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Toms White 998

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#106 tomb1992


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Posted 08 September 2013 - 05:08 PM

What's the fluffy material called? :P  I love it haha. And you don't mind if I base my project on yours do you? I think it looks perfect!!! Quality stuff :D


What paint colour is it?

Good question haha i just went to a fabric shop and asked for blue flurry material.  Thank you so much :thumbsup: . thought the rate your project is coming along it will be well past mine in both build quality and looks  :D

#107 the_samkingdon15


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Posted 08 September 2013 - 05:22 PM

[quote name="tomb1992" post="2602356" timestamp="1349027251"]Fitted my Fabric today not to sure if i will keep it tho. any thoughts? i lite the top rail but not sure about the padding by the vents. i really need to get rid of the gray plastic rail underneth. [center]IMG_04671.jpg[img=[url="http://i1201.photobucket.com/albums/bb345/tombz106/IMG_04701.jpg%5D%5Bimg=http://i1201.photobucket.com/albums/bb345/tombz106/IMG_04691.jpg%5D%5B/center%5D%5B/quote%5D"]http://i1201.photobucket.com/albums/bb345/tombz106/IMG_04701.jpg][img=http://i1201.photobucket.com/albums/bb345/tombz106/IMG_04691.jpg][/center[/quote[/url]


Edited by samkingd0n, 08 September 2013 - 05:55 PM.

#108 Archived4


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Posted 08 September 2013 - 09:02 PM

Haha, thanks :D I am if I'm honest rushing along with mine as the neighbours are complaining about noise lol, so gotta get the loud stuff done :P And haha, I don't think a daily can look much better than yours!

#109 tomb1992


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Posted 23 September 2013 - 06:01 PM

Couple little updates. been slow progress as i was supposed to go skydiving the past two weekends but has been canceled twice due to weather :angry: . 


Mini's up for MOT Thursday but uncertain how it will do as it has a few more rattles than last year.also went and got a Cd player eventually! just a cheap Kenwood System, just happy it can play my iPod so need to figure out how to wire it without a adapter so should be interesting.



i also brought a push release Cup holder from a vectra :D  :D  going to try and mount it under the Cd player as i fancy something different. plus i really need some cup holder's! >_<  

 Attached File  141033279390_1.jpg   5.77K   0 downloads 


#110 tomb1992


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Posted 28 September 2013 - 06:35 PM

Mots past  :D  needed a fog light, bulbs and the carburetor Tuned for emissions and that it. was very surprised. 


Fitted my Vectra Cup holders would recommend them to any one! easy to fit and are quite suitable. (Cable ties FTW  :teehee:)




i haven't put a exterior pic up in a while so hears a recent one





got Sprinting next weekend so will be sure to post some vids and pictures



new up will be wiring my Cd Player and sorting out the spacers.  


Thanks for looking comments welcome  :thumbsup:

#111 Archived4


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Posted 28 September 2013 - 07:51 PM

That's a good MOT result! Had you done your ball joints recently?

And that vectra cup holder idea's sweet!

#112 tomb1992


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Posted 05 October 2013 - 05:59 PM

Spent the day flapping over one yellow speaker wire that didn't make my CD player work  >_< found it was the problem and managed to sort it. turns out it needed both wires for the power all ways on and just the ignition power. works fine now so now longer need head phones in my car :D. also fitted some pressed plates i got from eBay. Norfolk plates only £22 and posted very quickly. good quality as well. should be going sprinting tomorrow if the weather holds so will post some pictures tomorrow    








#113 tomb1992


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Posted 17 November 2013 - 04:05 PM

Its back!! after thinking about selling and putting it up for sale decided to keep it and try and keep it as a daily through out the winter again! 


been having some weird issues lately such as a scraping rubbing noise from the from drivers side and for some reason my front brake disks were really unevenly worn in at the back. the fronts were fine. I've had my bearings changed recently and its got rid of the horrid noise but i think the extra wear in the back off the discs might be from the uneven ride height i.e back cones replaced front cones not so the minis nose down what you guys think??


in other news put my rears seats back in and got a nice cover for them. even though no one can sit in them! makes the mini a bit quieter and looks 10xs better combined with some new mats :shades:


next on my list is a new grill?painted wheels either Blue?black or Anthasite? / new steering wheel/black arch beading/paint detail/and engine!


#114 Archived4


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Posted 17 November 2013 - 05:54 PM

Awesome! And the seat cover looks really nice! Where'd you get it from?

#115 creakyjaws5533


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Posted 17 November 2013 - 06:19 PM


Edited by creakyjaws5533, 17 November 2013 - 06:20 PM.

#116 steven


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Posted 17 November 2013 - 06:41 PM

Awesome mini

#117 mini 100

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Posted 17 November 2013 - 07:08 PM

had a lovely day at Curborough managed to get 5 runs one being a double laper :D weather could not have been better and had a really good turn out with some gorgeous cars. hears some pics and some a video of some off my runs.


1300CC Mini :whistling: :whistling: :w00t:

thanks for looking


was there any clubman 

#118 tomb1992


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Posted 23 November 2013 - 06:47 PM

Awesome! And the seat cover looks really nice! Where'd you get it from?

Min-its :D  was quite Surprised that they sold just rear seat covers came in handy 


Awesome mini

Thanks Steven  :highfive:



had a lovely day at Curborough managed to get 5 runs one being a double laper :D weather could not have been better and had a really good turn out with some gorgeous cars. hears some pics and some a video of some off my runs.

0CC Mini :whistling: :whistling: :w00t:

thanks for looking


was there any clubman 


Believe they might off been a orange one up top but never managed to get a good look at it as the groups were on and off quickly  >_<

Edited by tomb1992, 23 November 2013 - 06:47 PM.

#119 tomb1992


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Posted 23 November 2013 - 07:03 PM

New wallet breaking update:-  The knocking noise which was advised as bearings and low front cones ended badly! was on they way from work and passenger side when bang and car could even crawl home. my dad kindly towed me home and managed to push my mini on the side off my road couldn't push it backwards  :unsure: garage bloke came to tow it but couldn't get it out the cul-de-sac. Under more inspection passenger side drive shaft/ bearings breaks and Hub are Completely gone and need replacing wheel studs were the only thing holding it all in place :cry: so lucky to get it home! cars getting towed and worked on Monday so will update then or when i hear news.  Thanks. Tom  

Edited by tomb1992, 23 November 2013 - 07:03 PM.

#120 tomb1992


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Posted 08 December 2013 - 04:35 PM

Been two weeks but go my car back! needed pretty much all my Front Suspension and brake parts replacing including drive hafts brakes and bearings!  

Its now completely lost its stance but just happy to have it on the road again. crossing my fingers that the new font cones will settle down a lot and will give me a bit off a lower right height but will have to weight and see.


In other news i painted my spot light yellow with some glass paint and gave the car a good Scrub :D , topped up with oil water ant antifreeze.


Wanting to get my super lites Sprayed Gloss black in the center and spokes and may be make my head lights look angry! :angry: if i can find away how people have done it?.

New engines on hold for a bit until the funds and weather improves.




Thanks for looking :D .   

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