The thread name change really threw me!
Smashing work as usual. It's really coming together now
Sorry, hopefully the thread title is a better description of what I'm now building 
Can't wait to see this car finished. 
I have an awful lot to do, it would have been easier and probably cheaper, rebuilding an original spec rarity like a 997 Cooper but the point of this build is purely for the driving experience.
When installing a loom, it's best to get the big stuff in first - Speaker and phono cables

This is where they go through the OS companion bin

Crossover network boxes fitted behind the dash. I have soldered the cables on and shrink wrapped them. Also note the speaker cables running right up to the bulkhead to save space.

Struggling with the weather at the moment big time. Can't spray in the garage as the shell is in there. I need to spray the seat mounts and get the seats fitted to make the new steering column. I've also loads of stuff like these lower arms and engine steady that need painting

This is the rack I will be using

Most "new" parts are made overseas and are not built using the same quality of steel or indeed the same hardening processes that the originals were built from.
This is one part I don't want to compromise on

The new steering column will be built up from this lot

Bottom of pic is the MPI column. Above that is an earlier column insert. The rest are various outer columns. The plan is to use a MK3 column and extend it. The switches will be Mk3 (indicators on the right stalk, wipers on the left) Like this

However I want to use the MPI steering lock / switch as it has more positions (key in and radio powers up without ignition on)

Just to make it more difficult, the earlier column wont bolt straight on to the lower dash rail as it has a different fixing arrangement, the MPI steering lock won't fit either - the columns are a different diameter and I'm hoping to use the MPI steering column cowl.
Confused? So am I 
Just hope it will be worth it when it's done.