hi there mate very nice. a question the front indicator lights are red, so will flash red and if lights are on the same? I ask because are you allowed red lights on the front of a car??. nice build by the way!!
thank you
. no your right there! unfortunately I've got some orange bulbs and lenses just waiting on sorting out the wiring to get them swapped over. Quite annoying as i prefer the look of the older style red ones. Mots a while away though so might get to enjoy them for a bit longer haha. thanks

Toms White 998
Posted 04 May 2014 - 04:55 PM
Posted 04 May 2014 - 06:26 PM
Posted 26 May 2014 - 03:03 PM
long time no update been getting quotes on the front panel repair and got a mk1 fiesta to fix up and sell on. Not to mention loads of accounting exams !!
so far be de graying my interior seat belt buckles been sprayed Black along with the seat belt holder clips.
brought this material for the roof. Pattern matches my color code and have cut it to size to match the headlining.
Its quite thick material just not 100% on how to fit it any body recommend a good fabric to vinyl adhesive?? or anything to fix it to the interior headlining??
would be a great help.
Posted 08 June 2014 - 10:17 PM
What's happened to the bottom of your valence?
Posted 28 July 2014 - 08:52 PM
Jez been a while since update! Been Really busy with work and Exams. recently took a 4 day break to Bournemouth and the Mini made it just fine with no issues what so ever. Besides being a bit noisy at 60.
in other news had the hazard lights and indicator wiring sorted! some chewed up wires by the alternator blades being the main culprit.
Recently fitted a new coil and Electric ignition after i ended up butchering the wiring obviously, but made the world off difference once wired and timed properly pics up great around 2.5 thousand revs
and makes the starting procedure less jerky.
also gone for some High-lows definitely needed change the cones front and back but the front sits like a Tractor!! and the back sits nice so need to get the front in line to mach the back. checked the gap 3.5 inch's of arch and wheel clearance
nothing to be proud about!
Gone back to Orange glass indicators for the Mot
Broke one off my Mirrors so go for some Domed shaped Mirrors. Really like them! not to small so there usable and like the round shape.
plans know are to fit the Hi Lows and to get some stance! followed by some body work Still need to replace the front end/ Valance as under the number plate is pretty battered and rusty. after that it will be some engine stuff! eventually, been pondering a 998 turbo Build but not looked to far into it.
Thanks for looking
Posted 31 July 2014 - 02:43 PM
Gave the mini a well needed clean today ready for curborough Sprint Saturday
also got the mini booked into the body shop however have to wait till the 1st of September before the front valance and front panel are replaced and painted. will give me some time ti fit the hi lows and sort out the ride height at least
Posted 25 August 2014 - 05:50 PM
Mini will be in the body shop this time next week for its new front valance
recently changed the ignition leads and distributor cap. But will need its timing done as its know developed a habit of stuttering at higher revs.
once the body work and timings sorted can fit some hi-lows and sort out the ride height.
also got its Mot end of September so a busy daunting time !
Still considering performance options. currently thinking of a small turbo and looking at the cost off taking it to a company to get it done.
Edited by tomb1992, 25 August 2014 - 05:51 PM.
Posted 21 September 2014 - 04:32 PM
Small but happy update!
Minis back from the body shop and looking fine!! but it decided to empty itself of brake fluid!. turns out it was a knackered rear brake cylinder which i swapped for a new one today after battling with the rear drums. took them off around 7 months ago and decided they wanted to not budge today, anyway cylinders replaced and not leaking for know .
The engine stuttering was from the plugs which i thought was odd as they wasn't very old, so cars running smoothly at higher Rpm and gears.
So Mini is all set for its Mot tomorrow, so hoping for a quick pass as i have had barely any time to drive it this month. soon after it will be Hi-low and stance time!
Posted 05 October 2014 - 06:51 PM
Passed its Mot with no adviser's! Will happy. celebrated with a awesome face sticker on the front valance. since Minis been Wash'd and polished. i also decided to tackle the droning noise i get over 50 mph. i have fitted a second silencer which has dramatically reduced start up noise making more discrete totaling around town., But still drowns quite badly tho. , my dad seems to think it could be the rear wheels bearings this time around, Any thoughts would be grand ?
Day off tomorrow so going to see about fitting the Hi_lows and look into my old oil leak that seams to be coming from the gear linkage happy day's !! also went sprinting again today, car perform'd well but could do with a few bolt on's and tune up once everything in good nick.
Posted 11 October 2014 - 05:17 PM
hi low's have been fitted,been fiddling with them today currently got them on the lowest setting and have a good two finger gap all the way round, May need to raise it later if it settles any more but more than happy at the moment, Looked for some big speed bumps but no scrap's or bottoming out. will have to see what its like with a passenger before settling with low as possible
Will fit some new rear bearings Monday and see if it quietens down past 50 mph.
Posted 11 October 2014 - 06:13 PM
Posted 13 October 2014 - 07:53 PM
Sitting lovely! And is styled just right!
Posted 26 October 2014 - 04:57 PM
Dude your car is looking so sweet now
Thanks Creaky, its finally looking how i want it to, how it drives is another issue, hows you,still going with your mini and Metro?
Sitting lovely! And is styled just right!
thanks Grim! i saw your post on the show and shine section! your minis looking super clean . was going to ask is your plate a personal plate or was you just lucky to get one that looks similar to 998 you?
Posted 26 October 2014 - 04:58 PM
Hello some small updates mostly been adjusting my Hi-lows to get the front end at a good hight- turns out the low's setting didn't work so well with the speed bumps in my work car part, adjusted from no thread showing to 3 know have a 3 finger gap, slightly more on passenger side. might try it a bit lower and hope i can get a nice compromise between arch gap and scraping exhaust
In other news booked in next Friday for a rolling road session at HI-Tec Motorsport! cant wait tho, i'm bit skeptical on what to expect. would love better fuel economy and better rev build up.
Would 40 BHP be a tall order from a standard 998 with K&N filter manifold exhaust and electric ignition ??
should give me a good incite if i should mod this engine or go bigger
will also be going to my last sprint this year so will have some pics off that next Sunday .
Posted 26 October 2014 - 05:28 PM
This car looks sooooo sweet it makes me want another mini again.
Damn you, damn you. damn you, damn you.
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