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84 Mini25 Resto 2.0

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#1 1984mini25


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Posted 04 May 2013 - 05:12 PM

84 mini25 resto number 2. Having done 24 odd thousand miles, used daily for work, trips out, slept in, trips to the tip and carrying just about anything from tools, bikes, engines, doors, subframes and just about everything else. And left outside/used in all weathers (even snow) for the last 6 years since the last budget resto, the 25 is starting to show signs of needing a second resto.

The last resto consisted of a new drivers side wing, a section of front panel that was made up from a scrap section of shelving and filled. Both a panels, scuttle corner again made up from scrap, a pair of second-hand doors that were only £20 the pair. Drivers flinch/hinge panel (bit bodged if Im honest and want to re-do, drivers outer sill (it originally had no less than 2 proper sills and an oversill over that. Both rear arches, boot floor (made from an old door skin) and rear valance bought. All finished off with a rub down and rustoleum roller paintjob for £50, witch was redone with hammerite 2 years ago along with a refurbed set of minilights.

Pretty much like last time though mechanically its ok, the rear subframe was replaced last August
With a new one for £160. With the new subframe and boot floor getting a good few coats of hammerite and underseal, So the rear of the mini is solid at least. Along with new mounting bushes, both radius arm shafts and bearings (cost all of £12 to make a reamer to do so) and a set of rear shoes/handbrake cables.

The areas needing attention though is the front,areas that are starting to go are the areas that were either replaced with cheap used items or repaired cheaply (use of filler) as I just didn't have the funds. Namely being the front panel, both wings, scuttle, drivers door post needing to be re-done, flinch and inner wing, a panel, front floor and door.

So in-between other projects Ive been slowing collecting all the various panels Ill need, namely a new front panel, 2 wings, drivers inner wing, flinch (had it left over from an exs mini in 09), a panels, and scuttle, although I dont plan on using the whole panel if I can help it.

And Ive already made a start on repairing and reskinning the original drivers door thats been hidden away in the garage for years, plus I finally got to use that spare door skin I bought from The matt years ago.

Hopefully I can find a new battery cheaply to get the other project running again (borrowed the battery off it for the 25) and out of the garage, so I can put the 25 in its place and start with the cutting welding and grinding.

Edited by 1984mini25, 04 May 2013 - 05:14 PM.

#2 Ben_O


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Posted 05 May 2013 - 06:53 PM

Good luck mate, I too am restoring 25!



#3 1984mini25


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Posted 05 May 2013 - 07:24 PM

Some of the panels I’ve been collecting …




A pair of new wings, front panel, flinch and a panel, the inner wing is because of this mess and the lip along the wing is not much better.



Various scuttle sections, as I’m hoping I’ll get away with letting in a section in the middle and repairing both ends.



Door post panels and section, I’m not quite sure witch or how I’m going to do this yet. As both repair panels have been designed to be welded over the top of the original metal, which is something I don’t want or plan to do.



And the original driver’s door that I’ve repaired the bottom of and re skinned.






And as the rear bumper has never sat or looked right since I had someone kindly reverse into the n/s rear corner smashing the rear light unit and bending the panel back. I’ve stripped the bumper completely back to bare metal, cleaned up the rusty areas and primed ready for me to pick up a can of spray from Halfords.


#4 1984mini25


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Posted 05 May 2013 - 07:30 PM

Also I spent the day at Woburn abbey for a classic car show in the deer park (you have to drive around 2 miles round the park from the main gate before actually arriving at the show itself) and walking round the gardens in the nice sunshine.

Upon returning to the mini to leave, I’d found that the mini was now parked next to this…



#5 1984mini25


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Posted 17 May 2013 - 08:10 PM

As I still haven’t got round to buying another battery to swap the minis over, as easier driving it than it is pushing I decided to have a go at the replacement drivers door/hinge post. As I’ve never been happy with the previous although sound repair, looking not just messy but slightly out of alignment to.




