenance and is 100% effective. Think of it this way, if its broke and you hit it there are two outcomes. It stays broke in which case you have lost nothing or by some miracle it is fixed then you are a winner. Either way you can't loseI am enlightenedRound here its known as a Birmingham, screwdriverAnd a hammer.No need for curtain rails, god gave us nails to sort all these little problems. And gaffer taper and WD40, most things in life sortedJust walked through the dining hall and had one of these thoughts, well...
What would happen if no-one had invented curtain rails? There would just be curtains all over the floor. It would be mad. Or would then then just be rugs? And would we need rugs if there was no curtain poles?
This stuff is greater than us all
And yup, gaffer tape... to fix what you've just broke when fixing it with the hammer.
I often like to call it the persuasion stick.
Jmmini - Your sig, I knew I've seen it somewhere before.. I've also become part of the "Mini Punch" game ..