My Gawd, there are some serious power-sapping noise-boosting exhausts on here
My son works in F1 design and apparently they are concerned that the noise takes power from the engine and they are now doing 'acoustic engineering' to try to improve the power by better 'noise management'. That is in addition to optimising the exhaust gas flow velocity at the peak revs by having the pipe size exactly correct. They are losing a bit of power due to the exhaust now blowing over the rear aerofoil to get a bit of extra down-force which screws up the pipe exit a bit, but the downforce they gain outweighs the slight power loss.
Yeah but my Mini's not a F1 Car 
As was trying to say. If someone is into getting the best performance out of their Mini, or any other car really, they will go for parts which optimise the power and give best acceleration or best top speed, or best lap times, etc.
If noise and perceived appearance is more important, then each to his/her own. I'm an engineer, so I guess that anything which detracts from the efficiency of the engine is strange to me, but obviously not to others. What I can never understand is when someone on here asks meaningful questions about heads, best valve sizes, carb set-ups, light fly-wheels, cam timing and so on in the quest for better power, then fits a totally inefficient exhaust which loses a good percentage of the gains for which hard cash has been spent. I'm sure there must be an explanation, but I just can't see what it is. Even going back to my first Mini, when I was about 21, I still tried to make it as efficient and powerful as I could without it being noisy.