MrBounce, on 12 Feb 2015 - 12:48 PM, said:
Miniminx71, on 11 Feb 2015 - 12:19 AM, said:Just endured 3 hours of jazz. Why do the audience clap during jazz? Every time one of the blokes did a tuneless, doodly noise everyone clapped. Is it the law you have to show your appreciation? You don't do that anywhere else.
. I thought it was a load of horrible crap.
I have never understood jazz. I think it's a specific way that talented musicians can get money for doing a load of tuneless garbage. Fair play to them for getting away with it but PLEASE don't play it anywhere near me.
All I can hear whenever I see the word "Jazz" is John Thompson from the Fast Show saying "Helloooo. And welcome to Jazz Club. Nice!"
Me too! The main guy did that introducing each member of the band thing and all I could think of was the ones on Jazz Club when they all had names of London underground stations or something really stupid.