Posted 09 March 2013 - 12:43 PM
The engine rebuild that I had planned for the end of this year is off the cards now, my mechanic mate had another listen to the engine again yesterday, he seems to think the knock could possibly be the bottom end, although there's still a possibility of the oil filter causing low pressure and/or pinking still. With that in mind, a rebuild could cost quite a bit, it's already been apart before by the looks of it as there's orange silicone gasket everywhere on it, so, may need oversized pistons, bigger big end bearings, crank reground etc, all on a 1973 engine. That could easily cost around £1k+
What I've been thinking of, (and pretty much settled on) is go for a crate engine, basically a brand new 0 mile engine for less than £1500.
It's a no brainer really as I could transfer all the ancillaries over from my engine along with a new edelbrock intake manifold and see a minimum of 250bhp, 350bhp + with edelbrock heads and cam thanks to forged rods. I could also recoup some costs by selling my engine on for rebuild.
Only thing is, I keep looking at shiny new bits for it, like Edelbrock inlet manifold, MSD street fire distributor, shiny engine pulleys, basically, stuff I could do without buying.
Here's the engine I've seen, everything off my engine would swap over, but there's a few parts that I want to renew for obvious reasons, like the water pump, crank damper/harmonic balancer, crank pulley as mine is wobbling like mad.
This is the dizzy I've seen, it just looks 'right'
It'll be peace of mind more than anything really. I know the 'box was rebuilt, new suspension on the truck, refurbed rear end etc, the only thing I'm not 100% convinced about is the 1973 engine. I'd feel a lot happier knowing it was rebuilt, but, realistically, a brand new engine may be the better way to go as I plan on keeping the truck for a long time!