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Cueyyyyyy The Metro Tart Up Thread..

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#256 rally515


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Posted 05 May 2014 - 05:20 PM

Not really a fan of metros, bloody love yours though. Looks awesome!


Thankyou very much Mega mini, appreciate it :proud:



Today i did abit of the metro, wired in a radio aswell as sorting alot of bodged LIVE wires under the dash, a few hours and about 15 cable ties later and its much smarter and safer now, plus i can stick the radio on now whilst working on it :kiss: .


Also found my parcel helf hook things that go onto the tailgate and fitted those, drilled a small hole in each top shocker mount as they gather water and rust up. After drilling a drainage hole in thouse i got the sprayable white grease out and sprayed the shocker mounts, part of the bulkhead which is hard to get at to clean regularly, door hinges and lock and the same wih the tailgate hinges.


I also took the headlining out and what a MESS!!!, it turned to dust as i was removing it and had to hoover the car out. Next job is to select material as by the looks of it I can make it myself with the help in hadn from an old Singer sewing machine :D


All of this done but unfortunatly i didnt take pictures as my camera wouldnt turn on >_<

#257 rally515


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Posted 08 May 2014 - 07:52 PM

Hi again folks,


Just got in from a short bit of work on little bits and bats but mainly getting that photo of the re-wiring under the dash and radio connectors.


I originaly went out to get reference photos for a forum member on here, but decided whilst i had the steering column cowling off that the steel plate on the stalks was dieing out for a bit of Autosol treatment :gimme: :



I'l take it off sometime and do it properly.


Here are the pictures of the neater and much "Safer!!!" wiring:


And the radio ISO block wiring in:



Headlining out and reveals a nice clean roof, the bits that appear as rust fooled me at first, but its just the horrible residue of the headlining material which crumbled up into dusty stuff.






Parcel shelf re-fitted and found the string bits that attach to the boot lid:



Then i moved on with the Autosol under the bonnet and cleaned up the bulkhead, dashpot and thermostat housing:




After abit of that i saw i rusty P-clip holding some wiing to the bulkhead and looked like itd already rotted into the paintwork:



Autosol to the rescue once again, turned out it hadnt gone into the paint! :proud: So polished it up abit and fitted a new rubber coated P-clip:





Thats all for now but seeing that steering coloumn come up like it has was a big boost of enthusiasm to be honest, theres a few areas im planning on doing next to keep me in the loop with things Metro so until then take care byyyyyeeeeeee.



#258 Ben_O


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Posted 08 May 2014 - 08:22 PM

have you got another p clip mate?

Looks like you need to replace the one by the heater pipes in that last photo!


Looks like all the little jobs are making all the difference though so keep going!



#259 rally515


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Posted 08 May 2014 - 09:04 PM

have you got another p clip mate?

Looks like you need to replace the one by the heater pipes in that last photo!


Looks like all the little jobs are making all the difference though so keep going!




Haha, i thought somone would mention that =] .

I will hopefully do the sam there but couldn't be bothered getting the drill out and drilling the dia of the P-clip out to about 10mm. to fit the bolt, i'l for sure be going over the whole body replacing all with new rubber P-clips for neatness and peace of mind :)


Im REALLY wanting to take the bulkhed plates out that hold the heater in and brake servo because as you can see they are really in bad condition and feeding the rust into the body, but i really dont think i can afford to make the car completely imobile for now as i may need to move it at some point for bin trucks coming round and neighbours towing there caravans round ect...


I fel like i've done alot more just polishing a few bits up slightly than any other thing i've done on it haha.


Thanks Ben

#260 Ben_O


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Posted 08 May 2014 - 09:46 PM

I think i need an old metro to tinker with....


Did you see the red low mileage barn find on ebay?


That's the sort of thing i would want

#261 rally515


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Posted 08 May 2014 - 09:59 PM

No i haven't been on ebay in  whle now.


On on the Isle of Wight or near enough to get to and back will be abit of a bugger though im guessing ? also do you have different plates over there or something ?

#262 Ben_O


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Posted 08 May 2014 - 10:04 PM

No i haven't been on ebay in  whle now.


On on the Isle of Wight or near enough to get to and back will be abit of a bugger though im guessing ? also do you have different plates over there or something ?

That's funny.... I told my brother that he would need a passport to come over here and he believed me! When he did come over, his girlfriend asked if he could get her some duty free on the ferry  :lol:


I don't mean to take the piss mate, and no we don't have different plates here. Just the same as the mainland.


There was a tro on our local rag website last year but it needed work and was wahhaaaay overpriced.

#263 Ben_O


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Posted 08 May 2014 - 10:07 PM

Just had a look on 'wightbay' and found this - 



Cheap i thought. but it's a rover so i don't know.

#264 rally515


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Posted 08 May 2014 - 10:08 PM

Hahhaa, guess its a common mis-conception, i just thought it'd be a bit like the isle of man and ireland or something :lol:.


No offence taken atall Ben, whats your insurance and tax like though ??? :bah:  :lol:  i guess pretty good with having alot less to crash into....apart from......THE SEA!!!!! O_O 


I did see a yellow one on and off ebay and being talked about alot of another forum as a very overpriced rust bucket that a guy had bought, been fooled by the advert and re-listed it >_< 

#265 rally515


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Posted 08 May 2014 - 10:10 PM

Looks pretty smart and clean, although id be after a 2dr myself i guess thats a practical car to be hauding mini bits all over the place ;)

#266 Ben_O


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Posted 08 May 2014 - 10:12 PM

Hahhaa, guess its a common mis-conception, i just thought it'd be a bit like the isle of man and ireland or something :lol:.


No offence taken atall Ben, whats your insurance and tax like though ??? :bah:  :lol:  i guess pretty good with having alot less to crash into....apart from......THE SEA!!!!! O_O 


I did see a yellow one on and off ebay and being talked about alot of another forum as a very overpriced rust bucket that a guy had bought, been fooled by the advert and re-listed it >_< 


No mate, just the same as everywhere else.

Tax is just the same as everywhere else and Insurance is no lower here than the mainland.


We are only a few miles out from the mainland and the car ferry takes 45 mins but has crippling ticket prices. Some times, it can cost as much as £90! one way!!!

we always travel off peak so a 1am ferry costs £24 with a car and two passengers.

The catermerang  and hovercraft are much cheaper, and faster but no good if you need to take the car!



#267 rally515


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Posted 08 May 2014 - 10:15 PM

Hows 90 pounds even calculated if they can also do it for 24 ? :s Scamming buggers.


You should get yourself a car sized boat and start charging people, could be onto a winner there! :gimme:

#268 Ben_O


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Posted 08 May 2014 - 10:22 PM

Hows 90 pounds even calculated if they can also do it for 24 ? :s Scamming buggers.


You should get yourself a car sized boat and start charging people, could be onto a winner there! :gimme:

I have no idea mate! They make it up as they go along. I think they charge lower in the night to keep the service going. Nobody is going to want to travel at night with ticket prices the same as day.

I prefer to travel at night though. The ferry is peaceful, the roads are empty and it's just generally more chilled out.


This is a screenshot that i just took from the wightlink ferry website. These prices arefor a small car with 2 people  :ohno:



One of the downsides to living here. especially when you need Mini parts as the travel costs to collect from the mainland are just too high.



#269 domdee


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Posted 09 May 2014 - 05:46 AM

these are great car these metros... like them alot!

#270 rally515


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Posted 09 May 2014 - 11:24 AM

these are great car these metros... like them alot!


Yeah they are pretty nice, it's just a shame i can't drive it yet :(

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