Only got as far as page 6 last night before posting that question 
Don’t worry, most people just flick through the pics on forums
It’s not possible to galvanise panels. The process involves dipping the part into molten zinc that would buckle it. I took some pics of what I did with the C pillar.
Split with a small screwdriver, if you can see through it’s better because the blast media can pass right through.

Shotblasted, where possible I do both sides.

Then I force thinned Zinc in. I’m using Bilt Hamber Electrox and it’s thinned with Xylene about 50 50. I spray at about 60 PSI (4 bar) to ensure the paint is forced right up to the spot welds. It’s messy and gets everywhere so I wipe off the surplus with a kitchen towel.

I then brush un-thinned paint into the seam on both sides. Takes a bit of working to remove any air voids

Whilst still wet, the seam was closed using mole grips, again it oozes out everywhere. This results in the seam having 100% coverage of zinc. No air means no rust ever. If there was any slight corrosion that wasn’t shotblased out, the zinc will sacrifice itself to kill it. Also if there are any slight voids or air gaps, the zinc will consume the oxygen again preventing further corrosion.

I’m going to fill a lot of imperfections with paint rather than filler. The main drawback with body filler is it often shrinks under the paint causing mapping out. This leaves a profile of the filler in the paint finish. Contrary to popular belief, 2K paint is an air drying product and when sprayed or even brushed on thick, can take months to fully harden. By flatting it back, it breaks the shiny skin and allows the solvents to evaporate. I’ve flatted the floor back ready to fill any grinding marks with paint.

More on that later