I can't get over how happy you look in that first pic, being on holiday must be torture for you!
Enjoy the sun, buddy! 
I'm sure the mini won't mind waiting a few days. Oh and bring me a stick of rock! (Do they have them in France?)
Sorry dude no rock your lucky to find food in France let alone rock lol
Well back from holls late this evening and as the wife was doing the washing (propa wife)
I popped to the neighbours who took delivery of my latest bargain £100 plus £35 postage off a 16v member

Then a little play time with the mini got the rear panel bit re clamped tacked and mostly welded in

The seam nearest the boot in the drivers side is slightly sunken so a little level with filler will be needed but the lifts and boot still fits good so I'm happy with it

Not so bad on the other side a little hammer work should fix that

Hopefully should get it finished and cleaned of tomorrow so more to come
As always comments welcome. Darren