after that but i have a few bit for you all and a few quwstions. so i will start of with my latest buyings from the great bay
got myself some of these little badboys 10x6 with as new tyres £130 not bad i think just need to be black

then these are the hinges from a rover 75 i will use to lift the front end up work just the same as minitec ones but the only cost me 15 delivered and are probably better made too plus they have a built in strut

they will fit here on the inner wing when chopped a little on a custom bracket

and will work like this to move the front forward and up allowing the bonnet and wing corners to clear the scuttle

now for my questions i have fitted the door back on and offered up the a panel but at the ends of the scuttle there is massive gaps is this normal?

and then after the trail fitting the a panel the seam that the new scuttle end has is no where near where the a panel needs to meet it can i just slot this add a little strip and weld up?

hopefuly some of you will have the answers as i need to get this moving on and will be in there tomorrow and have tuesday off too so should get some more done
cheers for looking and sorry its not much darren