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Random Thought Of The Day

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#2041 M J W J


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Posted 20 May 2018 - 10:09 AM

At what point will I learn not to buy stuff from argos.

My suitcase broke while I'm here in Japan. I have to buy another to get my stuff home so won't be bringing the broken one home. Argos keep telling me I have to bring the broken one back to get a refund.

Right... You want me to pay £65 to bring back a broken, empty suitcase so you can refund me £27. Not going to happen Argos.

Still expect my money back after the wheel broke and case split 500 yards outside of Shinjuku station on day one of my trip.

#2042 Itsaminithing


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Posted 20 May 2018 - 03:25 PM

If your camera has an inbuilt date stamp take a picture showing the damage to the suitcase with Shinjuku station in the background.

Otherwise a picture with the damaged suitcase, Shinjuku station, & a newspaper with a legible date on it.

#2043 M J W J


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Posted 20 May 2018 - 10:21 PM

If your camera has an inbuilt date stamp take a picture showing the damage to the suitcase with Shinjuku station in the background.
Otherwise a picture with the damaged suitcase, Shinjuku station, & a newspaper with a legible date on it.

Yep. Took at photo ad soon as I got to the hotel after it happened.

Used argos live chat and was told if I wanted a refund I'd have to return the faulty item. I told them if they want to pay the £65 to take a second bag home they are welcome to pay it. I was told to send photos and I'd need to talk to the store I bought it off. It would be at their discretion whether or not to issue a refund without the case being returned.

#2044 M J W J


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Posted 22 May 2018 - 12:27 PM

Dear Japan. Please correct your traffic light sequence. You are missing an amber light.

I've noticed over the last few days that the traffic lights go straight from red to green. There is no red and amber stage like we have in the UK.

Also where are your hand dryers Japan? None of the public toilets I have used have them or paper towels.

Edited by M J W J, 22 May 2018 - 12:28 PM.

#2045 M J W J


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Posted 23 May 2018 - 02:58 PM

Apologies to our American friends on here but what is it with your tourists. You can tell an American tourist from a mile off by the way they behave.

Case in point. Yesterday I was at mt Fuji. The guy in front of me in the que was American and was having a bit of a go at the person serving him who, being Japanese, didn't fully understand him. When it came to my turn to being served I said "Gomenasai" pointing at the American, followed by "Igirisu" pointing at myself. The guy serving me nodded and smiled at me which I take for "yes I understand your English not American". Later on I accidentally stepped backwards into the same American guy while taking a picture and immediately without thinking said Gomenasai. The American guy proceed to have ago at me assuming I had insulted him. I defaulted to British sarcasm and replied with "Ego ga hanase mas ka?" meaning do you speak English in Japanese.

Seriously. Have the decency to learn some basics of the language of the country you are visiting (e.g. Yes, no, thank you, please, sorry, hello, good bye, 1-10) and don't assume the locals will understand you. You are not in your own country. My Japanese is limited but was good enough to order myself beer, ask the waitress to choose me something for dinner as I couldn't read the menu, answer her question of how long I will be in Japan, when I arrived, to say the steak was delicious and to ask for the bill tonight. At least I made an effort.

This was more a rant than random thought but top gear has made similar observations in the past.

While I'm at it. What A**hole blew the engine up in the AE86 I was supposed to drive today? I've been looking forward to that for months. Had to settle for an R32 GTR instead.

#2046 M J W J


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Posted 26 May 2018 - 01:07 PM

I tried going to an Onsen today. That's a weird experience although quite relaxing.

Shame it's the one place I couldn't claim it was cold.

#2047 Itsaminithing


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Posted 31 May 2018 - 07:32 AM

The end of the world was predicted when the Mayan Calendar ended on the 21st Dec 2012.

My calendar ends on 31st Dec 2018.... should i be worried?

#2048 johnR


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Posted 31 May 2018 - 09:13 AM


#2049 greenwheels


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Posted 31 May 2018 - 05:08 PM

I'd throw that calendar away if I was you. The world will end when it's ready and knowing when it will end only means you will worry about it. Anyway it's not as if you could use the information profitably by, for example, liquidising all your assets to cash because there won't be anywhere to spend the cash - unless you know something the rest of us don't know.


Thinking about it though - why do the Scots celebrate Hogmanay so much, has somebody convinced them the world will end when their calendar does? Do they have a bank holiday on January the first so they can all get over the fact that they are still here? My Dad was a Scot, I should have asked him.

Edited by greenwheels, 31 May 2018 - 05:10 PM.

#2050 M J W J


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Posted 02 June 2018 - 09:49 PM

Has anyone else ever been tempted, when walking out of an airport, to go up to someone with a sign and say that they are the person?

Anyone else thought about going to an airport arrivals with a sign with a random name on it and seeing who comes up to you?

#2051 Mini-dude


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Posted 11 June 2018 - 07:42 PM

Has anyone else ever been tempted, when walking out of an airport, to go up to someone with a sign and say that they are the person?

Anyone else thought about going to an airport arrivals with a sign with a random name on it and seeing who comes up to you?

Never thought about it until now, now I am tempted to do it lol. What are the lightest mini you guys ever seen? I saw one on Facebook that was quoted at 400kg build by Roger Gage, if that weight is true i must say that is impressive.

Edited by Mini-dude, 11 June 2018 - 07:59 PM.

#2052 M J W J


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Posted 13 June 2018 - 09:21 PM

Has the world run out of parcel tape? I've not been able to buy any, anywhere for the last couple of weeks.

#2053 M J W J


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Posted 16 June 2018 - 09:27 PM

Can a snail survive without its shell?

One courtesy of my mate Whit. How many people in the UK daily drive a stretched Limo? He asked this as he is looking for a new car and I sent him the link to a stretched Omega that is for sale near me. I joked he should buy it so all of us on my mates stag do can travel up to Blackpool in it.

#2054 Itsaminithing


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Posted 06 August 2018 - 08:58 AM

The Difference Between Intelligence & Wisdom:


Someone with Intelligence can stand on a railway track & by the vibrations of the rails & the sound of a train calculate the speed of the train, it's mass, its horse power & it's torque.

Someone with Wisdom doesn't stand on railway tracks.... & doesn't get hit by a train.

#2055 happydude2012


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Posted 06 August 2018 - 12:26 PM

i know a couple of mini guys who have trouble meeting / retaining women - both in their 40s/50s maybe its the car coming first thing in some cases.

Maybe there should be a classic mini /classic car dating site - get on with creating it MJWJ

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