I am currently in the proces of fitting my interior and ice to my project mini,
I have bought the subs and the rear speakers, but have yet to buy the front component system.
the system currently exists of:
A pair of kicker CVT 6.5 subs in an under rear seat enclosure made out of mdf and fiberglass
A pair of helix blue B6X coaxials
2 ultimate audio 4 channel amps (older model amps, about 50-60 watts RMS per channel 4 ohm driven)
caliber wiring
A shallow HU (6cm), with MP3, SD card, usb and ipod connectivity, it is a real cheap one, but i haven't found any better known brands that have HU as shallow as this one and I really don't have any more space for another HU because of it's location above the heater.
I plan on building some fiberglass pods and install some helix blue components in the front, with the tweeters on the top dash rail. I'm still not decided on taking a 13 cm or a 16,5 set because I don't want to loose to much space up front, also I think a 13 cm set will do as these can be crosser quite high because of the 6,5 inch subs.
first impressions of the subs and te rear speakers playing were very very good, crisp highs and mids, and the helix's are very clear on all sound levels, really amazed by this budget speakers, the kicker subs sound very good in their eclosure aswell, they do'nt put out any chest thumping bass, but they do add to the music and make for a really warm sounding bottom end, all in all a very nice combination so far, and this is without running any components in and without any serious tuning, so very promising results.
I will add pics a.s.a.p. because I know this thread is worthless whithout em anyway