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#2176 Quinlan minor

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Posted 31 January 2021 - 07:14 PM




Petrol Stations used to be the same. Motorcyclists used to have to take their helmets off. Now they can leave them on.


Please be advises that motorbike customers are no longer automatically being asked to remove their helmets when refuelling, as we know that you have to be 16 or over to ride one.


mjwj is correct. 


They could, by all means, ask.

They could ask me to take my clothes off, too, but it was never going to happen.


Esso tried to suggest that "certain Police Forces" had told them to require removal of helmets but, when challenged, they amended their website to read thus:


  "Service station staff are required by law to supervise the forecourt to ensure the safety and security of customers and staff. They are also required to check that anyone using a fuel pump is at least 16 years of age - the minimum age for buying petrol. Consequently, staff may want to visually check customers before authorising the pump to dispense fuel."


I have never stood for this crap and don't intend to start.



#2177 Maccmike8


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Posted 31 January 2021 - 07:25 PM

mjwj said they used to ask, you then said hes incorrect and and quoted a passage that agreed with mjwjs statement in that the garages no longer ask ie they used to.

So hes right, they used to ask, thats all Im highlighting.


They used to ask for the biker to remove the helmet/lift the flip when filling up as a minority would leave without paying and on false plates the garage had no way of retrieving payment or providing an effective report.

Some over zealous staff would ask them to remove them when in the shop which was done under the prevent a robbery argument but this went up the wall when understandably people wanted equality with certain religious bodies.

#2178 Quinlan minor

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Posted 31 January 2021 - 07:48 PM

mjwj said they used to ask, you then said hes incorrect and and quoted a passage that agreed with mjwjs statement in that the garages no longer ask ie they used to.

So hes right, they used to ask, thats all Im highlighting.


mjwj didn't write "they used to ask", but actually wrote "Motorcyclists used to have to take their helmets off."


That is incorrect, they did not have to.

Done with this, now, it's a pointless argument.

Edited by Quinlan minor, 31 January 2021 - 07:49 PM.

#2179 Maccmike8


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Posted 31 January 2021 - 08:18 PM


mjwj said they used to ask, you then said hes incorrect and and quoted a passage that agreed with mjwjs statement in that the garages no longer ask ie they used to.

So hes right, they used to ask, thats all Im highlighting.


mjwj didn't write "they used to ask", but actually wrote "Motorcyclists used to have to take their helmets off."


That is incorrect, they did not have to.

Done with this, now, it's a pointless argument.



Having once briefly worked at a petrol station whilst at Uni, at the time, for me to turn the pump on, helmets had to be removed. Whether he/she or we had the rights to doesnt matter, helmet on = no fuel.

#2180 Quinlan minor

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Posted 01 March 2021 - 08:48 AM

Is this stuff still available?

Attached Files

#2181 Itsaminithing


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Posted 01 March 2021 - 10:18 AM

An essential part for maintaining a British classic car....




#2182 xrocketengineer


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Posted 01 March 2021 - 01:45 PM

I thought that the original Lucas smoke was blue!

#2183 panky


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Posted 01 March 2021 - 02:05 PM

Obviously not genuine, probably made in the far east and will last as long as their steering rack boots

#2184 M J W J


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Posted 16 March 2021 - 10:52 PM

Has anybody else noticed that Miffy from Miffy and friends looks just like the rabbit in the suicide bunny comics?

What went so wrong in Miffy's life that she decided to end it all?

#2185 M J W J


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Posted 30 March 2021 - 08:13 AM

If you were to get arrested, having never committed a crime before so the police have no record of you, you have no ID, say absolutely nothing and no-one identifies you what would happen?

I imagine you wouldn't be released, and held until your trial but then how would the CPS deal with you? Would they assign you an identification?

#2186 M J W J


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Posted 01 April 2021 - 12:09 PM

In the northern hemisphere around Christmas you will often see Christmas cards that depict wintery scenes full of snow (and yes I know snow at Christmas is popularised by Charles Dickens).

In the southern hemisphere do you have cards that depict summer? E.g. Santa in swim shorts and a pair of sunglasses rather than a red fury coat and boots.

Edited by M J W J, 30 May 2021 - 09:25 AM.

#2187 mister bridger

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Posted 01 April 2021 - 03:53 PM

In the northern hemisphere around Christmas you will often see Christmas cards that depict wintery scenes full of snow (and yes I know snow at Christmas is popularised by Charles Dickens).

In the southern hemisphere do you have cards that depict summer? E.g. Santa in swim shorts and a pair of sunglasses rather than a red fury coat and boats.

My brother used to live in Oman in the Middle East and I visited a few times round Xmas. The shopping malls were full of Santas, sleighs and fake snow - in the desert. And you wouldn't have guessed it was a Muslim country!

#2188 M J W J


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Posted 09 April 2021 - 10:03 PM

There are a lot of programs on TV tonight about Prince Philip. My god the TV networks were quick with them.

A little too quick perhaps...

#2189 mister bridger

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Posted 10 April 2021 - 11:57 AM

There are a lot of programs on TV tonight about Prince Philip. My god the TV networks were quick with them.

A little too quick perhaps...

Networks have these sort of programmes made well in advance for just about every major figure so they can be trotted out at the right time. It was overkill though! What was the point in BBC1 & 2 showing the EXACT same programmes simultaneously?

#2190 Quinlan minor

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Posted 10 April 2021 - 12:30 PM

What was the point in BBC1 & 2 showing the EXACT same programmes simultaneously?

BBC 4, too!

Radio 4 Extra parroting Radio 4 telling us the guy was (still) dead, for hours and hours!

What on earth makes his death any more remarkable than anyone else's?

Did the royals pay for the BBC? If so, where did my licence fee go?


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