Now some might consider this particular mini to be a quite nice, clean, solid with the odd rust scab, it had even been suggested that all it needed was a bit of filler by someone who clearly didn't know what they were talking about.
And id agree that yes it is a lot less rustier than most (or at least when I first bought it) but the last lot of proper panelwork the mini had was 2006, near enough 8 years ago. And this mini is far from being a trailer queen, so that's been 8 years abuse in all weathers, sun rain, snow etc. also the odd 'little' rust scabs that have appeared have been rapidly getting worse over the last few damp months.
So with a mates garage now empty with his mgb sent of for paint first thing this morning, it was soon filled with something mini shaped.
How it looked this morning with most of the trim and headlamps removed.

And after a bit of poking...

So there was only really one thing to do...

One wing off, closely followed by the other.

As you can see the inner wings don't look too bad, but you'll soon see that they aren't. Similar to the drivers a panel, witch looked solid, but once removed and the flinch panel behind it chopped off revealed this rot. All of witch will be chopped out and replaced.

And that hole in the passenger wing/scuttled has resulted in this... the closing panel and inner wing are all paper thin.

Although one bit of news I'm really happy with is the condition behind the drivers damper bracket that I've previously repaired. I've since chopped it back to check behind and redo.

And behind the original untouched passenger side.

Witch has cleaned up back to bare steel nicely and need no repairs whatsoever, witch isn't bad for a 30 year old known rust trap.
Tomorrows job is to finish cutting of the rotten panel work and try and source a passenger a panel asap as it's got a bit more rot in the wing to a panel flange than previously thought. Oh did I also mention that not only do I have just over a week to get the mini done, but today I was also working with a ear infection and tail end of a cold I've been suffering with for the last week already.
Edited by 1984mini25, 09 March 2014 - 10:16 PM.