I have thought about it time and time again Nath, but wont the value drop ? Metros are worth bugger all anyway at the momnet so no point pouring money into something thats not worth much if stolen for example, insurance would never recover back even half the money i'd have spent, just a little worries thats all.
I've asked Lews on here what he paid to get his wheels banded anyway, still migth do bits nad bats ofcourse when money allows, don't get me wrong I do love this Metro Soooooo much, but thats front! it's just abit odd compared to the rest of the car :/.
Haha yeah the Lada's are good little motors, the 4x4 Lada Niva is the one to have ;) they still produce them new in it's native contry!, the russians must love them quite alot haha.
Does value matter? It's a metro at the end of the day. The turbo is the only one worth having to most people, the others are just the ones that happen to be called the same name to most people. And ever though of creating the banding jig yourself Cliff? Might be a project idea! And yeah, IMO a mk2 front is the best of the lot. The Riva is an indestructible little machine! Not my idea of fun, would prefer an sj myself, but they are good you've gotta give it to them!