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Phoenix Estate Vvc K-Series Diy Subframe Conversion

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#91 Alburglar


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Posted 04 March 2014 - 07:59 PM

Had another go at the steering rack position as the brake and clutch pedals weren't clearing it. I have moved it as close as it can get it whilst clearing the gearbox by about 2mm

Brake pedal is now ok, but clutch pedal is gonna require some modifying...

#92 Archived1


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Posted 06 March 2014 - 08:07 PM

You seem great with the sticky and strandy stuff!


Do you think it would be possible to roof chop a GRP mini shell? Would you be able to get the strength back into it after its chopped? 



#93 Alburglar


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Posted 07 March 2014 - 01:04 PM

My uncle (now retired) used to run a fibreglass factory and has been involved in making grp for bennetton F1 (when it was new technology), Disney land paris, he's made body kits, kit cars including Ferrari replicas (Google Rawlson 250lm) race cars etc, so I've always had a good source of advice available.

 Yes a grp roof chop is entirely possible, as its the same process as putting the components of a grp shell together, in the first place, apart from the fact the outside bits have to look pretty.

but the process will be brutal, time consuming and very dusty prep work!


I would approach it by bracing the pillars, either side of where you are cutting. a basic approach of drilling through the pillar and use a big self taper screw into a bit of baton stretched between the a pillar b pillar and c pillar. then tie those batons together with more baton to stop any front to back movement.

Cut out your 4inch (or whatever) sections on each pillar.

drop the roof onto the remains of the pillars and use a grinder with a sanding pad to sand off a scary amount of material for at least 6inchs either side of the cut. Lay up with generous amounts of resin and woven strand mat, its stronger (instead of chopped strand mat which I have used here).

once cured, remove the interior baton frame and do the same lay up on the inside of the car.

you can then sand the outside to nice shape with the grinder, but leave the inside material alone and nice and thick, apart from the window rims where you'd fit the rubbers.


I doubt you'd need filler over the outside even.


That's how i'd do it, very dirty and time consuming with the sanding, but end result would be perfect.


...watch this space, I may even graft a proper van/ estate roof onto this ugly b@stard...

Edited by Alburglar, 07 March 2014 - 01:11 PM.

#94 Archived1


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Posted 07 March 2014 - 04:42 PM

My uncle (now retired) used to run a fibreglass factory and has been involved in making grp for bennetton F1 (when it was new technology), Disney land paris, he's made body kits, kit cars including Ferrari replicas (Google Rawlson 250lm) race cars etc, so I've always had a good source of advice available.

 Yes a grp roof chop is entirely possible, as its the same process as putting the components of a grp shell together, in the first place, apart from the fact the outside bits have to look pretty.

but the process will be brutal, time consuming and very dusty prep work!


I would approach it by bracing the pillars, either side of where you are cutting. a basic approach of drilling through the pillar and use a big self taper screw into a bit of baton stretched between the a pillar b pillar and c pillar. then tie those batons together with more baton to stop any front to back movement.

Cut out your 4inch (or whatever) sections on each pillar.

drop the roof onto the remains of the pillars and use a grinder with a sanding pad to sand off a scary amount of material for at least 6inchs either side of the cut. Lay up with generous amounts of resin and woven strand mat, its stronger (instead of chopped strand mat which I have used here).

once cured, remove the interior baton frame and do the same lay up on the inside of the car.

you can then sand the outside to nice shape with the grinder, but leave the inside material alone and nice and thick, apart from the window rims where you'd fit the rubbers.


I doubt you'd need filler over the outside even.


That's how i'd do it, very dirty and time consuming with the sanding, but end result would be perfect.


...watch this space, I may even graft a proper van/ estate roof onto this ugly b@stard...


Thanks Very much for the reply.


Well I think you have talked me into it! would you mind me picking your brains now and then on a build thread?


All the cutting and modifications on this thread have really inspired me to play with my GRP shell.


Great work!

#95 Archived1


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Posted 07 March 2014 - 04:44 PM

Oh the link on your post has an @ symbol in place of the A. Unfortunately I cant use the link as my computer sees the symbol and opens my emails  >_< lol

#96 Alburglar


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Posted 07 March 2014 - 07:05 PM

Yes sure.
I may have some diagrams that show where they cut the body and roof on the sprints which may help.

...but that isn't a link I was just trying to get round the swearing rules and say ugly 'bar steward'. By using the @. I was referring to the phoenix.

#97 Archived1


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Posted 07 March 2014 - 07:33 PM

Yup, Sorry had my Beer hat on  ;D

Edited by Elf is a mini, 08 March 2014 - 10:47 AM.

#98 Archived1


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Posted 10 March 2014 - 06:16 PM

I actually don't mind the phoenix shape. Maybe just drop the rear of the roof a touch?

#99 Alburglar


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Posted 10 March 2014 - 07:40 PM

...yeah but everyone keeps walking past my workshop and going, "oh you've bought a reliant robin".
I may just put some mini estate windows in the reliant hatch and see how it looks.

#100 Alburglar


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Posted 10 March 2014 - 07:44 PM

Today's progress.
I Ate a pot noodle. Then used it.

Still not pretty but it'll be fine. Just got to take front subframe out and repeat the process from the outside now.

#101 hoody99


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Posted 10 March 2014 - 11:23 PM

Well you either cut the pot noodle in half or you lied and had 2 ya greedy bugger lol good with glassing tho bud keep it up

#102 Alburglar


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Posted 11 March 2014 - 02:51 PM

If I'm having two, I'd definitely mix the flavours up.

#103 MrBounce


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Posted 11 March 2014 - 08:10 PM

That's some brilliant glass work right there. Good skills! :thumbsup:

#104 jonny f

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Posted 11 March 2014 - 08:14 PM

Can't beat a bit of packaging for GRP work!

#105 Alburglar


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Posted 19 March 2014 - 09:28 PM

Got my gearbox mount nearly sorted.
I moved the bush on the OE sump bracket over a bit, so that the OE gearbox steady arm would fit inside my frame.
Then got the OE bracket tacked on. It will need welding properly when the frame is out next.

The n/s drive shaft isn't quite central and doesn't pass through the mini tower holes quite as I'd planned. I can't be arsed to move the gearbox mount, so I will have to either mod the lower arm bolt like Darren's photo, but we'll see.

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