Hi Tmf'er's, heres my latest purchase for a bit of light work here and there.
The previous owner was a 63 year old guy who's had the mk1 for just over 12 months now, the guy he bought it off had it stood in a garage for 2 years on axle stands before selling it to this guy i bought it off who when i handed him the money said "I'l be sad to see this go" , only reson he sold up is because its been stood and stood outside in a garage lot with already two attempts at being nicked, luckly enough the youths who tried nicking it didnt know what that this hanging down from the colum was (Choke) after they'd ripped the steering cowling off (battery was flat too so they had no chance
So heres this thread id thought id start to stop Project Checkmates thread being clogged up with metro's
Plans: Plans for the metro are to tart it up i.e. do minor repairs and get it complete, as for non-stock mod's im not really feeling much towards altering a perfect metro as its nearly all there, the most i'l do is play with the suspension/ride height and change the wheels when i find out the PCD.
Model: This is a Austin Metro Mk1,
Engine: 1275cc engine on single carb
Colour scheme is black and red with vanden plas pinstrip and detailing
So now that type up is done heres the pictures:
Engine Bay:
Anyone with info one metros and compatable parts from a mini please feel free to post some links and your own findings