Haven't posted any pics for a while 
For some reason, I never took any of it completed, but here are some of "almost finished"
That is pretty much exactly the colour and piping I am looking for to put into mine.
Did you send the seats away for refitting ? Or buy covers ?
Do you mind me asking for a ball park figure on how much they cost ?
Just for the seat covers ?
Sweet Job by the way!
Hi, thanks for the comments and apologies for the delay in reply. I have been away for a couple of weeks and don't get on to TMF as much as I used to.
I had the seats covered in full leather by Andy and his team at Optimise Automotive
http://optauto.easyspaceshops.com/ who did a great job.
It would be unfair for me to quote the price as this was one of the first full interiors Andy had done so I got a rather special deal. If you give the team at Optimise a shout, I'm sure they can give you a ball park dependent on what you require.
Kind regards