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Cueyyyyyy The Metro Tart Up Thread..

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#1 rally515


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Posted 26 June 2013 - 06:50 PM

Hi Tmf'er's, heres my latest purchase for a bit of light work here and there.


The previous owner was a 63 year old guy who's had the mk1 for just over 12 months now, the guy he bought it off had it stood in a garage for 2 years on axle stands before selling it to this guy i bought it off who when i handed him the money said "I'l be sad to see this go" :( , only reson he sold up is because its been stood and stood outside in a garage lot with already two attempts at being nicked, luckly enough the youths who tried nicking it didnt know what that this hanging down from the colum was (Choke) after they'd ripped the steering cowling off (battery was flat too so they had no chance :lol: . 


So heres this thread id thought id start to stop Project Checkmates thread being clogged up with metro's >_<


Plans: Plans for the metro are to tart it up i.e. do minor repairs and get it complete, as for non-stock mod's im not really feeling much towards altering a perfect metro as its nearly all there, the most i'l do is play with the suspension/ride height and change the wheels when i find out the PCD.


Model: This is a Austin Metro Mk1,

Engine: 1275cc engine on single carb

Colour scheme is black and red with vanden plas pinstrip and detailing


So now that type up is done heres the pictures:














Engine Bay:






Anyone with info one metros and compatable parts from a mini please feel free to post some links and your own findings





#2 Mini-Mad-Craig


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Posted 26 June 2013 - 07:45 PM

That is gorgeous mate, is it auto or manual? If you got a manual you got a rare VDP to! Please can I see a picture of the dash with it's extra dials?


The PCD of the Metro is the same as the Mini, 4x4" or 101.6. On the Metro hubs there is a center aligner for the wheels which helps to locate the center bore, you have to grind this off to get most wheels to fit properly. The main problem is the offset since they are very different between the two, but its easy enough to find a set that fit :thumbsup:


I'm following

#3 rally515


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Posted 26 June 2013 - 07:59 PM

That is gorgeous mate, is it auto or manual? If you got a manual you got a rare VDP to! Please can I see a picture of the dash with it's extra dials?


The PCD of the Metro is the same as the Mini, 4x4" or 101.6. On the Metro hubs there is a center aligner for the wheels which helps to locate the center bore, you have to grind this off to get most wheels to fit properly. The main problem is the offset since they are very different between the two, but its easy enough to find a set that fit :thumbsup:


I'm following



Thanks craig, yeah its a four on the floor manual box, even graced with reverse which is more than my first car had :lol: .

Currently being held by that house brick as the guy i bought it off fitted a new tank and he tells me the handbrake cable is trapped or something (Will delve deeper soon).


Sure thing, i,ve just been out for a few shots and got one of the dash for you, will upload in a second after putting them on photobucket

Im liking the brown tint with windows have, looks retro :D




#4 rally515


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Posted 26 June 2013 - 08:35 PM

So today the guy (John) whom i bought it off phoned me up asking if he could come round with a few bits and bobs for the metro, so naturaly i said yeah sure haha


Heres what he brought;


Rear Tailgate:



Bag of bits (Lights, Cowlings and pressed Plates which arnt pictured but need a re-furb ect..):



A box with a Switch panel and Circuit board of some sort that Fuses clip onto i think;



Two spare Carbs:



Bumper end cap thing:



And a new Handbrake cable:



So yeah....considering i didnt pay a penny extra for these im pretty chuffed :D



Update of work to be carried out:


Just tonight i,ve had a bit of a look over the car to see whats needed,

not listed everything as i didnt take note of a few minor things but........


Rear bumper needs rubbing down and etching and then painting in satin/matt black again:



Also needs similar attention behind the bumper on the rear body:



Not sure how to go about fixing this rear trim part thats broke away, fibre glass ? or just search for a new one ?:



No rear seatbelts in place:



Radio surround has had a rough time and needs re-mounting on the right hand side:



So there are some minor workings needed.


Next up are some do or die shots i,ve taken of the underside, now these arnt the best as i just got on my knee's and pointed the camera roughly were i wanted it :lol: , but here they are anywhoo....


