Still haven't got the welding finished on the n/s sill or made a start on the o/s, thanks to the British summer of rain and thunderstorms every 5 minuets.
But I have finally bought myself a new orbital sander (borrowed one the last time), witch turned out to be the typical ordeal it didn't need to be. Bought one from a seller off eBay with plenty of stock, only to get a message and refund 3 days later saying that the sander I'd bought they never had stock of in the first place. So another hunt around on eBay and sander number 2 was bought, then a week later a parcel arrives and sander number 2 looks nothing like the one in the listing. After a bit of google searching it turns out its the new undated version and is around £3 cheaper than the old one. Buts as the nearest stockist of this sander is 30 miles away, an extra £3 isn't the end of the world.
But armed with some local sourced cheap paint stripper (not as easy to find as you'd think) and the new sander I set to work stripping the pant off the original boot lid thats been off the car for a few weeks.

And it appears that some time before my ownership, the boot lid had taken a hit in the past to the right hand side of the boot lamp and pushed the boot lid in, witch has then been pushed back out, filled and repainted. Witch is odd as the boot was the only part of the car to still have the original mini25 sticker and pinstripes, so must have been masked up when it was repaired and repainted.
And apart from the odd minor bit of rust creeping under the paint witch easily sanded off, it's now been re-filled, primed and painted.

In-between the odd thundery downpour during the sunny spells, I also stripped and primed the n/s door step. Witch apart from the patch of filler I already knew about (welded a patch in a number of years back) looks pretty good.

Apart from this annoying little bit that will need chopping out and welding.

I've also managed to pull the rear seam trims off, de-rusted the insides by stuffing them with kitchen roll soaked in vinegar and leaving them a day or two before sanding and repainting.

I've also got the trim clips soaking in a jar of vinegar, hopefully the ones that don't disintegrate will clean up and be reusable.
Edited by 1984mini25, 17 June 2016 - 11:10 PM.