Ahaa so that was you on facebook with the bonnet issues, haha looking good :)
cheers Cliff, thanks for the hint on facebook, enjoy reading the other treads on here, Evy and MUK...
Posted 06 July 2013 - 09:55 AM
Ahaa so that was you on facebook with the bonnet issues, haha looking good :)
cheers Cliff, thanks for the hint on facebook, enjoy reading the other treads on here, Evy and MUK...
Posted 06 July 2013 - 11:38 PM
another hot day,....... 1 hour off duty this afternoon, so back to second coat for the bonnet and N-side door
1500 wet-nd-dry tmz, then the next coat.......
Posted 08 July 2013 - 05:01 PM
a bit hot today, few things done and then it was to hot.....for me anyway......
2 coats on NS wing
front wing 1.jpg 89K
2 on scuttle end
scullte end 1.jpg 21.26K
both doors done
few more rattle cans tmz.....
Posted 08 July 2013 - 05:13 PM
Look's great minimuk
Posted 14 July 2013 - 04:51 PM
I looked into the Cosmic alloys......nice but not sure, just don't fancy alloys for certain reasons,will look into the reverse cooper wheels......When I had stinky I quite fancied the idea of using reverse rim cooper wheels and then fitting the clubman plastic hubcaps, would look kinda stock until you looked closely at it. Nice and subtle.
Looking great. fantastic pace too!
Cheers Elf. although the clubby looks good,not easy to do repairs and not damaging the good bit's but getting there.
As for progress today,...slow....had the door back in after the battle with the hinges might trow in a few shimms, it looks ok, and prepped wing and A-panel and scuttle closing plate for welding back on tomorrow morning,..... and done a few bottum door repairsos panel prep.jpg
os door fit 1.jpg
os door fit 2.jpg
Thats about where I'm at, at the moment, great pics
Posted 21 July 2013 - 10:09 PM
now Huy'e is outside with the boyz,
huye out garage 1.jpg 72.72K
time to get started on the engine, all in boxes everywhere, but getting there
waiting for a few bits for the flywheel housing.......
Posted 22 July 2013 - 05:28 AM
looking sweet mate
Posted 22 July 2013 - 09:28 PM
2nd coat red on,....refurbished 59D4 dizzy, oil pipe in position, oh yes ordered bits for flywheel housing and so....from M-spares,M-sport and somerford mini's
engine step 4.jpg 122.4K
crank him up in a few days
Posted 12 August 2013 - 08:04 PM
well a few weeks have passed, busy at work and did not manage to do anything to be honest, although a few more bits done on the engine,and only got to sort the cooling and clutch, few weeks......and I had to get ready for the MITP, what a great weekend that was.
but today progress, bought al sorts of paint to get HUY'es inside painted as this needs doing before all get's moved back in, only done the seating area as the rear boot area is in excellent nick, gave all a rub down with scotch-brite pads, cleaned wiv petrol, then stone chip on first, then a coat of celly like brush-able russet brown paint. Well happy that it is out of the way now, painted the front panel, sill flanges and corners of the rear door frame.
inside 1.jpg 56.68K
inside 2.jpg 74.15K
front.jpg 55.67K
Happy with today's work indeed.
Posted 22 August 2013 - 11:04 PM
well been a few days, fettling with the engine it has been a journey indeed, all the bits are on except the rad, which will come tmz hopefully, weber45 is on. Tried to crank him, so anoying been waisting time and money to find a solution to get him going, new leads, spark-plugs,coil, fettling with timing for days but all is spot-on, so all points towards the battery, to weak not enough CCA. I will put a diesel battery on it tmz with a 330CCA + that should wake him up
this is what he looks like at the moment, without a rad,plugs and leads
engine step 5.jpg 58.79K
more soon
Edited by minimuk, 22 August 2013 - 11:05 PM.
Posted 28 August 2013 - 03:40 PM
So here we are, 1275cc, cooper S head and Weber45 aat their first dance...
have a look
Posted 01 September 2013 - 12:30 AM
after a few days fettling, I discovered a damn oil leak, diffy housing plate on the driver side, ended up to be the bush and the pot-joint,drained the oil and took it all apart,.....replaced the bush and got a new pot-joint from M-Spares,but got to wait till I can get a big enough reamer to skim the bush a bit. Further bought a few bits for the weber45 conversion from the current 1380cc set-up to a 1275cc, Bought the right tubes, jets etc from Fast Road Cars LTD, I hope it is worth it as the replacement parts ain't cheap. All the parts for the cooling have arrived too so hopefully all should be put together by end of the week.
Edited by minimuk, 01 September 2013 - 12:32 AM.
Posted 20 September 2013 - 04:11 PM
been a while, busy at work and engine takes it's time,...but all de-calls are off and polished up with G3 compound
102_0226.JPG 84.93K
102_0227.JPG 73.31K
102_0229.JPG 99.85K
happy sofar except 2 different russet colors, old and new.........
engine pics tmz
Posted 30 September 2013 - 03:36 PM
few jobs done today, head lights front grill lamp covers, brake pipes and clutch pipes for master cylinders, fitting master cylinders..........
front grill and head lights 1.jpg 89.7K
front grill and head lights 3.jpg 94.17K
front grill and head lights 2.jpg 62.8K
connecting pedals tmz and work on dash a bit.....
Posted 30 September 2013 - 03:42 PM
Not long now before judgement day mate , just the little jobs that take time and then BRUM BRUM! (in theory
Will the two different shades of brown fade into one another over time do you think minimuk ?
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