Came with only two stocker 6 Inch Speakers in the rear deck.Even no head unit.
I started with a Head unit - Purchased Refurbed - Ebay - Kenwood, KDC Excelon Model., Has HD Radio - Bluetooth Pairing. Aux Input on the front along with USB reading ability. Solid unit for under 100$

Second - THe front of the car needed some sound... to fill out the complete 4 Channels the Head unit puts out.
Boston Acoustics - 3.5's === Yes they are small - DOnt make any Bass- but fill in he highs jsut enough/
I built my own boexes- out of wood., square- shallow and mounted under the Deck.

These 4 speakers really did well to make fine music- I listen to alot of news radio too ( BORING) but informative for the drive in the AM to work.
Then came the need for Bass.... My car came with trunk trimming kit= very clean - i liked the defined space for the luggage compartment - I decided I would copy anothe rmember here and try and build a sub box in the corner of my Boot.
I lost those pictures somewhere. but in the end - pretty epic failure.
Started with an Amp - I knew - I just wanted to drive just the sub - so a MONO amp was nessary - will be running bridged for powah--- Is what i purchased quart mono amp
Basic- WORKS and powerful enough for 1 SUb like im going to install. Mounted on the Underside of the parcel Shelf - Out of sight. Easy adjustability.
SUB - Ive always had great luck with MTX stuff- Just simply., I liked it - So i had kicking around - a 10' MTX 4 OHM Sub.
I simply made a board- Carpeted that fit over the fender well and I tried using butyl Flashing to seal up the corner best possible- Well this was full of fail - and no solid bass ( cause the speaker was not enclosed) and rattly - I didnt want to commit to a fiberglass in the corner just in case this setup needed to be removed. I lived with this failure for about 6 Months- No bass added to my system at all.
Next- Last week- Bored at home-- I decided--- I want to hear my Amp Work
Installed a SUb Box That i had in my Pickup Truck that has the same 10" MTX sub in it, Cleaned out the Boot - Plugged this sub right up to the amp.
BOOM Goes the Dynamite!

but in the end - This looks like *******.. and cleans out my trunk - no spare no tools, no space!
SO- Now its time to change... Amazon to the rescue again ( I could have made a box- but for 40$ - and it got to my house in 2 Days === I purchased

5 Inches Deep - 20 Wide - 15 Tall/ ( its really for a pickup truck) but its square and takes up less space.
I did have to fab up a quick Spacer- Made out of MDF wood 3/4 inch thick ring then - Glued to the box (because the speaker was too tall for the Shallow Mount Box ) . This brought the speaker up 3/4 of an inch- and provided the Tight Seal needed.

Quite simply - This is the perfect amount of BOOM for any mini. I like this box option - Because if i need trunk room --- The speaker wire is plugged in with two simple spring loaded connectors - I will just remove the sub - 95% of the time, Nothing goes in my boot anyhow... If it needs to fit - Its too big- or leave the boot lid down!
So after today - I think this Ice build is Complete- Solid- Adjustable - Flexible for anyone to add some boom.
Comments = Post em up!!
JH - From the USA!!