Nice bit more done Tom :).
Didn't realise they did a mk1 Rear Bulkhead Panel
Posted 16 June 2014 - 06:15 PM
Nice bit more done Tom :).
Didn't realise they did a mk1 Rear Bulkhead Panel
Posted 16 June 2014 - 06:15 PM
Posted 16 June 2014 - 06:23 PM
Posted 16 June 2014 - 06:24 PM
thanks cliff
thanks ben
Posted 18 June 2014 - 07:55 AM
HI Tom,
Great build and looking forward to reading the next update.
Could you advise regarding the front panel? I am toying with getting the panel from M-Machine as below: Front Panel, Mk4-5, Mini 1976 on GBP 58.00
and then adding the diagonal brace for inclusion of an oil cooler but then I see such a massive difference in price to the Heritage panel at GBP 145 and I worry that the quality cant be that good.
Do you mind me asking why you chose M-Machine and in your experience are the front panels good as if so then lets me buy more things to finish my project
Thanks and keep up the good work
Edited by Dylanscar, 18 June 2014 - 07:59 AM.
Posted 18 June 2014 - 06:42 PM
hi jon i went with m machine as others have told me they are good and the panels so far seem a really good fit for the money i havent had any problems atm with any panels i have fitted. i am getting my front end panels next thursday as i spoke to them today so i can let you no how i get on next weekend with the front panel. thanks tom
Posted 18 June 2014 - 06:44 PM
and to be fair in my eyes heritage are a good fit from what i have herd but they are so expensive at the end of the day they all rot it just depends on how you protect your metal.
Posted 18 June 2014 - 08:00 PM
hi i have got the rear valance finished companion box ashtrays finished and roof and bonnet all had a coating of etching primer. i went to fit the rear valance closing panels but i have two of the same so i have orderd the other side today and will put these in when i receive them. i am just waiting now really for panels to turn up so i can crack on here is some piccys thanks tom
Posted 19 June 2014 - 08:31 AM
that is gorgeous keep up the good work
Posted 19 June 2014 - 04:35 PM
Posted 19 June 2014 - 07:45 PM
so tonight i thought i would make a start on the fillering i didnt really want to start it yet untill i got the welding out the way but its something to do in the mean time and get most of it out the way i dont think its turned out to bad but i can never tell if its bang on level untill i get a shine on it. any tips on how to filler and get the best? do you have to keep adding layers untill its right or is there a way of doing it in one go? here is some piccys thanks tom
Posted 19 June 2014 - 07:53 PM
that is gorgeous keep up the good work
thanks mate
Posted 19 June 2014 - 07:54 PM
Tom your making fantastic progress !! Wish I was not long before paint now then !
cheers you will soon be there mate you will overtake me on mechanical part lol cheers tom
Posted 19 June 2014 - 10:41 PM
Looking great tom.
As for the filler, Don't expect to get it in the first application. What you have done looks good in the photos but the best way to get a good idea is by carefully feeling it with the palm of your hand and fingertips in all directions. You will feel any low or high spots straight away. High spots will need more rubbing down and lows will need building up. Often lows will disappear as you take more filler away.
A great way to see is to apply a light coat of black directly over the filler and then have another flat off with a finer grade paper to further identify highs and lows. Obviously, the lows will be highlighted by the black paint left behind
Perhaps most importantly though is if you decide more filler is needed, give the whole repair a skim over. Don't be tempted to just put it where the low spots are as you will spend a month of sundays chasing low spots round. It is much easier to just skim the lot.
Once it looks and feels good and you think you are about there, try wetting the whole repar down with spirit wipe on a cloth. This will give it a shine and some idea of how close you are. It is a good idea to keep repeating the guide coat, flat off method throughout.
Of course once you are there, spray on some high build primer and look carefully at it whilst it is wet, this will show any imperfections and ripples you have.
If they are slight which they should be at this stage, then you should be able to loose them by building up primer and flatting off using a guide coat over the primer.
If they are massive then that means you were obviously not ready for primer and you're rushing
The only way forward from there really is to flat the primer back and give it another coat of filler, or stopper if its really close.
Hope this helps mate.
Any other questions you have, i will answer!
Posted 20 June 2014 - 08:48 AM
I have been on holiday and missed the updates, brilliant as ever!
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