The new door post repair panel wasn’t too bad a fit clamped over the top of the door post section, but the hinge stiffener didn’t even match the original, let alone fit.  



But by the end of the afternoon after lots of measuring, cutting and hammering, I’ve got the bottom all tacked and clamped up, with the top section ready to be repaired.





Now I just have to hope it fits once it's on the car....

#6 1984mini25


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Posted 18 May 2013 - 10:32 PM

Got a bit more done in between other doing other stuff, chopped off the old top section, cleaned up and new section ready to be tacked in place. I did get it all tacked and primed but my phone died so didn’t get any picks.





#7 1984mini25


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Posted 25 May 2013 - 10:03 PM

Spent a full day finishing off the door post, or at least tacked up until I can try it on place on the car.




#8 1984mini25


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Posted 25 May 2013 - 10:19 PM

And then as the weather was pretty decent I decided to remove the front windscreen to clean up the lip for any nasty surprises that were lurking under the rubber and hopefully stop the screen from leaking.








and after cleaning up with the wire brush/drill combo...








Witch apart from the hole in the middle that I kind of already knew about (stuck some filler in it a few years back) the windscreen lip doesn't loot half bad, even more so considering for the last 8 years at least this mini has been left outside in all weathers and the scuttle is the original 84 metalwork..

#9 1984mini25


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Posted 25 May 2013 - 10:28 PM

So on with the primer and as a temporary fix until I have more time and the garage free some filler in the hole.





followed by a quick coat of silver hammerite, it will get rubbed down and painted properly though when the welding is done.






And the screen back in.



#10 1984mini25


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Posted 26 May 2013 - 07:41 PM

didn't get as much done compared to yesterday, but I did finish putting the top dash rail and dash trim back in along with swapping the rather worn wiper spindles for some I have spare with slightly more threads on them. witch is also when I discovered that the wiper motor was full of water.




so all the old grease was cleaned out and the spindles replaced, and refitted back on to the car. although I did reuse the original 84 date stamped spindle plates.





and as the weather was still nice I finished off rubbing down and priming the various repair panels.




#11 1984mini25


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Posted 29 May 2013 - 03:23 PM

bloody rain, still at least the windscreen doesn't leak now.

#12 1984mini25


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Posted 06 June 2013 - 08:16 PM

A couple of days ago after filling up with near enough half a tank of fuel, the mini decided to randomly play up while driving. with it cutting out/staling, firing back up and cutting straight out again and running lump/juddering with it driving back to normal again as if nothings happened. I've since pulled the carb apart and found quite a lot of crud/rust in the float bowl of the carb and as I've had one sitting around for a while, a new fuel pump. 




hopefully that's sorted the problem until I can get round to fitting new rubber fuel lines clips and a fuel filter. But also while messing around the back of the engine I happened to notice the n/s pot joint boot is split, so that's another job to add to the list even though both were only changed in 2010. Also with the carb cleaned out and the new pump fitted its running so rich it doesn't even need the choke on start-up when cold, so that's another thing I've got to look at.




I've also swapped round and fitted some temporary wheels on the back while I refurb 2 of the minilights were the lacquer has started crazing. So just a simple rubdown, quick spray were needed and relacquer.


Plus I've just ordered some more welding wire with plans on attacking the drivers floor pan and door post/hinge areas next.

Edited by 1984mini25, 06 June 2013 - 08:18 PM.

#13 1984mini25


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Posted 08 June 2013 - 07:27 PM

Seats and carpets out







Old paint scraped off and any rust/floors sanded








Shame about these bits though





and primed





#14 1984mini25


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Posted 09 June 2013 - 12:36 PM

Bored watching paint dry


Edited by 1984mini25, 09 June 2013 - 08:30 PM.

#15 1984mini25


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Posted 09 June 2013 - 08:37 PM

2nd coat done





And the carpets back in after giving them a clean with hot water, washing powder and a stiff brush while the paint was drying



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