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Why Are 80S Mini's The Least Desirable?

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#1 minijules


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Posted 29 May 2013 - 10:36 AM

So i was reading over a load of posts this morning, and the amount of times people mentioning how 80's mini's (and early 90's) are the least disireable was shocking! :ohno:


Is there a reason for it? is it because the parts to build were cheaper? or the fact that they sell for the least?


thoughts please.....

#2 kappa


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Posted 29 May 2013 - 10:44 AM

I think because its a decade out for being tax exempt, but may be wrong

#3 Mk1Dave


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Posted 29 May 2013 - 10:59 AM

Other then late 80's cars. In my opinion they where where great. Didn't seen to rot as quickly as 90's onwards cars

#4 alicetheauto


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Posted 29 May 2013 - 11:09 AM

They were still making them in a high volume, and they were seen as disposable so were thrashed. Not old enough to be a rare car yet especially due to the volume produced, or not modern enough to have fuel injection and be "useable every day" (although I disagree with this) .

#5 tomb1992


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Posted 29 May 2013 - 11:17 AM

agree with the above and possible the rover take over from Austin alot off the parts changed so no more 10's and most of the nice chrome and interior buts got replaced with gray plastics some people think that the rover engines got less reliable but wouldn't be sure on that. personally think 80 and 90 minis are great cheap to buy and you can make them look as good or better than older minis in my opinion :proud: Minis still a mini end off the day.     

#6 Bungle


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Posted 29 May 2013 - 11:23 AM

i think it's because most of them came with a 998 engine


but them do seem to rot less than the injection minis

#7 mab01uk


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Posted 29 May 2013 - 11:51 AM

1980's was the era of least desirable Mini's.....the Cooper and 1275GT had gone and the Mini was thought to be living on borrowed time with the launch of the Metro....so Austin Rover reduced the range to 998cc only and did little to promote it or invest money in bringing it up to date....as said most of the chrome trim and interior was cost reduced to cheap grey plastics which have not stood the test of time. Earlier Mini's had the Cooper halo effect and far better quality interior trim and chrome. It was not until the 1990's that the Cooper returned and brought back some of the Mini magic and 1275 engines....even if the rust problem only got worse!

#8 KernowCooper



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Posted 29 May 2013 - 12:00 PM

Phew I sneaked in with a 1980 :lol:  agree with the comments the later cars did seem to rust more.

#9 lrostoke


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Posted 29 May 2013 - 12:49 PM

84 when they switched to 12" rims mines an early 84 still on 10's :)


I can just imagine how thrashed some of the 70's ones got though...imagine the scene 17 yr old in 1983 buying his first car...can't afford anything younger than 10yr old :)

No speed cameras, thrashing it like you stole it :).

Although a lot probably got scrapped once the tin worm set in...so maybe the survivors are the ones that had an easier life.


Maybe it was just me :)

#10 1984mini25


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Posted 29 May 2013 - 12:51 PM

i think it's because most of them came with a 998 engine
but them do seem to rot less than the injection minis

I wonder just how many 30 year old mpi/sportspacks will still have there original scuttle panels lol

#11 Tamworthbay


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Posted 29 May 2013 - 01:09 PM

84 when they switched to 12" rims mines an early 84 still on 10's :)
I can just imagine how thrashed some of the 70's ones got though...imagine the scene 17 yr old in 1983 buying his first car...can't afford anything younger than 10yr old :)
No speed cameras, thrashing it like you stole it :).
Although a lot probably got scrapped once the tin worm set in...so maybe the survivors are the ones that had an easier life.
Maybe it was just me :)

My first experience in a mini was with mate, let's call him 'John' (that was his name after all). He had a very ropey 1970s M plate. On the A52 between Derby and Nottingham the filler and tape that so skilfully did away with any need for welding gave way and the passenger side wing flapped about for a few seconds until the fibreglass masterpiece of an A panel finally succumbed to the inevitable and the two parted company. The second time I went in that mini the ball joint sheared as we braked VERY hard for the pentagon roundabout at the other end of the A52 bypass. Cherished they certainly weren't! Abused and bodged they certainly were!

#12 classicminidriver


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Posted 29 May 2013 - 01:39 PM

General rule of thumb is older the more desirable, having said that, 90's Coopers are quite sort after and go for quite a bit.

#13 wardyxxx


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Posted 29 May 2013 - 02:08 PM

Avoid anything from late 90's. My car was more rust than car!!

#14 Chris99


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Posted 29 May 2013 - 02:18 PM

I love most of the special editions that started in the eighties, just think they were a bit quirky & different.

Rust wise my 25 was as horrendous as my current MPI. The 1986 Mayfair I had inbetween hardly had any rust so maybe its partly luck of the draw.

#15 JimminyBob


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Posted 29 May 2013 - 03:05 PM

Lets be honest, out of these three which looks the least desirable:








Basically the 80's were an era where the Minis were a bit boring, they replaced chrome and vinyl with grey plastics and velour and generally didn't put much effort into making the Mini stylish. Of course there's nothing to stop you taking advantage of the lower prices and customising it to make it look nicer :P

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