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Himley 2013 Photos

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#76 dave 21

dave 21

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Posted 28 May 2013 - 07:46 PM









Sorry if this is belongs to someone on here but this is............... GASH

I wouldn't apologise personally, worst thing I have ever seen I think.

I love how all the fastenings are visible!


there is nothing wrong with the fasteners being visible, group2s are like that, but these are meant to be blended into the bodywork!


i hate all these modern terms that kids use, but i think "FAIL" fits well here


thing is this is my car and I love how people rip in to it on there but no one came up to me at the show to take the piss there

everyone has there on style on there car and can make it how they like

I made the fittins show because to me I think it looks better and if anything happens to 1 of them its easy to repair

I chose the colour because to me it stands out

I will be at other shows so come up and talk to me about it and we can discuss there instead of bitchin on a key bored


I agree with the owner I went to himley mini show and spoke to him about his mini and discussed with him things I thought could be changed but as he explained to me this was the fist show to the car had come to and it was still an ongoing project and that he would take my suggestions on board when completing the car. If any of you had grown a set of balls and disused what you felt was wrong with the car to the owner at the show you would of realised that it is a vibe sound car and therefore must be different in the way it looks to stand out. I think you all need to grow a set of balls and stop bitchin about other peoples cars and try and be constructive.



yes I remember speaking to you and you do have some great ideas I have taken on bored. only if people take a leaf out of your book a true mini owner who is happy to speak to you about ideas instead of makin little groups so bad mouth other peoples hard work and there pride and joy. I know people have there own style on cars and this is my style. people like them on here are the people who will reck the friendliness out of mini clubs and events. someone else's hard work they love to run down it would be different if it was me goin on about there car. if they hate it so much why take photos of it. talking to a mini club owner about all this and he recons its because I came up with something different that stands out. looking forward to seeing you at the next mini event and looking forward to these on here to talk about there ideas towards the car instead of waitin till they get home to run it down over a forum. I never normal come on these but im not been bad mouthed like I am on there. people calling me a ******* and a fail at least I can talk to people propley and like a true mini owner instead of these lot. like I said befor it was nice to been you and looking forward to seeing you again mate.



I'm a huge fan of the colour! Do the fittings actually hold the kit on? I like the idea about easily interchangeable panels if so!



What you got planned next?


the bonnet lifts up as normal and removes off, the hole front is flip front and comes off and the hole kit removes off.

I like the fittings been shown and I think it suits it and like I said before if a panel damages you can remove and replace easy.

I got to line the underneath of the arches ally and im having new rear arms made to bring the rear wheels out flush with the rear arches.

I chose the colour so it would stand out from the rest.

got more sound system to go in and the boot is been fiberglass as we speak for the floor to open up to show more amps and dvd screens 

you are like the people who are true supportive mini owner friends that forums like this need unlike who on here. 

#77 Steely


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Posted 28 May 2013 - 07:59 PM


Right, here's a select few of my Photo's:


Starting off with mine!
















i like the orange clubman and the blue italian job, very good pics steely.



Thanks :)

#78 Jakemorrismini


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Posted 28 May 2013 - 08:00 PM

Unfortunately the weather was terrible :(

Edited by Jakemorrismini, 28 May 2013 - 08:04 PM.

#79 Jakemorrismini


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Posted 28 May 2013 - 08:10 PM


How did this happen???

#80 Black.Ghost


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Posted 29 May 2013 - 10:30 AM



















thats my dads mini there, you need to see it from the side really though as its got some pretty unusual wheels on it that peeps always ask about, he will be chuffed to know someone took a pic of it.



I had a quick chat with him when I was taking this, he said about the wheels but I just thought they were normal reverse rims until he told me otherwise lol. I told him I would upload a pic onto TMF.



he told me he had a chat to someone from here about the car. the wheels do get a few looks, most people end up on their hands and knees looking at them when they try to figure out what they are all about.


You need to post up some pics of the wheels now.


Dave, I have to say I don't really like the style of your car - but thats because of the arches. I don't have a problem with kitted cars because if everyone liked the same, things would be boring.


For me, the arches need drumming down a bit. They are too large and square. There are also no pictures from the front either which could be interesting!


Don't get too worked up though - if you go for styling so out there, you have to accept some backlash from it. Its the way of the world. It would be the same on many classic forums, whatever the car. There's no point wasting anger about online stuff and people you are never likely to meet, even though it is your pride and joy. 

