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Random Thought Of The Day

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#1921 M J W J


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Posted 12 December 2015 - 10:15 PM

Will the fridge freezer I ordered today actually turn up? The last one didn't thanks to argos. I've had to reorder it off someone else.


While I'm on hypothetical questions.


Why do Argos, after not delivering my fridge freezer on the day they said I would and had to take a day off work for, offer me a fridge freezer that is larger in overall size so won't fit in the intended space but yet is smaller in capacity, have a different ratio split between the fridge and freezer compartments, offer me a cheaper make, change the colour and offer a replacement that has a drinks chiller in the door which I can tell you from experience seams a great idea for about the first month you have it but after a while becomes irritating as you realise you have had to sacrifice door space where you milk would normally go and you have to keep filling it up, then expect me to say "yes thats fine" when they ask me. NO ITS NOT!


I then have to drive back to the store I order it from to get a refund because they can't do it over the phone. I have been given nothing in the way of compensation due to having to drive to the store or the fact I have lost a days holiday.


I'd advise everyone to stay the hell clear of argos when having to have things delivered.

#1922 Ben_O


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Posted 13 December 2015 - 02:10 PM

Argos have always delivered everything i have ever ordered on time and the correct item too.


Come to think of it, everyone i know that has ordered from them has had good experiences.


It's a shame you had a bad experience but unfortunately these things happen from time to time

#1923 sledgehammer


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Posted 13 December 2015 - 02:39 PM

got a vac from argos - had a load of dust / fluff in it


Argos = random second hand shop


it went straight back & I got a new one else where

#1924 mini93


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Posted 19 December 2015 - 08:15 PM

You can always seem to identify an elderly driver, when you pull up behind their car.


Why do they always seem to own one of these... (or similar)



So my main thought was... why do they need a car with extra head room? Especially when they're usualy there super short... are they all driving around in top hats? Just need the extra room to protect their perm incase they do some off-roading and start going over some yumps?

#1925 M J W J


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Posted 29 December 2015 - 09:56 PM

Why do Argos/homebase think it is acceptable to ring someone at 8:32 in the morning on Christmas Day?

This was to arrange delivery for an item that I had already twice arranged a delivery time only for it not to show up and then decides to cancel.

I then get a random text message two days ago to say it will be delivered between 7:00 and 9:00am the next day forcing me to cut my visit to my parents short. It has turned up (despite telling them I wanted to cancel the order) but I've discovered today while trying to assemble it, two parts are damaged, I'm missing two screws to assemble a drawer and one off those turn lock things used in flat pack furniture is missing.

After an angry phone call I have been told I will need to go back to the store where I ordered the items from to get replacement parts yet when they missed delivery times and I asked if the furniture could be delivered to store so I could pick it up I was told no.


#1926 Ben_O


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Posted 30 December 2015 - 03:28 PM

Why do they manufacturer HD televisions with built in SD Freeview?



#1927 M J W J


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Posted 02 February 2016 - 10:05 PM

Why can't NHS departments talk to each other? There are various reasons why I ask this.


I turned up for a foot examination due to my diabetes only to be told because I have moved and no longer live in the area I need to go to a different doctors and they wouldn't see me. I've moved from north Shropshire to Telford and Wrekin. I've moved about 10 miles and changed council although have not changed hospital. I rang them two days before hand when I got a reminder text message to ask if I was still to turn up as I had moved and was told yes. When I arrived at the doctors they told me I couldn't be seen. I told them that I had rang to check and was told to attend. They found the nurse who I had spoken to who told me, 'I'm sorry we realised our mistake yesterday, you shouldn't have come for this appointment'. I asked had it not occurred to them to ring me only to be told that they didn't have my number. Someone in the NHS does as I received a text message to remind me to attend. Better still as my appointment had been cancelled their was a free half our slot where the consultant was just waiting around for their next patient. Why couldn't they see me and either fax, e-mail or give me the necessary report to take to my new doctors.


Two days later I received another letter saying I missed my appointment and that a new one had been scheduled.


