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Cueyyyyyy The Metro Tart Up Thread..

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#406 rally515


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Posted 23 April 2015 - 07:19 PM

Thanks Ben, backplates will probably be the same colour too, maybe even the drums! ;)


Subframe will be silver and the arches and boot floor will be painted white too, I've got one arch in bare metal, so that's a priority to sand down and prime/paint asap.

#407 rally515


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Posted 25 April 2015 - 07:38 PM

Did a repair to the subframe today and made up both repair sections from thicker than original steel and also seem welded them fully in place to prevent corrosion sneaking in under the surface.


I used the Oxy Acetylene to heat up the pieces for bending as it's too thick to bend  cold.









Also got another bead of weld on the plates I'd welded on, I re-welded them internally and externally after grinding them down as I want to make sure they're good to do the job, furthermore I'll be "beefing" up this area more to last under any sort of strain even the most harsh track day could provide :)


#408 rally515


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Posted 26 April 2015 - 07:39 PM

Some priming, seam sealing and painting today, the white was just the correct viscosity in my opinion and went on fairly well in light coats, thin enough to brush on well in the hard to reach areas, but also thick enough not to drip down vertical surfaces.


Also I stripped back the paint in the filler cap area, also took the hinged flap off too and painted the inside of that also.











Next weekend I plan to get the rear subframe welded and in primer and seam sealed as a goal.




#409 Ben_O


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Posted 27 April 2015 - 10:34 AM

wow Cliff, you are doing really well.


I'm impressed with how well it is all coming along.


How long until it's finished do you think?

#410 rally515


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Posted 27 April 2015 - 12:07 PM

wow Cliff, you are doing really well.
I'm impressed with how well it is all coming along.
How long until it's finished do you think?

Thankyou Ben, appreciate the kind words :).

It's all in relitivly good shape to be honest, so I can't take all the credit as it's stood upto the years if abuse, not me :D

It's hard to say really, I seem to get one job done every weekend, things needing to be done are.

Subframe welded and painted
fuel tank stripped and painted
boot floor painted
n/s wheelarch stripped and painted
Both outer sills replaced
jacking points removed

So thats at the very least 2 months of work there!

#411 rally515


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Posted 04 May 2015 - 05:08 PM

A little more done to Cuey yesterday and today.


Managed to get both Backplates stripped of paint and zinc, etch primed and then gave them a coat in some lovely silver spray, I didn't go too wild on them as they aren't in the best of shape to be honest, and seeing as mini backplates fit, replacing them will be ultimately the best option.


Sorry I've no picture of them finished, I thought I did have one but obviously not Haha



Next up today was the fuel tank, surprisingly it had quite a lot of fuel in it, which meant when emptying it out I had to resort to a diesel fuel can because I couldn't get my hands on another.




After it was emptied I gave it a going over with the DA and rubbed the areas by hand that it didn't get too and them after a quick wipe down with thinners I primed and painted it :)



I can't get enough of the baby blue!! :wub:

And lastly for this weekend is the subframe, unfortunately there wasn't enough time to squeeze this in and get it finished, but I have had progress with it.

The backplates have now been reinforced and I'm almost at the stage of welding the angle support in now, this will be that last bit of welding to be done before prep and paint so next weekend should see the subframe in paint weather permitting.







#412 rally515


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Posted 09 May 2015 - 11:32 PM

Little bit more today, most of the time is spent waiting for coats to dry so rather annoying to be honest.

Never the less I have one side of the subframe painted (3 brush coats in all) and a load of bolts and spacers painted up too.

One spacer I was missing sadly so I have to grind a nut down to the same diameter on the bench grinder, worked a treat! :thumbsup:








That's the radius arms built up now, just need to paint the drums and we're ready to rock and roll :techsupport: .



Praying for good weather tomorrow as I have no room in the garage to paint or use the grinder.




#413 rally515


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Posted 10 May 2015 - 01:22 PM

Manage to get a little bit of painting done today, only two coats though so I'll have to get another on during the week so it's hardened by next weekend for handling.







#414 rally515


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Posted 15 May 2015 - 08:06 PM

Little more work done today after work.


Managed to bare metal one "leg" of the subframe and get a couple of coats on, will give it another tomorrow when I've done the other side.

Also ground down the access metal in that area as per the last post.


Thought I'd mask up and prime/paint the inner arch panel too seeing as it started raining and I had to bail out of working outside, I've gone for a silver on the inside, most of the interior is covered by the blue fabric anyway, but it's nice to know it's been done all over and not just here and there.

As well as fabric interior covering it I'm hoping I can get some sound and thermal insulation in there too which will make it more like a modern car in terms of road noise.










Till tomorrow,


#415 rally515


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Posted 17 May 2015 - 06:57 PM

Mad a mini milestone today, got the rear subframe pretty much completed!!! =D




#416 Archived4


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Posted 17 May 2015 - 07:16 PM

Top work pal! Puts my dump to shame!

#417 rally515


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Posted 17 May 2015 - 07:35 PM

Top work pal! Puts my dump to shame!


At least yours is rolling Haha, still a lot of rot and rust I've not even scratched the surface of yet, plus the rear being stoved in, that will need a whole rear end replacement.

#418 Archived4


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Posted 17 May 2015 - 08:15 PM

Haha suprised mine's not the remains of a car yet to be honest. Will require some tlc before mot. And it's that bad?

#419 rally515


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Posted 17 May 2015 - 08:31 PM

Haha suprised mine's not the remains of a car yet to be honest. Will require some tlc before mot. And it's that bad?


Whats up with the white beast ?


I will have to get a load of photos to show the damage/ corrosion (on my list of things to do), but there is quite a bit from front to rear and all pretty much below seat base level.

Anybody know anywhere that sells front panels for the mk1 metro ? or at the least a lower valence section.

#420 bigrob


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Posted 17 May 2015 - 09:05 PM

Dont want to teach you to suck eggs, but have you tried ebay? Its been my most reliable source of new old stock panels

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