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84 Mini25 Resto 2.0

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#136 1984mini25


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Posted 01 April 2014 - 11:36 PM

The improvised slide hammer might not have been the most comfortable tool to use, but with funds and time being tight, it did the job.


There's still bits on the bodywork that need tidying and finishing (currently 2 tone silver), but at least it now drivable for me to be able to look for work again and the weekly trips to and from the local pool to try and improve my back. Its going to take a few more weeks, but I'll get there ironing all the little niggles and bugs back out what with so much having been replaced. Even on it's fist trip out to the local tescos for fuel the passenger side wiper blade and arm decided to make a bid for freedom and my internal aerial I'd stuck in the front window, rather annoyingly rattles at anything more than 50mph.

#137 Rocket.


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Posted 03 April 2014 - 11:54 AM

Nice job !

#138 1984mini25


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Posted 27 April 2014 - 08:44 PM

Well I haven't really done much recently other than sort out a few rattles, one being the bonnet safety catch and refit the fog lamps under the front bumper.


But first thing Saturday morning a pair of these arrived...one pair of 8/10" trailer arches for £11.98 delivered off ebay.





And I've since spent the last 2 days (a side pre day) in between various rain showers cutting and making them fit under the front arches.









There's the odd rough edge and predictably the arches on a mini aren't the same both sides, so I did end up having to redrill a few extra holes. Plus I did cut to much off the drivers side, so I might buy another set and use these as template. But still, its a saving of £78 and a whole 2p over the offerings from minispares.


Plus the way I've got them fitted is I've used longer screws through two of the wheel arch fixings/rivnuts, 2 washers and nuts on the inside and one final rivnut/screw to the flitch panel. So in effect I've only had to drill 2 extra holes and the arch liners can be simply removed in seconds.

Edited by 1984mini25, 27 April 2014 - 08:46 PM.

#139 1984mini25


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Posted 30 April 2014 - 10:38 PM

For once I actually remembered to stop on the way home from the pool earlier (to try and help out my back) and take some pics of the now two tone silver (ish) 25.









#140 Ben_O


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Posted 01 May 2014 - 01:59 AM

To be honest, i adore that silver shade on the front end. It really is a strong colour and suits the car alot!


What shade is it?



#141 1984mini25


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Posted 01 May 2014 - 10:02 PM

I'm not too sure on the exact shade, but these are the cans I used witch were 4.99 each (online price Is cheaper) witch worked out at £40 for enough cans of primer and silver to do the full front end and drivers door, currently without being lacquered.



They are also the same cans as what I used on my recent mini25 toolbox project.




Edited by 1984mini25, 01 May 2014 - 10:04 PM.

#142 Ben_O


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Posted 01 May 2014 - 10:13 PM

Cheers for the links mate


So you replacing the stripes once you get the final paint job?



#143 1984mini25


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Posted 01 May 2014 - 11:12 PM

That's the plan, although I still have the drivers door step to replace, the passenger door skin ( the outer skins fine its the door frame that rotten/cracking) the area round the offside rear slinging bracket and a few sections along the rear bumper lip could also do with being looked at.


When time and money allow and when my other project mini (I've only had it 7 years and never driven it) decides to stop playing up (the master cylinder has now decided to fail) long enough to even be finished. That and I've had the yearly billy for my insurance, witch rather annoying still has been working out over the last few years that it costs me more to tax the 25 each year than it does to insure it.

#144 Mini-Mad-Craig


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Posted 01 May 2014 - 11:50 PM

I'm impressed with your arch liners. More people should be doing this! I only discussed it with Simon the other day. There's a reason Metros dont rust on the flitch panels and Minis do, arch liners! they solve a world of problems and if you can create your own for pennies like this then you'll save yourself a lot of hidden rust later on! Great work and awesome car

#145 1984mini25


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Posted 18 June 2014 - 08:35 PM

Haven't really done a lot in the last month or so other than strip the front minilights, prime and repaint twice. I first tried spraying them a darker shade of silver to begin with the intentions on doing the rears to match. But went off the idea, as every time I looked at the fronts from a distance they just looked dirty to me. Still they don't look half bad (if only a pita to sand) for a tenners worth of rattle cans.






And this is why I've still got to redo the rears were the lacquer on them has crazed.






The only other thing I have do is repaint the front panel in a lighter more original shade of silver, along with the bonnet witch I need to redo as the lacquer screwed up one half. I'll also have to do the rest of the painting in the garage (means moving the minis about) as while I was doing the bonnet my prick of a neighbour deliberately decided to cut the grass with a strimmer while the paint was drying (had luckily dried at that point).








#146 1984mini25


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Posted 21 June 2014 - 07:46 PM

I've since redone the bonnet, painted the wings and n/s a panel. Its a little patchy in placed as I'd ran out of lacquer and I couldn't really pop out for another can. So that will have to wait till some time in the week as I also need some more filler to finish off the scuttle ends I'd also made a start on.







Not a bad shine for some cheap rattle cans.






The scuttle ends that need more work.





And the other wheel were the lacquer had crazed, stripped with paint stripper and primed, although will need a bit more sanding.




#147 rally515


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Posted 21 June 2014 - 08:01 PM

You really have been doing a fantastic job here!, I admire your improvisation on the wheel arch liners and must say...i will be copying the idea on my Metro and minis!! :D  :thumbsup: .




#148 1984mini25


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Posted 24 June 2014 - 10:35 PM

This evening I've just had to 'borrow' the original 89 clutch master cylinder from my other mini and swap it over to the 25. As yet again I ended up starting to lose the clutch again. As this time the seals in plastic type one that was fitted new on the 25 have failed, along with the usual fluid running down the back of the pedal.


What's pissed me off is it seams you can't get a seal kit for the plastic type master cylinder. So something I'd originally bought (£45 plus the postage) as a fit and forget for a few years, has ended up as scrap after just 5. Plus I've been through 2 slaves (one second hand) in the last 5 years as well, so its not as if the fluid hasn't been flushed through or ever changed.

#149 1984mini25


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Posted 07 July 2014 - 08:27 PM

I've done quite a bit, but haven't been taking many picks of late.


the front end, everything forward of the windscreen is now all the same shade of silver again. The primered wheel has also been sprayed silver and is back on. The lower dash rail with is a grey replacement that had been sprayed black and was getting tatty has been rubbed back and repainted. the black wiper arms were also stripped and repainted as I had quite a bit of spray left over from doing the dash rail. And finally for the first time in probably 8 years the heater doesn't rattle, as I worked out of a way of removing the front and flappy bit without having to remove or drain the heater, just to renew the foam on the flappy bit.

#150 1984mini25


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Posted 05 October 2014 - 08:50 PM

Haven't really been doing much other than tinkering of late to warrant an update. But as I'm having new carpets fitted throughout the downstairs of the house. I thought I would reuse the good sections of old underlay, of witch there is quite a lot of.








Its safe to say I'll have one quiet mini. Already with the flashing tape on the front and rear floors and now 2 layers of underlay behind the dash, single layer on the front and rear floors, rear seat bulkhead, parcel shelf, under the spare wheel and in the boot lid. With some cheap thin under felt and the thick grey carpets on top. Plus I still have a shed load let over to do about anther 3 full minis.

Edited by 1984mini25, 05 October 2014 - 08:51 PM.

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