#81 Ken


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Posted 29 May 2013 - 06:20 PM

Before this descends into a war of words be very careful what you say and write. Everybody is entitled to their opinions and this car may not be to their personal taste.


Each to their own whether you like it or not. And as i think now the OP is a member on here please be constructive in what you have to say.

Why has it taken the owner of the car to comment to get someone to stop the abusive comments of other. Why weren’t this put up as soon as certain people were becoming personal

#82 sonikk4


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Posted 29 May 2013 - 06:33 PM


Before this descends into a war of words be very careful what you say and write. Everybody is entitled to their opinions and this car may not be to their personal taste.


Each to their own whether you like it or not. And as i think now the OP is a member on here please be constructive in what you have to say.

Why has it taken the owner of the car to comment to get someone to stop the abusive comments of other. Why weren’t this put up as soon as certain people were becoming personal



Unless a member of staff reads the post or its reported then we do not read every single post on the forum. That is the reason why it has taken so long for a staff member to comment. This is not a full time job for any of us so unless its reported then we may never know about it.

#83 dave 21

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Posted 29 May 2013 - 06:52 PM




















thats my dads mini there, you need to see it from the side really though as its got some pretty unusual wheels on it that peeps always ask about, he will be chuffed to know someone took a pic of it.



I had a quick chat with him when I was taking this, he said about the wheels but I just thought they were normal reverse rims until he told me otherwise lol. I told him I would upload a pic onto TMF.



he told me he had a chat to someone from here about the car. the wheels do get a few looks, most people end up on their hands and knees looking at them when they try to figure out what they are all about.


You need to post up some pics of the wheels now.


Dave, I have to say I don't really like the style of your car - but thats because of the arches. I don't have a problem with kitted cars because if everyone liked the same, things would be boring.


For me, the arches need drumming down a bit. They are too large and square. There are also no pictures from the front either which could be interesting!


Don't get too worked up though - if you go for styling so out there, you have to accept some backlash from it. Its the way of the world. It would be the same on many classic forums, whatever the car. There's no point wasting anger about online stuff and people you are never likely to meet, even though it is your pride and joy. 


i'm not getting worked up just after 2 years workin non stop and all the money I put in to the car the first thing on my list isn't to find a pic of my car with these comments on it. be a bit different if it was the other way round. no anger would just like people to come up to me at a show and talk like humans to me about there ideas and what they think instead of runnin back home to live in there internet world. like I said before ill be at other shows so come up and give me is ideas and what you think instead of over these things. understand every one has there own way they like a mini and I respect that so think people need to respect how I like a mini like I do for them that's all. just felt I had to sign up to this forum to make a point. 

#84 will_


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Posted 29 May 2013 - 07:23 PM

It's very marmite. I can defo appreciate the effort gone into it, so fair play.

#85 Jakemorrismini


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Posted 29 May 2013 - 07:41 PM


thats my dads mini there, you need to see it from the side really though as its got some pretty unusual wheels on it that peeps always ask about, he will be chuffed to know someone took a pic of it.
I had a quick chat with him when I was taking this, he said about the wheels but I just thought they were normal reverse rims until he told me otherwise lol. I told him I would upload a pic onto TMF.
he told me he had a chat to someone from here about the car. the wheels do get a few looks, most people end up on their hands and knees looking at them when they try to figure out what they are all about.
You need to post up some pics of the wheels now.
Dave, I have to say I don't really like the style of your car - but thats because of the arches. I don't have a problem with kitted cars because if everyone liked the same, things would be boring.
For me, the arches need drumming down a bit. They are too large and square. There are also no pictures from the front either which could be interesting!
Don't get too worked up though - if you go for styling so out there, you have to accept some backlash from it. Its the way of the world. It would be the same on many classic forums, whatever the car. There's no point wasting anger about online stuff and people you are never likely to meet, even though it is your pride and joy.
i'm not getting worked up just after 2 years workin non stop and all the money I put in to the car the first thing on my list isn't to find a pic of my car with these comments on it. be a bit different if it was the other way round. no anger would just like people to come up to me at a show and talk like humans to me about there ideas and what they think instead of runnin back home to live in there internet world. like I said before ill be at other shows so come up and give me is ideas and what you think instead of over these things. understand every one has there own way they like a mini and I respect that so think people need to respect how I like a mini like I do for them that's all. just felt I had to sign up to this forum to make a point.
I think one thing that would instantly make it look better is if the rear wheels were wider so they filled the arches as they look a bit big for the wheels atm
What's the interior like?

