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84 Mini25 Resto 2.0

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#256 1984mini25


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Posted 26 September 2016 - 08:20 PM

What I managed to get done before being rained on. boot floor section, subframe mount rear section reinforcement and closing panel.






Also got the un-needed holes that have been temporary filled with pop rivets and the alarm bolt/pin switch hole welded up. With the alarm switch moving to a bracket I have yet to weld in place, as the bolt type one used to leak every time it rained.





#257 1984mini25


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Posted 27 September 2016 - 09:05 PM

Got the n/s boot corner chopped out, new sections made up, including a new tank strap bracket, test fitted and primed ready for welding.





#258 1984mini25


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Posted 28 September 2016 - 09:10 PM

Got the boot floor section, subframe mount rear section reinforcement, closing panel, rear quarter panel corners and a start on the rear valance bumper lip repair.











#259 Ben_O


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Posted 29 September 2016 - 07:10 PM

Getting there mate

#260 1984mini25


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Posted 29 September 2016 - 08:24 PM

I almost got the rear panel lip welded, but ran out of wire about an inch short. But apart from that bit, when the wire turns up it's just the plug welding along the bumper lip and rear valance left.


I also got the new tank bracket welded to the boot floor. I tried measuring for its old location (been welded previously) but after trying the tank in place I moved it closer to were it the tank fitted best. But I have also now gained a half inch strip of boot space.


As well as all the welding and panel work I've also been busy doing other jobs, like stripping, priming and painting the fuel tank, cleaning up the fog lamp and bracket in readiness. And giving a spare set of door and boot handles a fresh coat of paint and new locks, even if I did put a screwdriver through my finger getting the clip back on the boot handle.




And on the subject of injuries (not that I'm accident prone) while welding the rear panel lip I lent over to grab something from inside the boot and caught my wrist on the still red hot boot seal lip. leaving me with quite a nasty burn across my wrist. I still carried on working once patched up though.



#261 Ben_O


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Posted 29 September 2016 - 10:12 PM

Shame about the burn.


I have big gauntlets at work that come right up my forearm as well as rawhide welding sleeves so my entire arms and hands are completely covered.


Problem is, they make me too hot so i rarely use them hence why my arms are covered in grinder rash, welding burns and all sorts most of the time  >_<


Ill learn one day...

#262 1984mini25


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Posted 29 September 2016 - 10:20 PM

The problem Is the first thing I tend to do once I've finished welding is remove the mask (could do with a new one as it's getting a bit battered) and one or both welding gloves. As I just find trying to grab or hold onto things while wearing the gloves a pita. Still the last time I can remember burning myself from welding or working on the mini was march 07, so I haven't done too badly.

#263 1984mini25


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Posted 06 October 2016 - 06:34 PM

Well my new roll of welding wire ordered last Thursday finally arrived yesterday afternoon. As it seams the postman is enjoying a lay in recently, as haven't been getting post till at least half 4 in the afternoon.


Still, I've got the last of the rear panel welded and plug welded to the boot floor. The rear valance plug welded to the boot floor and closing panels. The ends of the boot floor seam welded to the rear arches. Some tabs made up for the wiring loom and welded to the boot floor and the new alarm pin switch bracket welded. Just lots of grinding and painting left.


















#264 1984mini25


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Posted 07 October 2016 - 08:52 PM

Spent most of the day with the grinder grinding down and tiding up all the welding from yesterday. Sanded some of the rough areas of the boot, gave everything a coat of primer and made a start on filling over the plug welds on the rear valance.

















#265 lawrence


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Posted 07 October 2016 - 09:51 PM

Great work as always, at least seam welding all those seams should keep the rust at bay now your in control of it!

#266 1984mini25


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Posted 10 October 2016 - 09:31 PM

Got the boot painted up over the weekend with a few cheap rattle cans off eBay, and have started fitting everything back. Just it seams every job is taking twice as long as it should do. Like refitting the fuel tank and replacing the fuel hose, that just simply didn't want to fit through the grommet in the boot floor.


