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Newbie Fuse Worries.

Best Answer Ethel , 13 June 2013 - 02:14 PM

Some radios have built in fuses, or a wired in via a line fuse. Solar panels can put out more volts than your car's electrics are designed for, which can also damage your battery, a decent one will have voltage regulator.

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#1 aml1989


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Posted 13 June 2013 - 01:23 PM



So, I fitted a solar panel to top up my battery when not in use, and it's killed my speakers. Pretty sure it's a fuse that's gone, but I just can't find it!


It's a 2000 (W-reg) 1275 cooper, with 'Panasonic CQ-C1465N' aftermarket speaker (fitted by previous owner). Backlight and display turns on, but no output. Searches for radio stations fine.


Removing fuse C4 (you sunk my battleship :) ) from the fuse box (Haynes manual 12.43 diagram 26, fuse 93 I think) kills the display, and multimeter says it's fine. Speakers have a resistence of 4ohms, no hint of power going to them though.



Where do the wires go? Is there an inline fuse anywhere?

Any guides for taking off the dash (would like to fit a parrot and find what's rattling behind it too)?


Thanks for reading,

- Andy.

#2 Ethel


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Posted 13 June 2013 - 02:14 PM   Best Answer

Some radios have built in fuses, or a wired in via a line fuse. Solar panels can put out more volts than your car's electrics are designed for, which can also damage your battery, a decent one will have voltage regulator.

#3 aml1989


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Posted 13 June 2013 - 03:05 PM

Thanks, do you know where the in-line fuse will be (if there is one)? Dashboard off job, or do I just need to buy the stereo removal tongs?


The solar panel (this one) is disconnected before starting the engine, I'm not happy it's stopped my stereo working, but on the plus side it's given me a more reliable battery and turned off the airbag warning light (light comes on on startup, then goes out - previously was permanent on)!

#4 freshairmini


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Posted 14 June 2013 - 11:57 AM

Thanks, do you know where the in-line fuse will be (if there is one)? Dashboard off job, or do I just need to buy the stereo removal tongs?


The solar panel (this one) is disconnected before starting the engine, I'm not happy it's stopped my stereo working, but on the plus side it's given me a more reliable battery and turned off the airbag warning light (light comes on on startup, then goes out - previously was permanent on)!


There should be a fuse on the back of the radio.

#5 silve1999


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Posted 14 June 2013 - 12:14 PM

should there also be an inline fuse on the red ignition wire going into the iso connection?

#6 tiger99


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Posted 15 June 2013 - 12:34 AM

There may well be, and should be a fuse there.


I am not convinced that the solar charger has anything to do with the problem. More likely you have just had a random failure. If the voltage had gone too high, the battery would have been gassing badly, and you would have acid splatter in the boot.

#7 Dan


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Posted 15 June 2013 - 09:16 PM

  Usually there is either an inline fuse in the feed or a blade fuse in the head unit rear panel.  Not normally both together, it would be bad electrical practise anyhow.

#8 aml1989


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Posted 19 June 2013 - 11:44 AM

  Usually there is either an inline fuse in the feed or a blade fuse in the head unit rear panel.  Not normally both together, it would be bad electrical practise anyhow.


Thanks! Found the fuse on the back of the head unit (intact), would've spent hours removing and looking behind the dash for an inline fuse too.

Found the fault too, when I put the solar panel in I pinched the wires for the left speaker creating a short circuit. I've now snipped the cable so at least I have mono sound.


Looks like I now need new wires, was thinking of new speakers too anyway. Am I best re feeding new cables along the existing route (no idea where it goes to get from the passenger footwell to parcel shelf), or remove completely and make my own path?



- Andy.


EDIT: Sorry I can't mark them all as best answer

Edited by aml1989, 19 June 2013 - 11:45 AM.

#9 freshairmini


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Posted 19 June 2013 - 11:48 AM

You could fit the cables via the existing route, would be tidy and out of the way. Would be pretty straightforward as well, just a case of attach the newcable to the old and pull the old through which will lay the new in its position. simples.

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