This comment is to dave with the green vibes mini

Edited by Jakemorrismini, 29 May 2013 - 07:43 PM.

#86 minidino


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Posted 30 May 2013 - 01:10 PM

hey dave21 just like to say good for you for building something thats not mainstreme love the colour mate think its sad that people can be so cruel to others.

#87 Steely


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Posted 30 May 2013 - 01:36 PM

Which mini are we talking about here? Because the one I took that's in all the quotes is a quality looking mini! 


I only photograph the ones I like and this one caught my eye :)

Edited by Steely, 30 May 2013 - 01:37 PM.

#88 Steely


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Posted 30 May 2013 - 01:40 PM




















thats my dads mini there, you need to see it from the side really though as its got some pretty unusual wheels on it that peeps always ask about, he will be chuffed to know someone took a pic of it.



I had a quick chat with him when I was taking this, he said about the wheels but I just thought they were normal reverse rims until he told me otherwise lol. I told him I would upload a pic onto TMF.



he told me he had a chat to someone from here about the car. the wheels do get a few looks, most people end up on their hands and knees looking at them when they try to figure out what they are all about.


You need to post up some pics of the wheels now.


Dave, I have to say I don't really like the style of your car - but thats because of the arches. I don't have a problem with kitted cars because if everyone liked the same, things would be boring.


For me, the arches need drumming down a bit. They are too large and square. There are also no pictures from the front either which could be interesting!


Don't get too worked up though - if you go for styling so out there, you have to accept some backlash from it. Its the way of the world. It would be the same on many classic forums, whatever the car. There's no point wasting anger about online stuff and people you are never likely to meet, even though it is your pride and joy. 





To be honest with you, the wheels weren't what drew me to this mini, when the owner came over and spoke to me about them, I was none the wiser lol.

#89 dave 21

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Posted 30 May 2013 - 05:17 PM








thats my dads mini there, you need to see it from the side really though as its got some pretty unusual wheels on it that peeps always ask about, he will be chuffed to know someone took a pic of it.
I had a quick chat with him when I was taking this, he said about the wheels but I just thought they were normal reverse rims until he told me otherwise lol. I told him I would upload a pic onto TMF.
he told me he had a chat to someone from here about the car. the wheels do get a few looks, most people end up on their hands and knees looking at them when they try to figure out what they are all about.
You need to post up some pics of the wheels now.
Dave, I have to say I don't really like the style of your car - but thats because of the arches. I don't have a problem with kitted cars because if everyone liked the same, things would be boring.
For me, the arches need drumming down a bit. They are too large and square. There are also no pictures from the front either which could be interesting!
Don't get too worked up though - if you go for styling so out there, you have to accept some backlash from it. Its the way of the world. It would be the same on many classic forums, whatever the car. There's no point wasting anger about online stuff and people you are never likely to meet, even though it is your pride and joy.
i'm not getting worked up just after 2 years workin non stop and all the money I put in to the car the first thing on my list isn't to find a pic of my car with these comments on it. be a bit different if it was the other way round. no anger would just like people to come up to me at a show and talk like humans to me about there ideas and what they think instead of runnin back home to live in there internet world. like I said before ill be at other shows so come up and give me is ideas and what you think instead of over these things. understand every one has there own way they like a mini and I respect that so think people need to respect how I like a mini like I do for them that's all. just felt I had to sign up to this forum to make a point.
I think one thing that would instantly make it look better is if the rear wheels were wider so they filled the arches as they look a bit big for the wheels atm
What's the interior like?

This comment is to dave with the green vibes mini


I havin made new shafts on the back to bring the hole brake drum out because it has spaced drums and spacers on top.

inside has marble painted dash with screens and flip screen. 2 snap on leather seats with harnesses.

in the back is the sound system

#90 cradley-heathen



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Posted 31 May 2013 - 05:30 PM

ok this is ridiculous now, the picture of the dark green car that is in the huge quote isnt the one that is causing this massive debate. that dark green car is my dads.


the car that everyone is talking about is the bright green sound off car with the big arches.


just to clear that up!

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