I've also got it running again now the tanks back in, but even though it fired up ok its misfiring and spluttering at anything below 2k. I've took the plugs out and they were both black and oily, so cleaned them and popped them back in with no change. Checked the timing and that seamed to be ok. I then took the dashpot off and cleaned the dash pot and piston out with brake cleaner, refitted and filled the dash pot with 3in1 oil. Started it up and just holding the revs at 1500 it was trying to stall and was worse that before, so switched the oil in the dashpot back to 20w50 . I'll probably give the dizzy cap and rotor a check over next (although they were new a few months ago) But I can't fiddle too much as its got next to no fuel in the tank.













The filler work on the rear valance is coming along, although I've since spotted a dent (seam to come free with non-genuine panels) in the centre I've given a quick fill. I've also given it a quick spray over with grey primer just to see what it turns out like.







Edited by 1984mini25, 10 October 2016 - 09:33 PM.

#267 1984mini25


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Posted 20 December 2016 - 01:46 PM

Not done a great deal recently. The rear valance has been painted a while now. Although the cheap spray cans I've been using has changed there can size (100ml smaller), doubled in price, changed the paint formula and the spray nozzles. So what used to be cheap, easily spray able paint with a decent glossy finish, have now gone to paint that runs far too easily, isn't as glossy and once dry has the texture of grit. Just as well the paint is only temporary for the time being.







Also another job I'd been putting off, the rather faded 25 wheel centres. I could have got gel stickers made up, but those to me don't look right, so the other option was to repaint the 25's with some Humbrol enamel. Just finding a tin was a bit of mission. The royal fail don't like posting paint anymore, the one and last remaining model shop within a 30 mile radius wanted £2.20 for a 14ml tin. Witch just left hobbycraft, At a slightly more reasonable £1.79 (I remember the days they were less than a quid and going into beatties on a regular basis) only the mk store have been out of stock of red for the last few weeks (only sell the water based acrylics online), so had to pop into the Northampton store while passing.








While I was at it, I give the 25 logo on the steering wheel a touch up.





And my winter, rubber cannon floor mats, witch could be the originals?





#268 lawrence


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Posted 09 February 2017 - 03:36 PM

Any fresh updates coming?

#269 Rocket.


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Posted 09 February 2017 - 07:20 PM

Those cannon reversible mats are the originals for the rear originally

Look to be in good condition!

#270 1984mini25


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Posted 09 February 2017 - 08:45 PM

Any fresh updates coming?


Soon, although I'm ashamed to admit that the mini hasn't moved for just over 3 weeks. And all my attention has been focused on the project mini in the garage, witch as much as it hurts, I've decided to strip for parts. As it hasn't moved in 5 years, I personally don't see myself ever being able to finish it and being sat idle is doing it no favours mechanically. Plus the 25 isn't fairing too well being stuck outside deteriorating, while the other mini is laid up in a much drier or at least drier than outside, safer garage.


Although I have done the odd bit or two on the 25 recently that I didn't think were worth an update. Since about Christmas (not entirely sure as I has that winter vomiting virus over Christmas and into the new year) I've discovered that the spare wheel well of the boot had been filling up with water. I had originally thought it was the boot seal as its a bit old, so bought a new one and had a go at swapping them over. Only the new boot seal I've been supplied didn't want to grip onto the body of the car unless it was glued in some way, witch I wasn't going to do. So I softened the old one in some boiling water and refitted it.


Although the boot was still filling up with water and making everything in the boot damp. Until I discovered wiping the rear window over (the demist has never worked) that the carpet and underlay on the parcel shelf was soaking wet. So the rear window seal was leaking (witch isn't that old) right above the fuel tank and than finding it way into the boot. I'd stripped all the wet parcel shelf coverings out so they could dry out along with the parcel shelf speakers. I've since made 2 attempts at sealing up the rear window seal (if I use any more sealant I might as well bond the rear screen in and do away with the rubber) and after a couple of a bone dry parcel shelf I put the coverings and speakers back in, only for the leak to start again. So I'm leaving it for now, as it appears there is some rust bubbling up under the seal witch seams to be worse on the inside of the car.


Also while the rear parcel shelf speakers were out, witch are only little 5cm pod things. The 6x9's under the rear seat sounded muffled and like they were underwater with no volume whatsoever. So while I've been pulling stuff out of the project mini, I've swap those dead 6x9's for the pair out of the other mini, witch I bought years ago in a Maplins sale along with some 5" speakers for £20. They might not be the best, but at least these ones work. Just I don't recommend being a rear seat passenger.

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