Update time
Having the engine crane came in handy again this week

I needed to do some paint repairs to the underside from when I moved and scrapped it all on the trailer so on with stonechip and then black

And also welded on the rose joint stabiliser brackets

And made the gearbox bracket

This is where it lives

And also modified my previous lower steady mount by drilling a 14mn hole

Which allows me to fit this

I've got some cds tube to make spacers but I need the engine back in to work that out. Also started running my fuel lines but I've managed to order the wrong fittings and not enough hose

And lastly this week started fitting up the new front before it gets hard with the engine in just trying to secure it to the flip hinges

I think I may have trimmed a little too much from the scuttle gap

Wiring is almost done so should be ready to plug in the engine loom soon
That's all for now cheers