Posted 04 April 2006 - 01:50 PM
How 2 tint windows:
Step one: if possible and will make your life a whole lot easer for many reasons, take the windows out to be tinted and bring inside some were nice and clean as it’s all too easy for stay dirt to attach itself to the film - and by the time you’ve noticed it, it could be too late.
If possible try to have a large mirror next to your work area, you will find out why later. Try not to look in it; you don’t want to go breaking it now. LOL
Step two: clean the window being tinted on both sides. Don’t use glass cleaners or these might react with the film or it’s adhesive, and muck it up.
Step three: As you unroll the film, Take note – Handle it very carefully. If you crease it, you won’t be able to get them out. Cut the film roughly (don’t need to be perfectly the same size, just a bit larger) to the side of the window.
Step four: mix up a weak soapy water solution (few drops of washing up liquid) in one of those plant sprayers, available from most DIY stores.
Now spray the out side of the window.
Step five: lay the tinting film onto the glass, with the clear backing nearest you.
You can check this by applying some really sticky tape to the front and back side – use the tape to pull the films apart, just at one corner, the identity of the films will then be obvious.
Step six: spray the outside of film with that soapy water and using a squeegee to get all the air out from beneath the film, sticking it to the glass.
Step seven: using a sharp knife carefully trim the film to the shape of the window, on some windows may have a black border, if so, only trim to this or the glass might not refit without damaging the film.
Step eight: now get the mirror ready with the soapy water and lay the film on it the same way up as it was on the window. Now go back to the window being tinted and prepare the inside of the glass to receive the tint in much the same way as before.
Step nine: back to the mirror, its time to separate the films. Use two peaces of sticky tape on both sides – use the tape to pull the films apart, just at one corner.
As the films come apart be ready with the soapy water to help it separate cleanly.
Step ten: now carefully remover the film from the mirror and transfer to the window, the side that was facing you should now be stuck the glass.
Step eleven: spay the film once more with soapy water and using a squeegee to get all the air out from beneath the film, sticking it to the glass. If need be use a heat gun of hairdryer to help shrink the film to the glass on curved areas.
Leave over night for it to full dry and re fit.