A little more done to Cuey yesterday and today.
Managed to get both Backplates stripped of paint and zinc, etch primed and then gave them a coat in some lovely silver spray, I didn't go too wild on them as they aren't in the best of shape to be honest, and seeing as mini backplates fit, replacing them will be ultimately the best option.
Sorry I've no picture of them finished, I thought I did have one but obviously not Haha

Next up today was the fuel tank, surprisingly it had quite a lot of fuel in it, which meant when emptying it out I had to resort to a diesel fuel can because I couldn't get my hands on another.

After it was emptied I gave it a going over with the DA and rubbed the areas by hand that it didn't get too and them after a quick wipe down with thinners I primed and painted it :)

I can't get enough of the baby blue!! 
And lastly for this weekend is the subframe, unfortunately there wasn't enough time to squeeze this in and get it finished, but I have had progress with it.
The backplates have now been reinforced and I'm almost at the stage of welding the angle support in now, this will be that last bit of welding to be done before prep and paint so next weekend should see the subframe in paint weather permitting.
