glad you sorted the paint issue mate, that red colour is actually quite nice. maybe you should spray the next one in it. the bodywork looks spot on
at this rate yours will make mine look like a project car lol
Thanks for your help Mike, the paint company want the paint back as they gave me the correct one free of charge!! as it was their mix up
Haha, I don't think it will, yours is beautiful
I'm trying to get it done as soon as I can so I can get to some shows this summer
do you think you will make l2b?
If I'm completely honest with myself I seriously doubt it! at least in this mini anyway. I still need to replace the roof and get it to the paint shop, I'm hoping to have it there in the next couple of weeks, I've still got the engine to rebuild, and then there's finding/buying all the bits and pieces I'm going to need, haha.
I'm hoping by the end of June it'll be somewhere near ready