Made a few things already and got a nice setup ready to get put in, but its only going in when the other parts of the car (wiring, engine running) are sorted so thought I'd kick off by showing you all some things I've done and adapted ;)
First off, did this today - made and covered a parcel shelf 'bit', used an old one as a template and went from there.. used two bits of 6mm MDF and whacked them together and covered in the same stuff that you cover sub boxes with, pics:

A few days ago I made the side bits for a center console, as I already has (strangely) the two middle bits, here we go:

(not put together yet obviously

And finally my favourite.. The dash I did

Bought this off good old eBay
And a bit of time later..


Now the ICE stuff ready to go in..

Wiring and fuse etc..


And this beast..

Should make for a good setup, now I'm off to make pods for the speakers

Comments welcome