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I'll Be There In A Jiffy!


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#31 Tommyboy12


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Posted 13 May 2013 - 08:22 AM

Managed to get a few goodies at Himley Hall yesterday.


Windscreen seal

Rear window seal

2x black fillets

2x Door seals - I think originally it would have had mk2 door seals but ive gone for the later mk3 which will fit apparently.

Indicator stalk - Looks a little dubious but I haggled the guy down to £2 so im not complaining. I think a bit of WD40 and some soldering to the wires should sort it.

Washer pump bellows - This was a sheer fluke find and much much cheaper than the £20 price tag on eBay!

Ignition barrel - Also another lucky find. Ive really been struggling to find an early mk3 barrel. Even eBay was failing me.

Ignition cowling - Early mk3 again (Damn '73 Clubman donor car!)


Will hopefully get some of these bits on over the coming weekend.

#32 Ben_O


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Posted 16 May 2013 - 04:24 AM

That is brilliant!!

Is the rear axle manufactured for the jiffy exclusively or is it used from a different vehicle? I only ask because they look like mk3 golf wheels on the back!

Can't wait to see this finished.

Good luck mate



#33 Tommyboy12


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Posted 16 May 2013 - 08:36 AM

The axle is a Jiffy only unit using the Mini brake assemblies. The wheels don't actually fit, they are bolted on very loosely and wobble about a bit. They are only on there because the 10 inch Mini wheels had flat tyres and its easier to move around with pumped up tyres! They are off a mk3 Polo though so close guess!


They will be coming off this weekend as im going to strip the drums down and clean them.

#34 Tommyboy12


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Posted 18 May 2013 - 08:06 PM



Cab came off today. I washed it properly and gave the bare metalwork a dab of paint to offer some protection. None of metalwork was very rusty but it offers better protection than nothing. Its out of sight on the underside so I wasnt bothered about messy paint.




Also painted the seat frames inside the cab.




The battery had clearly not been strapped down in its slot for a length of time and had worn through the fibreglass so I repaired it with a kit I have had for years and never used! Ive actually never fibre-glassed before but its pretty simple provided you dont mind it being messy!






Then I fitted the fuel tank, which is an estate/van/pick-up type. It bolts directly to the fibreglass cab. I was expecting it to bolt to the chassis personally when I took it off.








Finally I gave the cab a thorough hose down and a scrub with a brush. It was filthy!




I thought the orange colour was just faded but upon cleaning it seems that unfortunately a previous owner has rubbed the paint down for painting so my original plan to renovate the paint and then vinyl wrap it at a later date will probably change.



#35 Tommyboy12


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Posted 18 May 2013 - 08:19 PM

Some other random photos. Dashboard out. Its meant to be held in with 5 wood screws according to the manual!




Took some of the chassis without the cab on too. There are a few mechanical bits missing from the front subframe and engine. Rocker cover nuts, a bumpstop, and an airfilter. Other than that it looks pretty solid. There is a lot of grotty paint though. Looks like the subframe was painted silver before it was offered up to the chassis. Also its a twin-bolt subframe which I didnt know until I took the cab off. Note my new seals bought from Himley!






Being an early Mini donor it also has a driveshaft type ive not seen before. Anyone know what type this is and how I might grease it???




Upon removing the cab I also found that I am missing one of these mounts. The previous owner was kind enough to replace the missing one with a chunk of wood... I cannot for the life of me find a similar item so I think im going to have to make a full set of new ones. Ill probably use the trusty Land Rover engine mount.




Also found this sticker on one of the doors. The payload weight is fairly high! The 34bhp 998 cant be very spirited with a GVW of 1.4 tons!



#36 Tommyboy12


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Posted 18 May 2013 - 08:29 PM

Final set of photos for today. Once I got back inside I put the steering column back together with my newly purchased indicator stalk and ignition barrel. I think the steering wheel is staying purely because the splines are rusted solid to the wheel... I might try to re-invigorate the blackness of the leather somehow. Can anyone recommend a product to do this with?




I had to use electrical tape to hold the cowling together as I have absolutely no idea how the top half attaches! The bottom half has for screws and mounts to the column but there is only one screw hole for the top half right in the middle and there is nothing underneath it to screw into to secure it! Its a good thing this thing isnt going to be perfect when its back on the road! Also I really need to clean my fish tank...




I have a full set of keys for the Jiffy now!




I dug the clocks out a box too. I dont have a lot of trust in that speedo number to be honest. The donor Mini was 13 years old when it went into the Jiffy and the Jiffy itself was on the road until around 2006 so I imagine it might be more likely 147,000 miles.



Edited by Tommyboy12, 18 May 2013 - 08:31 PM.

#37 1984mini25


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Posted 18 May 2013 - 11:09 PM

If you can get that old steering wheel off, I have a spare mini25 steering wheel witch is exactly the same with the red stitching, but a different centre in pretty good kick I'd be willing to sell... 

#38 Tommyboy12


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Posted 19 May 2013 - 07:19 AM

Hopefully i can bring some colour back to it with some dye first but thanks for the offer.

#39 george66


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Posted 19 May 2013 - 08:19 AM




The coupling in the photo looks like its worn, looks to me like there's a hole appearing in the top one of the two rubbers that can be seen, this can cause serious damage as described by the replacemant parts available at MiniSpares


Choice of 2


http://www.minispare...|Back to search



http://www.minispare...|Back to search


It's been over 30 years since I looked closely at one of these, so can't remember if they can be greased with a gun or not, didn't even look at the ones on my Hornet when I stripped it down, I do remember though, that it has the nylon ones fitted (top link)

Edited by george66, 19 May 2013 - 08:25 AM.

#40 miniman24


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Posted 19 May 2013 - 10:19 AM

The Clubby donor car must have been a similar age to mine, mine has the rubber UJ driveshafts, twin bolt subby and the twin offset clocks (mines a 72). I love the Jiffy too, very funky :) What colour is it going, back to original orange?

#41 Tommyboy12


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Posted 19 May 2013 - 03:34 PM

As the body seems to have been rubbed down for painting its staying as is at the moment until I can decide what to do. I may just roller paint it in rustoleum.


Ill give the UJs a proper look over when I next get the chance (probably over the bank holiday). I didnt really know what I was looking at but if they are rubber they look pretty perished so I will look to replace them.


I got the front and rear screen in today and that was about it. I didnt even get the fillets in. Very unproductive...

#42 Ben_O


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Posted 20 May 2013 - 05:21 PM

If you can get that old steering wheel off, I have a spare mini25 steering wheel witch is exactly the same with the red stitching, but a different centre in pretty good kick I'd be willing to sell... 

Sorry to go off topic here but i'm after a mini25 steering wheel if you want to sell it to me?



#43 1984mini25


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Posted 20 May 2013 - 08:04 PM


If you can get that old steering wheel off, I have a spare mini25 steering wheel witch is exactly the same with the red stitching, but a different centre in pretty good kick I'd be willing to sell... 

Sorry to go off topic here but i'm after a mini25 steering wheel if you want to sell it to me?




sure, take your pic...


#44 jiffyman


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Posted 20 May 2013 - 10:06 PM

Hey Tom... though i best reactivate my account on here!!

Cracking job you are doing there. Once i am on a computer i will go through things more and read through... cheers for now chap..

#45 Tommyboy12


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Posted 21 May 2013 - 08:59 AM

Thanks Glenn.


I was thinking this morning about how awful this is going to be to drive believe it or not! Ive got no radio, no heater, lots of wind noise, no sound insulation, no power, and drum brakes. I cannot bloomin' wait!!

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