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Mini Cooper 998 Screamer Nut And Bolt Rebuild

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#331 Petrol


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Posted 04 September 2013 - 10:23 PM

Its the same stuff Ben - PU adhesive. Thanks very much for posting the data sheet up which was very interesting. I noticed they recommend applying adhesive between the door crash bar and the door skin, think I will do the same as it will stiffen the door skin up and reduce drumming. PU adhesive has typically 25% flexture so it's not going to transmit vibration / noise


More work on the front floor, stripped most of the zinc primer I applied off with thinners. I only used this for temporary protection as the car was outside.  Next job is to spray on 2K etch primer followed by 2K gloss.




Boot floor (another) trial fit




Decided to weld the rear valence assembly including all the stiffeners to the boot floor off the car




It's a bit complicated how it all goes together so I will post up some detailed pics.



Underneath, would be uber cool to have a gloss paint job like this but I want it to last so it’s going to have a good dose of Shutz




Amp will be fitted here. It's great to be able to drill all the holes before spraying the shell.






Edited by Petrol, 05 September 2013 - 07:58 PM.

#332 Petrol


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Posted 06 September 2013 - 09:34 PM

Welded the valence to the boot floor. There are 4 layers, it goes like this.




Other side has the wheel arch braces.




Dash mock up. I want to make proper brackets for the dash as it's a friction fit with plastic tapered wedges. I also want to mod the centre console so it bolts in. Finish will be a combination of gloss black paint, carbon fibre, black vinyl and stainless cap screws.




Colour scheme was inspired by this rocker cover








#333 AndyFrenchMan


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Posted 07 September 2013 - 03:36 PM

I really like your dashboard! Can't wait to see it finished.


Can you take a picture of the back of your speedometer ? Thank you :).



#334 myredmini


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Posted 07 September 2013 - 03:49 PM

You say you are going to schultz the unerside? Why not Use UPOL Gravtex stone chip and paint gloss over the top? Heard schultz breaks down over a few years causing moisture ingress etc.



#335 Petrol


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Posted 08 September 2013 - 09:38 PM

I really like your dashboard! Can't wait to see it finished.


Can you take a picture of the back of your speedometer ? Thank you :).




Good idea with the stonechip and overpaint :shades:


Back of speedo pic




Hope this is OK. If you need any more let me know



#336 Petrol


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Posted 10 September 2013 - 09:32 PM

Boot floor welded in




Spot welded most of it but had to plug weld the rear seat upright. Penetration on the plug welds




Forced zinc primer in the seam where it meets the back panel




Same with the heelboard





All this zinc makes a bit of a mess :D




I was a bit concerned about welding the rear seatbelt mounting to the boot floor, thick bracket to thin sheet and all that but was pleased with the result





Thanks for looking


#337 Petrol


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Posted 14 September 2013 - 09:45 PM

Bit more done, seam seal and paint












#338 Petrol


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Posted 18 September 2013 - 10:04 PM

I’m struggling fitting the rear wheel arches due to alignment / gap problems.….














My main concern is the alignment of the shocks. How critical is the position of the arch? If anyone could help me out I would appreciate it. Just to add, the boot floor is Heritage and the arches are Magnum.




#339 myredmini


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Posted 18 September 2013 - 10:05 PM

I would think the issue is in the arch panel if the boot floor was accurately fitted :thumbsup:  

#340 Petrol


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Posted 20 September 2013 - 10:24 PM

I would think the issue is in the arch panel if the boot floor was accurately fitted :thumbsup:  


The boot floor fitted pretty accurate, everything aligned up to within a couple of mm. I appreciate that Magnum panels will never fit as good as Heritage, but genuine panels come with a hefty price tag. My main concern was the suspension geometry, particularly the angle of the shock relative to the radius arm. Panel gaps are cosmetic and can easily be sorted but suspension alignment is pretty important on this build. I have now sorted it with a bit of adjustment; the distance between the top of the shock mounts is within a couple of mm from the dimensions taken before the shell was stripped.




Next job is to fit the new rear ¼ panels. Cleaned off the celly based primer with thinners, then sprayed the inside with Electrox zinc and the outside with 2K etch primer. Note the fan which helps reduce curing times.





#341 Archived4


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Posted 20 September 2013 - 10:35 PM

Wicked work. And I'm sure BL tollerences were more than a couple of mm from the factory.


And from what I've read/seen on here about wheel arch repairs is people get them at the desired angle, measuring from the boot floor, and use a spirit level to make sure they sit right. Can't think of other measurements needed to get it true?

#342 Artstu


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Posted 22 September 2013 - 10:04 AM

Truly amazing work Pete. I came across this earlier and thought how much easier it would have made the cleaning up of your shell.



#343 rally515


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Posted 22 September 2013 - 12:22 PM

Truly amazing work Pete. I came across this earlier and thought how much easier it would have made the cleaning up of your shell.




Wow thats amazing haha, definatly would be easyer, less messy and more enjoyable, wonder if t works on rust ? :lol:

#344 Petrol


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Posted 23 September 2013 - 09:30 PM

Wicked work. And I'm sure BL tollerences were more than a couple of mm from the factory.


And from what I've read/seen on here about wheel arch repairs is people get them at the desired angle, measuring from the boot floor, and use a spirit level to make sure they sit right. Can't think of other measurements needed to get it true?


Thats all about you can do.

Truly amazing work Pete. I came across this earlier and thought how much easier it would have made the cleaning up of your shell.




That is ace  :shades:  I want one!


Thanks for the comments, cut the rear 1/4 off




Arch closing panel, bit complicated this lot as it welds to the inner wing stiffener, companion bin, rear arch and rear 1/4 panel




Panel trial fit











#345 Petrol


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Posted 25 September 2013 - 06:33 PM

Original plan was to use a Mini Spares template to drill for the sportspack arches





Tried it on the original panel and the holes didn’t quite line up. Decided to use the old panel as a template






It was worth the effort as the holes line up perfect







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