It's funny how some things give you the kick up the backside that is needed to make a step in the right direction isn't it? For me it has been our utility provider.....odd one really. And 'how', I hear you all ask, does a utility provider, provide the needed kick up the rear end?? Simple meter installation and the fact my shell is parked very much in the way.
If this situation was presented to any 'normal' person, they may have just moved a few bits around the garage, invited their strongest mate over and shifted the shell over a touch to make room for the meters to be installed......far, far too easy that solution for me.
Instead, I decided to raid my store of 'acquired' steel box section and fabricate myself a nice shell skate (or dolly) to ensure my pride and joy of a shell remains in tip top condition. Yes, I know a pallet and a few castors would do the same job, and I have employed that method in the past, but I have got a very rusty mk2 shell awaiting restoration and I want to build a kind of jig for that one so this is a sort of pre-emptive strike towards that goal too. Plus, the thought of dumping a brand new, dent free shell onto a pallet and dragging it around really doesn't sit well with my inner O.C.D. - any dents into this new shell are to be done on the rally stage, not the garage floor!

Measurements taken and a rough frame was knocked up. I have made the 'stilts' removable to allow for modification and also if the MK2 shell requires a different mounting method, I can remake these small arms instead of changing the whole job.

My original plan was to bolt the dolly to the subframe mounting points, but I thought better of that idea when I remembered I will be using this 'dolly' to transport the shell to the welders to have the roll cage fitted and if we manage to drop the shell and dolly combo in any way, or it gets knocked and damages any captive threads I would swear quite a bit. So instead, I've used 4 brackets that are at either end of the sills - i'm assuming these are something to do with the manufacturing process rather than jacking points...bit flimsy for that task. These will get cut off in the future anyway as I can only see these as rust magnets more than anything else.

^^^ Shell now fully mobile and not sat sulking on axel stands under a dust sheet any more - a step in the right direction I think?
In other news.......I attended Knutsford & District Motor Club's 60th Anniversary Awards Dinner on Saturday night. Even though I've had a quiet time on the competing front of late due to obvious restrictions, I had competed a little in 2017 and managed to not only win the Drivers Road Rally Championship, but the Navigators RR championship too....and I'm the first person to do this in the same year in the club's 60 year history....proud moment. My wife picked up 3rd overall Navigator in the RR Championship too.

Edited by rally1380, 26 February 2018 - 03:26 PM.