To get my prescription from my new doctors I had to make an appointment so they could make sure I still needed it. I am type one diabetic. Unless there is a cure that has been created in the last few weeks that I don't know about I am fairly sure I am going to need a repeat prescription. Nevertheless I made an appointment, explaining why I needed it when I made it, to see a doctor at the surgery. I meet with my doctor and explain I am type 1 diabetic. Afterwards I try to place a prescription only to be phoned up the next day and be told I need to see a doctor so they can make sure I need the repeat prescription. Errr... hang on a minute. Haven't I just done this? No apparently not, so I have to make another appointment as I am not allowed to do it over the phone. I go to the appointment only for my new doctor to look up the items on the repeat prescription slip from my last doctors on his system and re-issue them. Why was this not done at the first appointment. No blood tests or other physically examinations done, no other questions, checking of id to make sure I am the person I say I am or asking to see the insulin I am on. A phone call to either myself, my previous doctors or my consultant to the hospital of which I still have to go to now despite moving would have sufficed. I even gave the doctor's surgery a repeat prescription slip when I signed up because they asked for it.


In the last month the NHS has successfully wasted about 1 hour 30 minutes of various doctors and consultants time (not to mention about 5hours of mine and the company I work for due to having to leave early/go in late to appointments) , a phone call, two text messages, three letters and 5 cartridges of the wrong insulin just to top things off because they are not allowed to make a phone call and have to see me personally instead. Its no wonder doctors work such long hours and the NHS is so in debt.


Other none NHS related questions.


How come the fuel light always comes on when you have just driven past a petrol station?


How come my boiler always seams to kick in about 2 minutes before I leave for work (and its on a thermostat before anyone says about a timer)?

#1928 M J W J


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Posted 04 February 2016 - 09:12 PM

For no particular reason I decided to google awkward joke valentines day cars and after laughing my head off at one (<On the front of the car> "Don't feel sad that you have no-one to love you on Valentines day..." <on the inside of the car> " No-one loves you the other 364 days either") I inevitably came across the "tesco value Valentines day card".


I've come across it before however at almost £3 it wouldn't really fall into the tesco value range if tesco made it and so defeats the joke. There are better joke Valentines day cards for less so why would anyone bother with it?


There is now a multipurpose Tesco value card where you just tick whichever box depending on what occasion it is but that is even more expensive than the basic one. Again why would anyone bother?

#1929 M J W J


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Posted 07 February 2016 - 11:41 AM

I can't believe the amount of people who still advertise cars with tax and try and use it as a way of haggling. Just got back from looking at an astra. I went in with a low offer to begin with and was instantly told no and then they realed off the list of reasons why the car was worth what they were asking for it, one of them being it had 9 months tax. I pointed out that it didn't have 9 months tax as tax no longer transfers when a car is sold. They were adamant that it had tax though so in the end I walked away without increasing my offer.


Also do people really expect to get the price that they are advertising the car for? I never buy at the price a car is advertised at. I always haggle, Start low and meet somewhere in the middle.

#1930 New game mini

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Posted 07 February 2016 - 11:58 AM

When you eat a big Mac, a poo comes out. When you eat a poo, a big Mac does not come out.

Yet again, it's one rule for big multinational food corporations and another for faeces.

It's an outrage!

#1931 xrocketengineer


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Posted 21 March 2016 - 01:30 PM

Safety and Health in the early days.......




#1932 M J W J


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Posted 27 March 2016 - 10:02 PM

Do we have any vicars on here? If so have any of you ever had someone run off on you when you were supposed to be doing a wedding?


You see it in films quite a bit. I just wonder how often it really happens.

#1933 M J W J


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Posted 16 April 2016 - 03:08 PM

How come people on ebay that sell "electric superchargers" have positive feedback when they have clearly ripped people off by selling them goods that do not work? Are there really still enough dumb people out there that think they work so that these people on ebay are still in business?


Before this turns into a debate about whether they work and what could be done to make them work I am very aware that there are OEMs and other companies that have made electric superchargers work. Your £150 500w motor ebay special does not and never will. If you think they do I can point you in the direction of an article that shows why they do not work and can even derive the equations to show mathematically that they do not work.


If you haven't guessed I have been arguing with some idiot that keeps claiming that they do and that he can feel the difference it had made to his engine. I suppose I should sell him some 'special paint' so that he can paint stripes down his car and his calipers red as we all know that makes a car go faster.

#1934 M J W J


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Posted 17 April 2016 - 10:13 PM

My sister wants to know how come when her new born soon takes a poop, it manages to get halfway up his back? I'll take her word for it that this happens.

#1935 M J W J


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Posted 19 April 2016 - 05:45 PM

Does anyone else when they go to the supermarket play what I call "check out Tetris" when they get to the check out?

The idea is simple. You try and put everything on the conveyor in the shortest distance possible, you are not allowed to stack items on top of each other unless it's a buy one get one free offer and once you have put it down you can't pick it up again and reposition it.

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