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Cueyyyyyy The Metro Tart Up Thread..

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#301 Archived4


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Posted 01 August 2014 - 04:54 PM

I have thought about it time and time again Nath, but wont the value drop ? Metros are worth bugger all anyway at the momnet so no point pouring money into something thats not worth much if stolen for example, insurance would never recover back even half the money i'd have spent, just a little worries thats all.

I've asked Lews on here what he paid to get his wheels banded anyway, still migth do bits nad bats ofcourse when money allows, don't get me wrong I do love this Metro Soooooo much, but thats front! it's just abit odd compared to the rest of the car :/.


Haha yeah the Lada's are good little motors, the 4x4 Lada Niva is the one to have ;) they still produce them new in it's native contry!, the russians must love them quite alot haha.

Does value matter? It's a metro at the end of the day. The turbo is the only one worth having to most people, the others are just the ones that happen to be called the same name to most people. And ever though of creating the banding jig yourself Cliff? Might be a project idea! And yeah, IMO a mk2 front is the best of the lot. The Riva is an indestructible little machine! Not my idea of fun, would prefer an sj myself, but they are good you've gotta give it to them!

#302 rally515


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Posted 01 August 2014 - 05:03 PM

Why Brush painted Lada nath may I ask! :shy: .


I've seen a video on banding your own yes, don't think I want ANOTHER project just yet though, unless it's really cost effective to do yourself ?

#303 Ben_O


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Posted 01 August 2014 - 05:08 PM

I would save your money trying to change this metro to your own taste and just make it is good as you can keeping it standard VP.


Then sell it and buy a MK2. There are plenty around and you will still have the A series with the front end you prefer. 


There is quite alot of choice and i bet you would be able to buy one for less than you could sell the VP for.


Just a thought.


I had a really nice 2.6 190E which i loved but the appearance was not to my taste. I thought about wither fitting an AMG Cosworth body kit and some nice wheels and i better interior but then found a much better looking one on eBay so i sild mine for £950 and bought the better looking one which was pretty much exactly what i wanted for £800 and then spent the change on a nice cream leather interior for it.



#304 Archived4


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Posted 01 August 2014 - 05:09 PM

I saw one on a road rally and I fell in love with it. Thrashing through an old quarry, 90 left after a control down a long stretch of downhill into a right, he spins out of the first left leaving the control, and didnt even straighten up before he just started to approach the second corner. So it's the memory more than anything.


And no idea, just thought it might be a cool project. Not looked into it myself

#305 rally515


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Posted 01 August 2014 - 05:27 PM

Thanks Ben, Thats what I was thinkiing, dead money in it when I can go out and buy something thats along the same lines but more so what I want.


It's like trying to polish a turb, better just to chrome it instead :lol:  :X .


Sounds like you should commentate motorsports events Nathan :kiss: .

#306 Ben_O


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Posted 01 August 2014 - 06:11 PM

How about an even rarer metro?





#307 rally515


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Posted 01 August 2014 - 06:31 PM

How about an even rarer metro?









I wish!!!!!! :w00t: .


Thats a proper Metro :genius:

#308 Ben_O


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Posted 01 August 2014 - 06:32 PM

There are clean VP's on there going for a couple of grand.


There are also clean mk2's going for 6-700.


Sounds like a no brainer to me!

#309 rally515


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Posted 01 August 2014 - 06:35 PM

There are clean VP's on there going for a couple of grand.


There are also clean mk2's going for 6-700.


Sounds like a no brainer to me!



Couple of grand ? are you sure Ben ?  I thought they topped out around £1200 for a metro vp :shy: .

#310 Ben_O


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Posted 01 August 2014 - 06:51 PM

Just had another look. the one i saw has only 8000 on the clock and is much better than yours (no offence)


but still, 1200 would be good!

Edited by Ben_O, 01 August 2014 - 06:51 PM.

#311 Archived4


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Posted 01 August 2014 - 08:14 PM

Haha, I'd commentate the brc given the chance. Saying that, I'd rather compete :P


And maybe cuey should go bye bye? But as they say, better the devil you know...

#312 rally515


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Posted 07 November 2014 - 02:58 PM








I have some outer sills for Cuey on order for pickup Monday after work.


Bad news....... :shy:  I have no plans to work on him anytime soon till the garage is emptied.

Ahh well, one step closer to getting there I suppose.




#313 Archived4


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Posted 07 November 2014 - 07:40 PM

Where an earth from? :o

#314 rally515


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Posted 07 November 2014 - 10:36 PM

Where an earth from? :o



That's a good question, I think the guy who supplies me the parts wouldn't be willing to tell me his supplier to be honest :nuke: .

I got them from Auto crash parts anyways, if you were struggling to find some Nathan there are a few on E-bay brand new :proud:.

Also another thing I've got to ask them about Monday is gas struts for the boot lid, there had a poster saying they did any strut for any car......sooooo they should be able to sort me something out  :D .

Going to be taking some rope and foam padding with me when I go to collect as I've got to bring two mini floor pans and the outer sills back on a bike! (should make for a good picture and interesting ride!  :lol: ).

#315 Archived4


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Posted 07 November 2014 - 10:46 PM

Haha. And cool. I don't need them yet but I've already started collecting panels so cant hurt. And mine suck too! I open the boot and have to yank it open, pulling up for ages!


And that definitely requires a go pro video of the ride home haha

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