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Random Thought Of The Day

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#1621 Miniminx71


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Posted 11 March 2015 - 07:02 PM

It's all gone very quiet on the Ebola front. A couple of months ago it was headline panic news everywhere. Now ... nothing ....Has it gone away?

#1622 xrocketengineer


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Posted 11 March 2015 - 09:44 PM

A paperless society?  Maybe not.....


#1623 M J W J


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Posted 11 March 2015 - 10:00 PM

It's all gone very quiet on the Ebola front. A couple of months ago it was headline panic news everywhere. Now ... nothing ....Has it gone away?


A British ministry health worker was reported today to have contracted the disease so no is the answer to your question.

#1624 AlexMozza


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Posted 12 March 2015 - 10:04 PM

It's all gone very quiet on the Ebola front. A couple of months ago it was headline panic news everywhere. Now ... nothing ....Has it gone away?

Nope, just not relevant anymore...

#1625 Miniminx71


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Posted 13 March 2015 - 06:15 PM

I had my headphones on earlier watching a YouTube video of the Producers (Trevor Horn, Lol Cream etc) playing Two Tribes because I love the bassline and, when I took my headphones off, the song was playing on Radio 2!!!!


Apart from the 'aaarrrghh!!!' factor, I'd love to know what the mathematical probability of that is (and where it would send the Heart of Gold in HGttG).

#1626 Ben_O


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Posted 14 March 2015 - 06:14 AM

I had my headphones on earlier watching a YouTube video of the Producers (Trevor Horn, Lol Cream etc) playing Two Tribes because I love the bassline and, when I took my headphones off, the song was playing on Radio 2!!!!


Apart from the 'aaarrrghh!!!' factor, I'd love to know what the mathematical probability of that is (and where it would send the Heart of Gold in HGttG).

Had that before with a song. Heard the tail end of it on the radio and was bummed because i missed it, reached in the glovebox and pulled out a pile of blank unlabeled home burned disks and put a random one in the player, Track 1 was the song i had just missed on the radio.



#1627 Miniminx71


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Posted 15 March 2015 - 02:33 PM

I wonder if, if he hadn't have been shot, whether John Lennon would still be alive today.

#1628 bigrob


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Posted 15 March 2015 - 09:16 PM

Just seen an advert for Cheerios (other cereals are available) and the lad poors on his milk out of a glass. Who does this?! Mine comes straight from the bottle

#1629 AVV IT


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Posted 16 March 2015 - 04:50 PM

Just seen an advert for Cheerios (other cereals are available) and the lad poors on his milk out of a glass. Who does this?! Mine comes straight from the bottle

That's nuffin!! I've seen the adverts and Cadbury's get a glass & a half of milk and pour it into the chocolate, every time they make a bar of dairy milk! Now that's got to be pretty time consuming and surely doesn't make for a very efficient manufacturing process! Just think of all the washing up that some poor woman in Birmigham has to do every day as a result!

No wonder Cadburys chocolate costs so much more than the LIDL own brand stuff!

#1630 Miniminx71


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Posted 16 March 2015 - 05:49 PM

bigrob, on 15 Mar 2015 - 9:16 PM, said:

Just seen an advert for Cheerios (other cereals are available) and the lad poors on his milk out of a glass. Who does this?! Mine comes straight from the bottle

I could say the same about you. A bottle! I don't know anyone that has the milkman anymore. You're posh :D

#1631 Ben_O


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Posted 17 March 2015 - 02:15 AM

Picture the scene, if you will.

A young lout passes his test and decides to purchase himself a nice little Citroen Saxo. Not content with a nippy little runaround that is reasonably comfortable, safe for the road and runs well, he then decides to remove the badges, drop the suspension, fit 18" wheels and a big bore exhaust system thus destroying the nimble frugal runabout and making it into something uncomfortable, unsafe for the road and in a very poor state of tune.


Well i encountered one of these people this evening and followed him for 5 miles along a stretch of road with a national speed limit of 50MPH. Conditions were clear and there wasn't another car on the road.

Well his exhaust was popping and banging, the engine sounded like a bag of nails, he couldn't keep the car in a straight line because of the ruined suspension and ridiculous wheels. He was bump steering all over the place and could barely reach 35MPH.


I wouldn't say i was in a hurry although i did have to be somewhere but i was getting really annoyed with him holding me up so as hard as i was trying to keep my distance, i kept finding myself getting closer and then having to ease off again.

Once we cleared the open road and turned off into an unlit lane, he started plying silly buggers. First he switched on his rear fogs and then proceeded to slow right down almost to a halt and then pulling off before braking again whilst blipping the throttle etc

I considered the idea that he was trying to either cause me to run into him or was trying to find an excuse to stop me and get me out of the car. He seemed really angry.

Rather than rise to it, i hung back and let him play his silly games alone.


So my thoughts were, Why?

Why can't he drive sensibly? Why does he feel the need to try and intimidate other road users?


I know he is not the only one of his kind and there are people all over the country that behave like this.


But that's really annoyed me...

Edited by Ben_O, 17 March 2015 - 02:18 AM.

