Yeah tack in firt, mock everything up in that area first with tacks which are off the top of my head "A-post Stiffener, A-post switch panel, Flitch panel, Inner A-panel.Outer A-panel and doorstep" you will need to trim some metal or add metal to the doorstep and courtesy light panel as there migh be a gap or too much material there so bare that in mind and don't b sat there scratching your head because of it haha
Heres the A-post stiffener on mine showing were i,ve welded and what to weld to:
Mocked up:

And here's the bottom part of the stiffener that joggled so you can easyly spot or plug weld to the inner sill which is the rolling floor pan you have haha

And heres the top section:

You can see all the extra material on the doorstep i,ve got with it mocked up:

Hope this helps and i,ve not just spammed your thread T