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Drift Iridium Gauges


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#1 andy159


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Posted 14 July 2013 - 02:44 PM



has anyone fitted drift iridium gauges to their mini as im in the process of doing so but have encountered a few issues with the speedo and tacho is anyone able to offer assistance and answer a few questions i have






Edited by andy159, 14 July 2013 - 02:45 PM.

#2 GreenMini17


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Posted 14 July 2013 - 04:40 PM

What questions do you have?

#3 andy159


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Posted 14 July 2013 - 05:13 PM

well im trying to set up the speedo using the cable and sensor that is designed to replace the speedo cable but im not getting a reading from it i think the prong is a bit too short to reach into the gearbox, is there another way to attach a sendor which isnt too difficult to fit?


The tacho is reading too high and very erratic is there a way to overcome this


and im also struggling to get a good reading for the fuel gauge im not sure if this is me setting it up wrong or if im missing a technique as its fitted to a pick up so has the van fuel tank, would this have a different sender unit to a normal mini tank

#4 yeti21586


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Posted 14 July 2013 - 05:39 PM

im struggling with my tacho and speedo as well, although ive got a different speedo sensor than you, there was a guy on here who fitted the speeedo and tacho succesfully on his mini, i shall try and find out who it was




edit: i have messaged ginger_monkey asking him to come and shed some light on how he got his set up

#5 andy159


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Posted 14 July 2013 - 06:49 PM

and i also believe surfblue garage has fitted them to a clubman but i think that is to a changed non mini engine but they may be able to help aswell. so what speed sensor are you using yeti?

#6 yeti21586


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Posted 14 July 2013 - 07:28 PM

im using this type of speedo sensor







the speedo cable goes insaide it, but i think ive put the sensor on the cable the wrong way round as im not getting a reading at all




#7 andy159


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Posted 14 July 2013 - 07:51 PM

having a look and the japanese probe one may be more suitable but how many  wires come from it as mine has three one for the sensor and one red and black for a power source so maybe the sensor isnt producing enough power for it to be recognised by the speedo

#8 yeti21586


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Posted 14 July 2013 - 07:57 PM

the one i have has 3 wires, and when we tested it out of the car it gave a reading, which is why i think ive got the speedo cable in the wrong way but we shall once the car is back running after changing the valve stem seals

#9 andy159


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Posted 16 July 2013 - 07:24 PM

well i got that sensor fitted it this morning after reattaching the original speedo cable (boy that was fun in the heat) and have just calibrated it and i now have a working speedo, a sort of working tacho, a working water temp, a working fuel pressure and a bugger to calibrate fuel sensor (although with more intel i have gained am a step closer)



oh and with regards to the sensor  it reads both ways so doesnt matter which way round it is located, maybe the thread hasnt located inside the gearbox as i found this a bugger to get back in and its the oval type end that goes in the grear box and square peg into the sensor if thats what you meant

Edited by andy159, 17 July 2013 - 01:10 PM.

#10 yeti21586


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Posted 18 July 2013 - 08:33 PM

ive worked out why my speedo is not working, its because the speedo cable wasnt turning think its broken to ive ordered a new one.

#11 andy159


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Posted 18 July 2013 - 10:07 PM

i found it a bit tricky getting the inner pin to locate in the hole in the gear box but with a bit of turing and gentle pushing got it back in

#12 yeti21586


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Posted 27 July 2013 - 02:46 PM

i have discovered why my revs wasnt working and why my speedo wasnt working even with the new speedo cable inner, its because i had the plugs that plug into the back of the dials plugged into the wrong dials, doh!! so have swapped them over, the revs worked straight away and the speedo works now after being set up twice (one on km/h and again properly on MPH)

#13 andy159


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Posted 27 July 2013 - 07:35 PM

thats good then how have you got your  rev counter set up as mines still reading too high where have you got the sensor connected to

#14 Stimpy


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Posted 30 January 2014 - 07:56 PM

i guess this is for andy159, unless anyone else can help?


I've re-awoken this thread because it's got to the time where I need to fit the demon tweaks item to the speedo cable.


Sorry if I sound dim - but I can't find a way of connecting the unit to the original speedo cable.


Brief description....


The end of the speedo pick-up at the dash end is a black cable with a shiny metal 'cylindrical cup' there is a white plastic construction around that metal cup which looks like it's designed to be used to connect to the original 3 cluster dash-gauge.  I *think* the old connection was to take the male (able) end and push into the female dash end with the plastic construction to push and lock the cable in place.


If a picture helps then I'll supply one.


The demon tweaks item can be pushed into the metal cylindrical metal cup with the larger of the two screw-threaded ends.  It comfortably goes in but I can't see how to make it stay in place unless I use self amalgamating tape or something.  The other concern is - does the male fit snuggly into the demon tweaks female?  I can't tell whether it's loose or whether its tight enough to receive the spinning of the original cable.


I'm wondering - does the original dash-end cable need surgery prior to attempting to fit the new unit?  What I mean is - should I break the white plastic locking bit so that it's out of the way?


Any advice would be wholly appreciated - I've sat in the car and spent about an hour trying to figure this one out but I can't see the solution.




#15 andy159


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Posted 30 January 2014 - 08:16 PM

the end of my speedo cable has a screw in type end so the unit screwed straight on it. you may need to fabricate something to get the sensor to stay on, maybe even it could be held with just electrical tape on.


also to get the male end to stay in the sensor there should be a grub screw which you tighten up with the small allen key.


if you have a pick of your speedo that would be cool

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