Thanks very much Noah, I will sell them on ebay when the car is finished.
Stripped the black paint from the back of the door skin with thinners and primed with Electrox zinc. It's a bit thick here because I used the spray gun to force it up the seam

The skin is welded to the door frame, rather than drill the skin, which can be tricky, I decided to use a cutting disk in an angle grinder to cut slots.I'm hoping this will be a neater job

Door frame is more or less ready for the skin

When removing decals, it's best to apply heat from the back

The idea is to heat the adhesive not the vinyl. By heating from the back it softens the adhesive before the vinyl.
Original paint

Have to say I am seriously impressed with the finish. I have seen more orange peel on new Audi's than this!
Thanks for looking and as always, all comments welcome.