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#1786 BronkoMini


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Posted 09 June 2015 - 10:26 PM

Why is an adult dyslexia assessment £175 more than a child's one,? bloomin rip off!

#1787 Ben_O


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Posted 10 June 2015 - 09:46 AM

Why is an adult dyslexia assessment £175 more than a child's one,? bloomin rip off!

Children tend not to have very much money  >_<

#1788 BronkoMini


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Posted 10 June 2015 - 10:14 AM

Why is an adult dyslexia assessment £175 more than a child's one,? bloomin rip off!

Children tend not to have very much money  >_<
Neither do students with minis ;)

#1789 paulsmithlookerafterer


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Posted 10 June 2015 - 11:21 AM



Why is an adult dyslexia assessment £175 more than a child's one,? bloomin rip off!

Children tend not to have very much money  >_<
Neither do students with minis ;)



Here's a free one:


Apapertlny you can witre any sntencae wtih the lteetrs all jmulbed up lkie tihs, as lnog as the frsit and lsat are in the rgiht pacle, it is stlil redaabel beacuse the barin sees the wrod as a wolhe and deos not raed ecah letetr idinvdiulaly 

#1790 Ben_O


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Posted 10 June 2015 - 12:28 PM


#1791 Ben_O


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Posted 10 June 2015 - 09:38 PM

why do 2 litre bottles of Dr Pepper always fizz over and go everywhere when you first open them?


I know other carbonated drinks do too but dr pepper always seems to make a complete mess, even if you let it settle for several hours after bringing it in

#1792 skinnyminny


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Posted 11 June 2015 - 07:24 PM

Doritos roulette are actually super spicy. My mouth hurts.

#1793 M J W J


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Posted 13 June 2015 - 03:17 PM

When all councils were made to recycle more, Shropshire council provided everyone with a green wheelie bin for garden waste, tea bags and cardboard, a black bin for general waste and 3 plastic crates for plastic, tin cans, paper and glass and yet expect them to be separated and the total volume of the three crates is less than one wheelie bin. They then make the rubbish collection every other week and after a while stop people putting cardboard into the garden waste but do not provide any other means of disposing of it.


My family does its best to recycle but we quickly fill up a crate with plastic but not the other two with tin cans, glass or paper. If we mix them they don't get collected and we get a really "helpful" note saying "please separate" which obviously makes matters worse as we then have 4 weeks of recycling to get collected and we fill crates within about 10 days.


As for the green bin ours rarely gets used now because we live out in the country side so have the space for a compost heap and are not allowed to put cardboard and tea bags in it any more.


Effectively shropshire council have reduced the amount of waste you can produce and made the collection times further apart. They have also made people now have to drive to a tip and take their own waste to be recycled instead of just getting it all collected in a single truck each week which surely has to be more economical than loads of cars driving 10 miles to their nearest tip.


When I live in Nottingham they gave us three wheelie bins one for general waste, one for recycling and one for garden waste, tea bags and cardboard. They collected them every two weeks. This worked as you effectively had a bin per week and you could mix your recycling so if one week you had loads of glass (more than a crates worth) because of a party or something it didn't matter.

#1794 Ben_O


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Posted 13 June 2015 - 04:39 PM

On the Isle of Wight, we have one bin and that is for recycling, so card, glass, paper etc. and that's it. all household waste and food waster has to go in sacks which we have to provide ourselves.


Its total rubbish (scuse the pun)

#1795 M J W J


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Posted 16 June 2015 - 06:01 PM

Give a 100% of your effort at work. How you split that 100% up across the 5 days though is up to you.

#1796 mini93


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Posted 16 June 2015 - 06:20 PM

Warwickshire, we have 1 green bin for garden and food waste. grey bin for non recyclables, a red crate for glass, paper and newspapers and a heafty bag for plastics and cardboard. grey bin collected one week, the rest the week after. nay bad

A few years later we were given 2 extra bags and another red crate.

Allowed to mix it all up (although I try to seperate card and plastics)


so even if I miss the recycling one week, theres plenty of space to keep sorting stuff out and get it out the next time

#1797 M J W J


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Posted 20 June 2015 - 07:30 PM

How come I can buy stuff from China, get it delivered in 10 days and the postage cost me nothing yet if buy the same item from a UK supplier and it comes from their warehouse in Milton Keynes, it costs 3 times as much, still takes 5 days and cost me £5.28 in postage and before anyone says anything about the quality, I bet the item from the Milton Keynes warehouse will say made in China on it.


I think I'll wait the 5 days.


Also I have found at work, if I specify normal ISO metric fasteners to be fitted by our foundries in China they want to charge us extra yet most of them will be made in China anyway. How does this work?

#1798 xrocketengineer


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Posted 21 June 2015 - 01:27 AM

When I get into TMF late at night, Is nice to know that my closest TMF friends are always there too, Bing, Google and Yahoo.

#1799 M J W J


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Posted 27 June 2015 - 06:23 PM

Why does my local Morrisons petrol station have bullet proof glass (i'm assuming it is) to protect the attendants and then it has 2 gaps in it which are both about a 6" wide so you can pass your money to them of for them to pass you cigarettes.


If I wanted to get past the glass/attendants you could easily pass a chain around the glass and pull it out with a vehicle or just shoot the attendants through the gap. Its not protecting anyone.


Also this is in Market Drayton where nothing remotely interesting happens (apart from when the farmers block the entrance to Muller over the price of milk) so its not as like the attendants really need any extra protection. The petrol station has been fine for as long as I can remember.

#1800 Spud_133


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Posted 30 June 2015 - 08:19 PM

I think it's a national thing, they've done it in my local Morrisons too, that's in North Norfolk, were even less happens there!

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