Why do clothes companies pay for attractive models to sell underwear? The vast majority of people are not interested in the model in the underwear as they are the same gender and heterosexual? Why not just have a picture of the packaging or have them laid out by themselves? They'd save a lot of money on advertising of which the savings could be passed onto us the consumers.
Is this for real? Women love to see those pictures as it will give them a good idea of how they fit and what they look like on.
Infact, if they want to make cuts, they should advertise mens underwear in the way you describe as most Men just want to see what the design is not some muscular man with a silly look on his face and a couple of pairs of balled up socks in the front of the underwear.
yes i did go there...
Edited by Ben_O, 02 June 2015 - 07:30 PM.