But it wouldn't have any concept of loneliness ...

Random Thought Of The Day
Posted 23 May 2015 - 08:20 PM
Posted 23 May 2015 - 09:19 PM
Do 24hour McDonalds have a lock on their front door?
Posted 23 May 2015 - 09:43 PM
Posted 23 May 2015 - 09:57 PM
They should open on Christmas day and to Turkey Burgers.
Posted 25 May 2015 - 03:04 PM
How come if I give my normal breakfast insulin dosage of 7 units (and before anyone says, yes I know its low but it works for me) and I eat two bowls of rice crisps, I will go hypo, yet if I ate two bowls of normal boiled rice my sugar levels would shoot up? What are kellogs doing to the rice?
Posted 26 May 2015 - 08:45 AM
How come if I give my normal breakfast insulin dosage of 7 units (and before anyone says, yes I know its low but it works for me) and I eat two bowls of rice crisps, I will go hypo, yet if I ate two bowls of normal boiled rice my sugar levels would shoot up? What are kellogs doing to the rice?
Rice is proper food and probably has waaay more carbs than rice crisps
What is a "unit" of insulin in SI units? Actually been curious about that for a while. Also if your glucometer spews out a 5.0 what is that in normal units and does it vary if you take blood from different parts of the body?
Posted 26 May 2015 - 06:02 PM
How come if I give my normal breakfast insulin dosage of 7 units (and before anyone says, yes I know its low but it works for me) and I eat two bowls of rice crisps, I will go hypo, yet if I ate two bowls of normal boiled rice my sugar levels would shoot up? What are kellogs doing to the rice?
Rice is proper food and probably has waaay more carbs than rice crisps
What is a "unit" of insulin in SI units? Actually been curious about that for a while. Also if your glucometer spews out a 5.0 what is that in normal units and does it vary if you take blood from different parts of the body?
Boiled rice obviously does have more carbohydrate in it than rice crispies but as both boiled rice and rice crispies start off from the same point why do they not contain the same amount of carbohydrate?
I've just read the packet and supposedly one 3ml cartridge of insulin supposedly holds 100 units. Even I didn't know that until I read it and I've been on insulin for the last 23 years.
As for the glucose readings. You can do two in a row from the same finger and you will get different readings. It only gives you a ball park figure.
Posted 27 May 2015 - 08:00 AM
How come if I give my normal breakfast insulin dosage of 7 units (and before anyone says, yes I know its low but it works for me) and I eat two bowls of rice crisps, I will go hypo, yet if I ate two bowls of normal boiled rice my sugar levels would shoot up? What are kellogs doing to the rice?
Rice is proper food and probably has waaay more carbs than rice crisps
What is a "unit" of insulin in SI units? Actually been curious about that for a while. Also if your glucometer spews out a 5.0 what is that in normal units and does it vary if you take blood from different parts of the body?
Boiled rice obviously does have more carbohydrate in it than rice crispies but as both boiled rice and rice crispies start off from the same point why do they not contain the same amount of carbohydrate?
I've just read the packet and supposedly one 3ml cartridge of insulin supposedly holds 100 units. Even I didn't know that until I read it and I've been on insulin for the last 23 years.
As for the glucose readings. You can do two in a row from the same finger and you will get different readings. It only gives you a ball park figure.
Kellogs is clearly stealing the carbs and using it in other products
That is interesting on the insulin front. So the body actually needs very little insulin to function properly... who knew.
I guess ball park figures are good enough to know if your sugar levels are in the safe bands and to determine if they are in the dangerously high or low ranges.
I wonder how people suddenly faint from hypoglycemia in public though... surely they feel it happening?
Posted 27 May 2015 - 07:37 PM
I wonder how people suddenly faint from hypoglycemia in public though... surely they feel it happening?
Poor control of your diabetes and you will be accustomed to the symptoms and not notice them. I have pretty good control of mine so I notice the warning signs quickly.
Posted 27 May 2015 - 09:13 PM
Which is better...top of the range from the bottom of the range or bottom of the range from the top of the range :) lol
Posted 27 May 2015 - 09:42 PM
Anyone else seen the Resolva weed killer ad?
Is it just me but when it says "do you have a weed problem", instead of the answer being Resolva, if the weeds have faces, are made from plasticine and are shouting abuse at you the website 'talk to frank' might be a better option.
Posted 02 June 2015 - 05:17 PM
Just been to view a house. What part of, "must have off street parking and must have garage as I have a classic car to store" do estate agents not understand? 2/3rds of the garage had been converted into a wet room. What was left of it was only really big enough to fit a lawn mower and a couple of bikes in it. As for the off street parking. When I parked on the driveway the rear end of my Vectra was definitely still on the street. My back wheels were on the pavement.
If a woman puts a couple of sofas, a bar, tools, a toilet and a pool table into a garage to use, does she still call it a man cave?
Why do clothes companies pay for attractive models to sell underwear? The vast majority of people are not interested in the model in the underwear as they are the same gender and heterosexual? Why not just have a picture of the packaging or have them laid out by themselves? They'd save a lot of money on advertising of which the savings could be passed onto us the consumers.
Posted 02 June 2015 - 06:19 PM
Why do you go the whole way through the year at uni without getting a fine, then on the last night get a £150 fine?
Posted 02 June 2015 - 06:22 PM
Why do you go the whole way through the year at uni without getting a fine, then on the last night get a £150 fine?
What did you get a fine for? Parking?
Posted 02 June 2015 - 06:53 PM
Why do you go the whole way through the year at uni without getting a fine, then on the last night get a £150 fine?
What did you get a fine for? Parking?
Smoking a cigar in halls, it wasn't really in halls as I was just sitting in the window out side, but apparently that is classed as out side, and the worse bit is I don't even smoke oh and I was only there for a minuet as I was waiting for someone, you always see people doing it and the only time I did I got fined . Also I don't even have £150 in my bank as I just paid £400 for a new wing for my defender.
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