Front caliper area:



Front subframe and anti-roll bar:



Under the wheel arch:



New fuel tank (from canada):




Suspension arm area:



And here you go craig, the dash:






Edited by rally515, 26 June 2013 - 08:37 PM.

#5 Ben_O


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Posted 27 June 2013 - 01:38 AM

That is so retro! I know what I would do with it...


Throw away those horrible seat covers!

Strip down and refurbish all the standard running gear.

Fix the crusty bits

and then leave it at that! even the steelies and VP hub caps!



#6 Gracey213


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Posted 27 June 2013 - 01:41 AM

have the windows actually got a brownish tint or is that just the pictures??

#7 rally515


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Posted 27 June 2013 - 01:54 AM

That is so retro! I know what I would do with it...


Throw away those horrible seat covers!

Strip down and refurbish all the standard running gear.

Fix the crusty bits

and then leave it at that! even the steelies and VP hub caps!




Not my lovely seat covers ? :ohno:  :cry:

I really like them hahaha, will look out for some retro looking one's though as these leave a lot of fluff on the seats (spent over half an hour wiping it off with my fingers)


There the plans Ben haha, thinking strongly of getting a spare set of subframes and galvanising them though ;)







have the windows actually got a brownish tint or is that just the pictures??


Yes they have Grace, went on a metro forum and saw what its actualy called but cant re-call the name, i love it and think it looks great!, would like to try it on a mini actualy :shifty:

#8 Gracey213


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Posted 27 June 2013 - 02:08 AM

it does make it look even more retro :P

#9 rally515


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Posted 27 June 2013 - 02:27 AM

it does make it look even more retro :P


Scouting through the web now for a deeper tint to put in as thats what it looks like through two pains not one (yet :shifty: ),

The window rubbers have gone all tnned aswell but wipes off, i think its the silicon coming out of the rubber but cant be 100% sure


Thanks :proud:

#10 Ben_O


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Posted 27 June 2013 - 04:12 AM

I think you ought to start a poll on the seat covers!! lol

Each to their own I guess!!


Best of luck Cliff. Ill keep an eye out on this



#11 Gracey213


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Posted 27 June 2013 - 06:03 AM

I do agree on the seat covers front but if they're the original ones then I would be inclined to leave them :P

#12 rally515


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Posted 27 June 2013 - 06:07 PM

Hello folks, another lovely day todaa......oh wait, well atleast i still got some work done haha


Wanted to re-grease all the pivot points so took the wheels off one by one and got the grease gun out....


Heres the front offside toparm area (i do belive its had no lock tabs and possibly balljoints ?) and the tabs are not tapped over correct ?:




Front floor jacking point rusted and needing attention:



Thought i might aswell give the wheels a clean from barake dust....








I do belive these are what needs trimming flat ?, i feel using a lathe would be better:



4 pot calipers in gold (hubs are also gold):



Old grease coming out he rear radius arm, i think it needed a regrease :lol: :



After id cleaned up the wheels and wheel trim:



So after the dirty stuff was done i went in, cleaned myself up with clean clothes) and started on the interior.

First up was to T-Cut with windows and start getting rid of the windscreen rubber brown stuff, i would at this point have a picture below but its just glass thats clean :lol:  :lol:


So moving on!......


I thought id clean some interior parts...


Dash mat:




Also foound this under the seat, theres another mating connection at the front of the seat (second picture):



Any idea ?


The dreamer in me says heated seat but i doubt it haha


Thats it for this update folks, the metro's test begins this weekend as it'l be doing a 200 mile round trip up cumbria with me behind the wheel so look out for me up the A6 :lol:  ;D


P.S. the seat covers are staying because there amazing :highfive:  :bah:

#13 Ben_O


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Posted 27 June 2013 - 08:01 PM


P.S. the seat covers are staying because there amazing :highfive:  :bah:


#14 Mini-Mad-Craig


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Posted 27 June 2013 - 08:13 PM

They may be a part of the loom for electric windows which were carried across the range regardless of whether the model came with it but i'm not certain! Search for similar under the passenger seat and you might reveal something? :-) 

#15 rally515


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Posted 27 June 2013 - 08:39 PM

Just had a ganders and theres the same coloured wires on bullets on the other side too, i'l just presume they are for electric windows


BEN: Yeeeeessssssss!!!!!!

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