#1632 dprac1ng


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Posted 17 March 2015 - 07:11 AM

Picture the scene, if you will.

A young lout passes his test and decides to purchase himself a nice little Citroen Saxo. Not content with a nippy little runaround that is reasonably comfortable, safe for the road and runs well, he then decides to remove the badges, drop the suspension, fit 18" wheels and a big bore exhaust system thus destroying the nimble frugal runabout and making it into something uncomfortable, unsafe for the road and in a very poor state of tune.


Well i encountered one of these people this evening and followed him for 5 miles along a stretch of road with a national speed limit of 50MPH. Conditions were clear and there wasn't another car on the road.

Well his exhaust was popping and banging, the engine sounded like a bag of nails, he couldn't keep the car in a straight line because of the ruined suspension and ridiculous wheels. He was bump steering all over the place and could barely reach 35MPH.


I wouldn't say i was in a hurry although i did have to be somewhere but i was getting really annoyed with him holding me up so as hard as i was trying to keep my distance, i kept finding myself getting closer and then having to ease off again.

Once we cleared the open road and turned off into an unlit lane, he started plying silly buggers. First he switched on his rear fogs and then proceeded to slow right down almost to a halt and then pulling off before braking again whilst blipping the throttle etc

I considered the idea that he was trying to either cause me to run into him or was trying to find an excuse to stop me and get me out of the car. He seemed really angry.

Rather than rise to it, i hung back and let him play his silly games alone.


So my thoughts were, Why?

Why can't he drive sensibly? Why does he feel the need to try and intimidate other road users?


I know he is not the only one of his kind and there are people all over the country that behave like this.


But that's really annoyed me...


That is genuinely about 25-30% of the population of my village. Just wait till you have your Mini going, pull up along side when he slows down simply out drag him... This (a) pisses him off and (b) allows you to be in front and away from the muppet.

#1633 bigrob


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Posted 17 March 2015 - 08:36 AM

I could say the same about you. A bottle! I don't know anyone that has the milkman anymore. You're posh :D

Haha i wish i could justify getting my milk delivered, but i'm afraid my milk comes in bottles made of plastic from the Co op :)

#1634 M J W J


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Posted 17 March 2015 - 01:07 PM

Picture the scene, if you will.

A young lout passes his test and decides to purchase himself a nice little Citroen Saxo. Not content with a nippy little runaround that is reasonably comfortable, safe for the road and runs well, he then decides to remove the badges, drop the suspension, fit 18" wheels and a big bore exhaust system thus destroying the nimble frugal runabout and making it into something uncomfortable, unsafe for the road and in a very poor state of tune.


Well i encountered one of these people this evening and followed him for 5 miles along a stretch of road with a national speed limit of 50MPH. Conditions were clear and there wasn't another car on the road.

Well his exhaust was popping and banging, the engine sounded like a bag of nails, he couldn't keep the car in a straight line because of the ruined suspension and ridiculous wheels. He was bump steering all over the place and could barely reach 35MPH.


I wouldn't say i was in a hurry although i did have to be somewhere but i was getting really annoyed with him holding me up so as hard as i was trying to keep my distance, i kept finding myself getting closer and then having to ease off again.

Once we cleared the open road and turned off into an unlit lane, he started plying silly buggers. First he switched on his rear fogs and then proceeded to slow right down almost to a halt and then pulling off before braking again whilst blipping the throttle etc

I considered the idea that he was trying to either cause me to run into him or was trying to find an excuse to stop me and get me out of the car. He seemed really angry.

Rather than rise to it, i hung back and let him play his silly games alone.


So my thoughts were, Why?

Why can't he drive sensibly? Why does he feel the need to try and intimidate other road users?


I know he is not the only one of his kind and there are people all over the country that behave like this.


But that's really annoyed me...


I had 4 lads in a VTR Saxo trying to get me to race them last Saturday evening. The previous owner took the badges off the back of my Vectra so I don't think they realised that it was an SXI.


From pulling off the round about at about 30 mph I easily pulled away from them and I didn't even have to change down to do it. They then decided to tailgate me all the way up to the next roundabout where after I exited it I again pulled away from them really quickly. They finally caught up and overtoke me. If I wanted to overtake them I could have easily done but it wasn't worth the potential points and fine so just let them go.


What I don't get was, what was the point of this all? I showed that my standard Vectra was far quicker than them and while doing it I bet I was getting about 15mpg more than them at least. Overtaking me when I stick to the speed limit doesn't really prove anything other than they are prepared to break the law.

#1635 M J W J


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Posted 17 March 2015 - 10:42 PM

Saw a sign on the way home that said "top quality logs for sale". How can you have top quality logs? They are all pretty much the same. As long as they are not wet, they will eventually burn so work as the purpose of logs for a fire.


Saw another sign on the way home that said "Collie pups for sale". I wonder if there is a parallel universe where there is a sign that a Collie has made that says "human babies for sale".


I wonder how many people wonder "why is this guy looking at my profile?" after I have accidentally clicked on their username instead of the topic they post in.

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